good grief, The School Speech..

My feelings tend towards what the Bare Knuckled Pundit said on that. Big Whoop. It's pretty pathetic to think one speech by a politician would have more of an influence on a child then a life time of parental teaching. I have bigger worries that concern me than this.
Where's SM? I think it was he who had a nice statement written by the representative of the Chocktaw nation about indoctrination. I don't think it would have stopped there if this had passed unremarked.
Where's SM? I think it was he who had a nice statement written by the representative of the Chocktaw nation about indoctrination. I don't think it would have stopped there if this had passed unremarked.

What representative of the Choctaw nation? Might be some of my kinfolks.
Where's SM? I think it was he who had a nice statement written by the representative of the Chocktaw nation about indoctrination. I don't think it would have stopped there if this had passed unremarked.

Totally. Next thing you know Obama would be, like, telling kids they should volunteer in their communities or something and then they'll be part of Obama civilian defense corps turning in their parents for not separating the plastic from the paper and getting them shipped off to Obamaliscious re-education camps and stuff.

Where will it end? WHERE WILL IT END!!!?!?@!?!?!!

I'm so happy that the defenders of liberty have fought bravely against a lesson plan so that we adults need not fear the children from turning us in for crimes against the environment. It was a close call . . .

Remain vigilant.

Totally. Next thing you know Obama would be, like, telling kids they should volunteer in their communities or something and then they'll be part of Obama civilian defense corps turning in their parents for not separating the plastic from the paper and getting them shipped off to Obamaliscious re-education camps and stuff.

Where will it end? WHERE WILL IT END!!!?!?@!?!?!!

I'm so happy that the defenders of liberty have fought bravely against a lesson plan so that we adults need not fear the children from turning us in for crimes against the environment. It was a close call . . .

Remain vigilant.

Or it would be quieter, included in the lesson plans in the schools, unremarked upon and unwatched.
And again, I believe that these are people in the minority of the party and they are hypocrites doing exactly what they object to. When even Dick Wadham supports the speech after removal of the lesson plan (big deal actually, this dude absolutely is the hugest anti-Obama nut that I know of) it really is more mainstream in the other direction.
Yea, except these are the people speaking for the Republican party and for so called conservatives. That really just emphasizes my point that knee jerks like this from party leaders are leading the Republican party farther and farther away from the main stream.
Yea, except these are the people speaking for the Republican party and for so called conservatives. That really just emphasizes my point that knee jerks like this from party leaders are leading the Republican party farther and farther away from the main stream.
What "knee-jerks" like Wadham who dropped objection and urges people to have their kids listen to the speech are leading the party away from the mainstream? You didn't comprehend what I wrote at all.

People like Wadham are the more likely to object regardless, but when even he drops objection the mainstream of the party is on the side of the kids hearing the speech.
Where's SM? I think it was he who had a nice statement written by the representative of the Chocktaw nation about indoctrination. I don't think it would have stopped there if this had passed unremarked.
I'm sorry but that just sound plain paranoid to me. Was NCLB an attempt to indoctrinate our children? No and those who thought it was were delusional. Same here.
Yea, except these are the people speaking for the Republican party and for so called conservatives. That really just emphasizes my point that knee jerks like this from party leaders are leading the Republican party farther and farther away from the main stream.

The lesson plan was premised on children being obedient slaves to obama.
Yea, except these are the people speaking for the Republican party and for so called conservatives. That really just emphasizes my point that knee jerks like this from party leaders are leading the Republican party farther and farther away from the main stream.

were you saying the same thing about the anti-war protesters with the Bush administration?
these are parents with children who were showing concerns, how does that make them out of touch with mainstream America. And how do you know they were only Republicans and conservatives?
I'm sorry but that just sound plain paranoid to me. Was NCLB an attempt to indoctrinate our children? No and those who thought it was were delusional. Same here.
If you see direct evidence of an action that you want stopped and object to it, it then is removed, this is good. Even if you pretend that it is "paranoid" to think that anybody in government might go too far. I really don't care if you think I am paranoid, I do not trust the government in its many forms. It is consistent with my libertarian world view.

I told you all before, I have no shame objecting to introduction of such indoctrination in the schools. I would object even if it was my style of government they were trying to praise. Schools should teach objective thought, not lead them to the approved POV of any leader.

My kids will watch this speech today. I no longer have any objections.
Why can't we just call this for what it is?

This is nothing more than another major embarassment for conservatives. They are not "picking their battles" - they are opposing & exaggerating everything Obama does, and coming out the other side looking like paranoid, lying fanatics.

Cue slew of "lefties did it too!" responses...
Why can't we just call this for what it is?

This is nothing more than another major embarassment for conservatives. They are not "picking their battles" - they are opposing & exaggerating everything Obama does, and coming out the other side looking like paranoid, lying fanatics.

Cue slew of "lefties did it too!" responses...

so what was Van Jones for your side? how bout all them tax cheats in this administration?

we are picking our battles alright and it is just beginning..educating the people to what is going on is the first step..
so what was Van Jones for your side?

we are picking our battles alright and it is just beginning..educating the people to what is going on is the first step..

Van Jones is nothing to me. I didn't defend him.

You're an admitted liar; you have no credibility on this or any issue.
What "knee-jerks" like Wadham who dropped objection and urges people to have their kids listen to the speech are leading the party away from the mainstream? You didn't comprehend what I wrote at all.
Yes I did and who is Wadham? Who here, other then you have even heard of him? Though I applaud him and those like him, he's not the voice in the mass media for the Republican party and this is not what was being said on Fox News and the right wing talking heads on radio.
Van Jones is nothing to me. I didn't defend him.

You're an admitted liar; you have no credibility on this or any issue.

so do you think calling me liar is going to accomplish something...I can say the same about are a spreader of this administrations propaganda, so you are not credible in anything you say..:clink:
If you see direct evidence of an action that you want stopped and object to it, it then is removed, this is good. Even if you pretend that it is "paranoid" to think that anybody in government might go too far. I really don't care if you think I am paranoid, I do not trust the government in its many forms. It is consistent with my libertarian world view.

I told you all before, I have no shame objecting to introduction of such indoctrination in the schools. I would object even if it was my style of government they were trying to praise. Schools should teach objective thought, not lead them to the approved POV of any leader.

My kids will watch this speech today. I no longer have any objections.
I still think your paranoid. :pke:
so do you think calling me liar is going to accomplish something...I can say the same about are a spreader of this administrations propaganda, so you are not credible in anything you say..:clink:

I don't lie, or admit to lying, as you do.

I'm always amazed that, whenever you are called on a lie, you don't deny it at all - you just say that you lie because Progressives lie, too.
Yes I did and who is Wadham? Who here, other then you have even heard of him? Though I applaud him and those like him, he's not the voice in the mass media for the Republican party and this is not what was being said on Fox News and the right wing talking heads on radio.
He's the Chairman of the Colorado GOP and one of the most avid anti-Obama people I have seen in the party leadership.