"God is dead"

You think a concept and a practical action are the same thing? Explain how thinking about the nature of the universe is like getting in your car and driving.

No, I don't, but, again, you've obviously made a judgement and closed your mind to further discussion. No matter.

For everyone else, a Zen Tale:

There was a Japanese Zen master named Nan-in who lived during the Meiji era (1868-1912). During his days as a teacher, he was visited by a university professor curious about Zen.

Being polite, Nan-in served the professor a cup of tea.

As he poured, the professor’s cup became full, but Nan-in kept on pouring. As the professor watched the cup overflow, he could no longer contain himself and said, “It is overfull. No more will go in!”

Nan-in turned to the professor and said, “Like the cup, you are too full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

Plato asks, what is justice? How do we know what justice is? There is an ideal form of justice which determines what we think justice is. For Plato, we should inquire about the ideal form of justice, the form of justice which justifies all uses of the concept of justice.
My understanding of Nietzsche is that not only did he not believe in a higher reality, a transcendent spiritual truth (aka, the Christian-Platonist view) but he actively thought such a view was harmful to us. A focus on the afterlife, the spritual, the divine caused us to become slaves to an obsession with guilt, sin, and salvation.

Neitchze was focused on reality in this world. I suppose you could say he was advocating a type of spirituality in this world. He thought we should break the chains of the past and cultivate imagination, creativity, and endeavor to make our lives a work of art..

Again, not an expert on Nietzsche, but, again, like Buddhism, there is recognizing what is real and what we cannot know. Real is knowable, the spiritual is a matter of faith.

Nietzsche's biggest complaint was the dogma of religion, specifically the predominant Christian church of the time. Most of the passages I've read here and elsewhere dealt with focusing upon maximizing our mortal potential. Buddhists do the same**. We can live "right" and become the best people we can, Ubermen, or we can continue to be one step above chimpanzees.

Yes, as you noted, cultivating our lives to be better people, the ideal Uberman, is a good path, is it not? Despite their spiritual beliefs, wouldn't they be doing exactly what Christians should be doing? Helping the poor? Eliminating suffering? Maximizing the potential of both our lives and those of others?

**A statement as general as saying "Christians do the same" despite the fact there are major differences between the denominations.
Again, not an expert on Nietzsche, but, again, like Buddhism, there is recognizing what is real and what we cannot know. Real is knowable, the spiritual is a matter of faith.

Nietzsche's biggest complaint was the dogma of religion, specifically the predominant Christian church of the time. Most of the passages I've read here and elsewhere dealt with focusing upon maximizing our mortal potential. Buddhists do the same**. We can live "right" and become the best people we can, Ubermen, or we can continue to be one step above chimpanzees.

Yes, as you noted, cultivating our lives to be better people, the ideal Uberman, is a good path, is it not? Despite their spiritual beliefs, wouldn't they be doing exactly what Christians should be doing? Helping the poor? Eliminating suffering? Maximizing the potential of both our lives and those of others?

**A statement as general as saying "Christians do the same" despite the fact there are major differences between the denominations.

I agree with you in principle that there are many paths to the cultivation of virtue and personel enlightenment.

The Existentialism of Nietzsche is one path. I am not saying it is a superior path or even the right path.

Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism are obviously alternative modes of belief all of which have their merits along with Existentialism.

The bottom line, I think you and I would agree, is that humans seem hard wired to want to believe in an idealized model of personal conduct and to believe in a context (religious, spritual, social, or intellectual) larger than one's self.
I agree with you in principle that there are many paths to the cultivation of virtue and personel enlightenment.

The Existentialism of Nietzsche is one path. I am not saying it is a superior path or even the right path.

Christianity, Buddhism, Daoism are obviously alternative modes of belief all of which have their merits along with Existentialism.

The bottom line, I think you and I would agree, is that humans seem hard wired to want to believe in an ideal model of personal conduct and to believe in a context (religious, spritual, social, or intellectual) larger than one's self.

Agreed on many paths. The problem is that the destination is beyond the physical Universe and, therefore, unprovable with current levels of knowledge. Another reason why I think it's silly when religions deny God's Universe.

Agreed that an essential part of spiritual awakening is to realize there is something greater than oneself. A greater power, not just a bigger rock.

The vast majority of mankind, past and present, believed in a spiritual existence beyond the mortal.

No one will ever look at Christians in the same light ever again!



Sez faggots that stole rainbows from children...
What were his complaints about Plato?
Nietzsche may have been in the camp that sees Socrates as the alter ego of Plato. I'm in that camp too. When Plato was afraid to say something, he had Socrates say it for him. What evidence is there for Socrates walking the earth?
Nietzsche may have been in the camp that sees Socrates as the alter ego of Plato. I'm in that camp too. When Plato was afraid to say something, he had Socrates say it for him. What evidence is there for Socrates walking the earth?

All scholars consider Socrates to be a real person. As usual, you lie and are ignorant.
Nietzsche may have been in the camp that sees Socrates as the alter ego of Plato. I'm in that camp too. When Plato was afraid to say something, he had Socrates say it for him.

What evidence is there for Socrates walking the earth?

There is enough evidence from second hand sources and anecdotal accounts to leave no doubt with scholars of antiquity that Socrates existed. Plato, Aristotle, the playwright Aristophanes all make reference to their first or second hand knowlege of the historical Socrates.

Scholars claim that Socrates deliberately did not write because he felt written words corrupted the purity of ideas, were inconsistent with the dialectic method, and written narrative can always be misconstrued and misrepresented.
I am neither religious or sacrilegious.

I follow the forefathers approach to religion- AND THAT IS FREEDOM OF RELIGION- AND FREEDOM FROM RELIGION!

Religion is a personal choice- Choose the Religion of your choice- or choose to not follow a religious path at all!
