Get Rid Of Pointless Thread Banning

I will explain and show evidence, as soon as I get permission to forward it to you.

I read Jack's quote when he posted it, but it never crossed my mind it was a 12b violation. I believed it was a generalization, not an accusation of actual pedophilia. Wanna guess who all squealed on him???
I read Jack's quote when he posted it, but it never crossed my mind it was a 12b violation. I believed it was a generalization, not an accusation of actual pedophilia. Wanna guess who all squealed on him???

Nothing could be worse than the one Legion got a pass on again.
It's one of those it's not who you know but who you blow if you want to avoid 12 Bs
Simple...all her posts are idiotic.

...but smarter than yours. What does that make you, Rune?

There is a huge coverup taking place on this forum. Hell, I was banned for posting a video of a 1961 hit, but someone got away with one of the most blatant offenses ever. As you said, it is more about who you know.

You're a delusional and psychotic nutjob who believes 9/11 was an inside job.

Boeing started placing units in 757s and 767's during the 90s. They were to take over the controls remotely in case of hijackings. Backdoors.

I no longer believe that you flew airlines.
WTC 7 was a glitch in the plan. It was probably intended that it be brought down while lower Manhattan was blanketed in the smoke of the towers. There was a delay at Logan airport.

Btw, nanothermate was found in the dust of the World Trade Center. That is rock-solid proof of controlled demolitions.
NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The "Elephant In The Room"

06/22/2010 - ( Recently Pilots For 9/11 Truth have analyzed the speeds reported for the aircraft utilized on 9/11. Numerous aviation experts have voiced their concerns regarding the extremely excessive speeds reported above Maximum Operating for the 757 and 767, particularly, United and American Airlines 757/767 Captains who have actual flight time in all 4 aircraft reportedly used on 9/11. These experts state the speeds are impossible to achieve near sea level in thick air if the aircraft were a standard 757/767 as reported. Combined with the fact the airplane which was reported to strike the south tower of the World Trade Center was also producing high G Loading while turning and pulling out from a dive, the whole issue becomes incomprehensible to fathom a standard 767 can perform such maneuvers at such intense speeds exceeding Maximum Operating limits of the aircraft. Especially for those who research the topic thoroughly and have expertise in aviation.

Co-Founder of Pilots For 9/11 Truth Rob Balsamo recently interviewed a former NASA Flight Director in charge of flight control systems at the NASA Dryden Flight Research facility who is also speaking out after viewing the latest presentation by Pilots For 9/11 Truth - "9/11: World Trade Center Attack".

Retired NASA Senior Executive Dwain Deets published his concerns on the matter at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as follows: