good grief, The School Speech..

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I didn't even know much about this story, but to read the board last week, I was convinced that there was some heavy duty brainwashing planned...the new generation of "Obama youth," parrotting platitudes about change & socialism.

Now, it's just boring ol' Obama...

Thanks to us rightwingers, Obama and his cohorts changed the speech from indoctrination to meaningless bullshit.

We keep stopping him at every turn. Obama is no longer the God you people portray him to be. His poll numbers prove that.
Thanks to us rightwingers, Obama and his cohorts changed the speech from indoctrination to meaningless bullshit.

We keep stopping him at every turn. Obama is no longer the God you people portray him to be. His poll numbers prove that.

Keep stopping him?

Let's see; the stimulus passed. Healthcare reform WILL pass, in some form or another. The federal budget how heavily prioritizes things like alternative energy, education, healthcare, et al., marking a fairly dramatic departure from the Bush years.

Keep up the great work!
Totally, man. It's like the left has so totally lost is that they are defending lesson plans. Lesson plans, for crying out loud. How could the left so totally embrace lesson plans after what they did to Bush. Seriously. The mind boggles.
My problems with Bush were spending, spending, undeclared nation-building wars (that he swore not to do during the campaign), warrantless wiretapping, using the NSA to listen in on domestic calls, his poor military leadership (taking years to finally do what is the only right thing when you take over a nation and put enough bodies on the ground to give security), spending all political capital available to support all the things he promised not to do in his first campaign... and they went on and on.

My problems with Obama are:

1. Continuing Illegal Wiretaps, strengthening them by adding that you can't even sue them over abuses.
2. Continuing undeclared nation-building rubbish (but then I didn't expect him not to.)
3. Spending fruitlessly to supposedly "stimulate."
4. Poor policy that pretends that government "options" that have an artificial advantage (tort reform, exempting the government "option" from lawsuits) that they will not allow the "competition" to have.
5. Direct takeovers of private businesses that were never "insured" by the government, however "temporary" or how much he "doesn't want to" do it.
6. Constant attempts to push for quick passing the most important of legislation that will effect generations of Americans without any input from constituents.

and more, sometimes less important but still objections.

Much smaller objections include such "lesson plans" that aggrandize the man, however I don't have to ignore smaller problematic activities and pretend my brain is incapable of holding more than one idea at a time when it becomes convenient to others for me to ignore them.

I don't have to pretend to support democratic policy as I've never suggested that I have, I don't have to pretend that such things like an attempt to aggrandize the man through suggested "lesson plans" are not something we should pay attention to. I don't want this President to set such precedent, I don't want future Presidents to have this kind of thing be old hat, I don't like the idea of such activity in public schools that most people have no alternative but to send their children to and I absolutely would have the same feeling if the President had an R next to his name.

By all means make a speech, do what many Presidents have before and will in the future, just don't offer up lesson plans however optional they may be that are designed to aggrandize the man.

Again, if Bush had proffered these plans you would have objected, and I would have too.
Anyway, I don't see the objections that I had to that kind of thing inconsistent with my more libertarian worldview.
More straw man projection. I am not "angry" I simply point out that you are a hack willing to be an apologist for any action taken whether you would have objected about the same from somebody with a different affiliation.

And no, you didn't post "more objections" in these past few months than I did about Bush, you just never paid attention because you have always been one to argue what you believe about somebody more than what they have actually said.

My problems with Bush were spending, spending, undeclared nation-building wars (that he swore not to do during the campaign), warrantless wiretapping, using the NSA to listen in on domestic calls, his poor military leadership (taking years to finally do what is the only right thing when you take over a nation and put enough bodies on the ground to give security), spending all political capital available to support all the things he promised not to do in his first campaign... and they went on and on.

You don't have a moral high ground here, you would have thrown a fit if Bush made lesson plans aggrandizing himself even if they were "voluntary," and rightly so. The only difference is I would have been there with you rather than apologizing for it.

My problems with Obama are:

1. Continuing Illegal Wiretaps, strengthening them by adding that you can't even sue them over abuses.
2. Continuing undeclared nation-building rubbish (but then I didn't expect him not to.)
3. Spending fruitlessly to supposedly "stimulate."
4. Poor policy that pretends that government "options" that have an artificial advantage (tort reform, exempting the government "option" from lawsuits) that they will not allow the "competition" to have.
5. Direct takeovers of private businesses that were never "insured" by the government, however "temporary" or how much he "doesn't want to" do it.
6. Constant attempts to push for quick passing the most important of legislation that will effect generations of Americans without any input from constituents.

and more.

Much smaller objections include such "lesson plans" that aggrandize the man, however I don't have to ignore smaller problematic activities and pretend my brain is incapable of holding more than one idea at a time when it becomes convenient to others for me to ignore them.

I don't have to pretend to support democratic policy as I've never suggested that I have, I don't have to pretend that such things like an attempt to aggrandize the man through suggested "lesson plans" are not something we should pay attention to. I don't want this President to set such precedent, I don't want future Presidents to have this kind of thing be old hat, I don't like the idea of such activity in public schools that most people have no alternative but to send their children to and I absolutely would have the same feeling if the President had an R next to his name.

Make a speech, do what many Presidents have before and will in the future, just don't offer up lesson plans however optional they may be that are designed to aggrandize the man.

I'll try to be more sensitive to your concerns about socialist indoctrination lesson plans.

What would be a good, unbiased source of news where I can stay informed on lesson plans, death panels, and birth certificates? NewsMax?
I'll try to be more sensitive to your concerns about socialist indoctrination lesson plans.

What would be a good, unbiased source of news where I can stay informed on lesson plans, death panels, and birth certificates? NewsMax?
Did you see it? He again missed it.

