
The Catholic Church made suicide a mortal sin (murder) for that reason.

One of the myriad of reasons I rejected the faith I was immersed in as a kid was exactly that, though. So if you don't go to Heaven through good works, what, exactly, is the reason for even bothering? Can't you just be a jerk all day, then tell God you're sorry during your nightly prayers, or weekly session in the confession box? After all, according to Xtian dogma, all you need is to believe that Jesus died for your sins, no matter how many or few they were. My observations of some Xtians from childhood to the present day (particularly on forums like this) is that far too many of them subscribe to the "be a jerk all day" worship plan.

That being said as my own personal outlook on Christianity, if people find comfort in that belief and aren't assholes, I'm good with it.

Belief has to be based on reality or it's folly!
Then you never were.

Judge not lest ye be judged. Or did you miss that bit?

But I get it...you can't imagine someone arriving at a different conclusion from you (since you fancy yourself sitting at the Right Hand of the Father and you judge the quick and the dead...oops, that's not you...that's someone else....)

I suggest you might be having some issues of your own with your own faith. :)
Can God make a rock He can’t move?


If He wills it to be so then there will be a rock He can’t move.

However, God can then choose to move the rock and He will be able to do so because He is God.

So the answer to this question is yes and no but it is not the answer that is important it’s the logic behind it.

Two opposite reactions cannot happen at the same time and this even applies to God.

You cannot move forward and backwards at the same time, you cannot float and sink at the same time you cannot sit and stand at the same time and God cannot make an unmovable rock and move it at the same time.

I am disappointed that nobody here was able to figure this out
IOW, you wish to simultaneously argue both sides of a paradox instead of being rational about it. Got it.

Instead of resorting to irrationality, you could instead respond to such an absurd question by explaining that it is actually BECAUSE of God's omnipotence that he cannot create a rock too heavy for him to move. IOW, it's a matter of logic. It's a matter of attempting to cause an unlimited being to create limits for himself. It's not logically possible.

Likewise, omnipotence does not mean that God can somehow do the impossible (illogical); it means that he can do everything that is possible to do (logical). Logic, logic, logic.

"God creating a rock that he cannot lift" is an absurd concept to begin with... One might as well ask a pig to flap its wings...
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Judge not lest ye be judged. Or did you miss that bit?

But I get it...you can't imagine someone arriving at a different conclusion from you (since you fancy yourself sitting at the Right Hand of the Father and you judge the quick and the dead...oops, that's not you...that's someone else....)

I suggest you might be having some issues of your own with your own faith. :)

I gave you good advice! A true Christian has the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with joining a church!
It's like the Mafia once in no way out! Believe me I tried to get out!
I gave you good advice! A true Christian has the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with joining a church!
It's like the Mafia once in no way out! Believe me I tried to get out!

You imagine yourself far too wise. You are a fool if you think you understand my journey. You are free to fuck right off.
So you got nothing!

I don't talk to fuck wads who sit in judgement and act high and mighty about things they don't know. You, professing yourself wise, became a fool.

I think you need to read your Bible a bit before you go around talking shit about stuff you don't know. And no, I'm not going to give you my journey since you are beneath me.

I don't talk to fuck wads who sit in judgement and act high and mighty about things they don't know. You, professing yourself wise, became a fool.

I think you need to read your Bible a bit before you go around talking shit about stuff you don't know. And no, I'm not going to give you my journey since you are beneath me.


So you got nothing ,Alligator mouth,hummingbird ass!
I don't talk to fuck wads who sit in judgement and act high and mighty about things they don't know. You, professing yourself wise, became a fool.

I think you need to read your Bible a bit before you go around talking shit about stuff you don't know. And no, I'm not going to give you my journey since you are beneath me.


You're arguing with an irrational person who self-medicates with THC gummies. Jus' sayin'.

I never expect rational behavior from irrational people.

So you got nothing ,Alligator mouth,hummingbird ass!
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Do you expect yourself to behave rationally, Terry?

Yes, Sybil. Do you think you and your "friends" act rationally?

Do you think a person who constantly lies about having sock puppets is irrational or simply a rational liar?