good grief, The School Speech..

I don't lie, or admit to lying, as you do.

I'm always amazed that, whenever you are called on a lie, you don't deny it at all - you just say that you lie because Progressives lie, too.

just because you want to repeatedly say I lied of course doesn't make it true now, does it...

now you there is major proof that you are a spreader of propaganda for this administration..

you better run along now and turn me in to someone..for something..LOL
And again, I believe that these are people in the minority of the party and they are hypocrites doing exactly what they object to. When even Dick Wadham supports the speech after removal of the lesson plan (big deal actually, this dude absolutely is the hugest anti-Obama nut that I know of) it really is more mainstream in the other direction.
A large minority. 42% of your party members don't believe President Obama was born in the US. My bet is a vast majority of those also opposed his speech because it was his speech. A LARGE minority of your party is opposed to Obama merely because he won. Your party, rightly, talked about the Dems being a loyal opposition, your party is no more that than the dems were. But they didn't go on tangents about where Bush was born or that he might be Pentocostal rather than Methodist. Your party is full of a very large fringe element and if that continues, people are going to vote for who they dislike less and I believe the Dems win that election.
A large minority. 42% of your party members don't believe President Obama was born in the US. My bet is a vast majority of those also opposed his speech because it was his speech. A LARGE minority of your party is opposed to Obama merely because he won. Your party, rightly, talked about the Dems being a loyal opposition, your party is no more that than the dems were. But they didn't go on tangents about where Bush was born or that he might be Pentocostal rather than Methodist. Your party is full of a very large fringe element and if that continues, people are going to vote for who they dislike less and I believe the Dems win that election.

There was the AWOL charge tangent. There was the commission to investigate his dad's address to school children tangent. There were the two elections accusations that he stole the elections tangents. There was the he conspired in 9/11 tangent~~~ the list could go on.
Mememe! obviously slept through many classes when she was at school. Was electricity in use then?