It doesn't have to be "socialist", in fact I never said that they were "socialist" that is the same regular pattern you have. You want me to have said that, so you just go off in that direction without any regard to the actual statements of the other person. Nobody talked about "news sources" they simply referred to the Department of Education website and the actual lesson plans corresponding to the pre and post speech time periods in the classroom.

You are lost in your own mind where anybody who you think is in disagreement is exactly what you want to believe they are, unfortunately for you reality is a bit different than that, I didn't say or believe what you want me to have believed or said.
"You are lost in your own mind where anybody who you think is in disagreement is exactly what you want to believe they are, unfortunately for you reality is a bit different than that. "

Kinda like telling anyone who leans left that they'd be up in arms for sure if Bush did the same thing?
"You are lost in your own mind where anybody who you think is in disagreement is exactly what you want to believe they are, unfortunately for you reality is a bit different than that. "

Kinda like telling anyone who leans left that they'd be up in arms for sure if Bush did the same thing?
Not particularly, that is based in experience. Eight years worth of whenever Bush sneezed being blamed for supporting thousands dying from the flu kind of gives some perspective into how people would react. In order to believe that I would have supported it from Bush one would have to ignore that same experience or not have noticed it due to their own happy mind-world where everybody is how you want them to be.

The lesson plans were addressed adequately. I have no problem with my kid watching the speech in the classroom. I'm happy.
Not particularly, that is based in experience. Eight years worth of whenever Bush sneezed being blamed for supporting thousands dying from the flu kind of gives some perspective into how people would react. .

Sure - it's accurate to say that about SOME on the left.

It is not as accurate to describe every leftie you address that way.
Sure - it's accurate to say that about SOME on the left.

It is not as accurate to describe every leftie you address that way.
True. Some lefties may never have objected to Bush publishing lesson plans that centered on his awesomeness, but they would be extremely rare and more than likely those who are not plugged into every day politics like we are here.
Did you see it? He again missed it.

It doesn't have to be "socialist", in fact I never said that they were "socialist" that is the same regular pattern you have. You want me to have said that, so you just go off in that direction without any regard to the actual statements of the other person. Nobody talked about "news sources" they simply referred to the Department of Education website and the actual lesson plans corresponding to the pre and post speech time periods in the classroom.

I was being tongue in cheek Damo, have a beer and calm down.

I really can't get worked up about lesson plans. Judging from the birth certificate, death panel, and "secret muslim" brouhaha's I have to assume the rightwing is either lying or exaggerating about the lesson plans, but I don't care enough about it to check.

I've got other problems with obama, that to me are more consequential.

You are lost in your own mind where anybody who you think is in disagreement is exactly what you want to believe they are, unfortunately for you reality is a bit different than that, I didn't say or believe what you want me to have believed or said.

HaHa...good one, Damo. I totally feel like I'm "lost in my own mind". I've been freaking working 70 hour weeks for the last 8 months, and I totally need some down time, preferably at a Mexican resort.

I'm not sure what all that other psycho babble is about..... sorry!
I was being tongue in cheek Damo, have a beer and calm down.

I really can't get worked up about lesson plans. Judging from the birth certificate, death panel, and "secret muslim" brouhaha's I have to assume the rightwing is either lying or exaggerating about the lesson plans, but I don't care enough about it to check.

I've got other problems with obama, that to me are more consequential.

HaHa...good one, Damo. I totally feel like I'm "lost in my own mind". I've been freaking working 70 hour weeks for the last 8 months, and I totally need some down time, preferably at a Mexican resort.

I'm not sure what all that other psycho babble is about..... sorry!
Well, I hope you get some of that downtime. I too am sick of 12 hour days and constantly picking up the slack for others. I'd prefer my downtime to be up camping though, much quieter and without other people. People annoy me.

The foolish lesson plans have been changed, IMO wisely so, I'm relatively happy with the result.
I don't have a problem with the speech as it is now. I can't say if I would have had a problem with the proposed lesson plans as I haven't seen them. Our school won't be showing the speech or demanding that our kids watch it and be able to report over it the next day....some will.

My wife and I were discussing this over the weekend. Not being informed enough to make a call I told her that it would depend upon the content. I said as long as there were no politics involved then it wasn't a big deal. I'm happy having read the speech.
Again, the speech wasn't the part that people had any issues with. Please, quit being pretentiously disingenuous and incapable of understanding the difference between a speech and the "lesson plans" that went along with it. Adding "might" didn't make them any better.

That's TOTALLY ridiculous and once again you're into your "save the morons so they won't run away" mode.

I can post a hundred articles that talk against the speech not the lesson plans .. and you know that I can.

How about you putting up a red flag or something so we know when you're just in your save the morons mode or when to take you seriously.
It seems to me that the only whiners on here have been some old timers because new people came on board..waa waaaa
The Sept. 8 speech, which will be broadcast on the White House Web site and on the C-SPAN cable network, was criticized by Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer, who called it an attempt by Obama to “indoctrinate America’s children to his socialist agenda.”

“The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government- run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president, is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans,” Greer said Sept. 1 in a statement on the party’s Web site.

It seems to me that the only whiners on here have been some old timers because new people came on board..waa waaaa

Sorry about all the whining, memes. You're right on that; you should be able to lie, exagerrate and fear-monger without comment or criticism.

I'll be more careful about that going forward.
Oh how interesting, It has gone from indoctrination to boring. You right wing idiots can't make up your mind
It's something to bitch about. That's all.

Seriously Soccer, the more this goes on and the more detached from the mainstream of American politics the Republican party goes, the less chance that economic conservatives, such as myself, will return to the party.

Right now I see the Republican party as a group of Oligarchs trying to manipulate the prejudices and fears of the elderly, illiterate, ignorant and uneducated in order to persuade them to support a political organization which does not have their economic interest at heart.