good grief, The School Speech..

It's something to bitch about. That's all.

Seriously Soccer, the more this goes on and the more detached from the mainstream of American politics the Republican party goes, the less chance that economic conservatives, such as myself, will return to the party.

Right now I see the Republican party as a group of Oligarchs trying to manipulate the prejudices and fears of the elderly, illiterate, ignorant and uneducated in order to persuade them to support a political organization which does not have their economic interest at heart.

economic conservative = fascist globalist sellout
Sorry about all the whining, memes. You're right on that; you should be able to lie, exagerrate and fear-monger without comment or criticism.

I'll be more careful about that going forward.

I learned everything from you and your Party of Progressives....
That's TOTALLY ridiculous and once again you're into your "save the morons so they won't run away" mode.

I can post a hundred articles that talk against the speech not the lesson plans .. and you know that I can.

How about you putting up a red flag or something so we know when you're just in your save the morons mode or when to take you seriously.
I'll bet that most of those are exactly like Dick Wadham of Colorado (chairman of the GOP here), who says (paraphrasing), "They got rid of the lesson plan, I plan on urging children to watch the President speak."

Or Newt, or Laura Bush, etc.
It's something to bitch about. That's all.

Seriously Soccer, the more this goes on and the more detached from the mainstream of American politics the Republican party goes, the less chance that economic conservatives, such as myself, will return to the party.

Right now I see the Republican party as a group of Oligarchs trying to manipulate the prejudices and fears of the elderly, illiterate, ignorant and uneducated in order to persuade them to support a political organization which does not have their economic interest at heart.

it's not just the Republican party who is detached from the mainstream of America...
most people are not liking the direction the Democrat-Progressive have gone either, just look at the Dear Leaders poll numbers..
If you were voicing your own displaesure with the speech I wouldn't have had anything to say .. but this goes way beyond just your personal sentiments ...

Originally Posted by Damocles
Again, the speech wasn't the part that people had any issues with. Please, quit being pretentiously disingenuous and incapable of understanding the difference between a speech and the "lesson plans" that went along with it. Adding "might" didn't make them any better.

The speech IS what MOST on the right are protesting.

No one is being disingenuous in attacking those who simply protest because they don't like Obama.
All I've seen is people upset with implications of the accompanying material:

Activity 1
Count aloud while you do knuckle pushups the ways you love Obama.

What do others in the class think?

It doesn't matter.
I'll bet that most of those are exactly like Dick Wadham of Colorado (chairman of the GOP here), who says (paraphrasing), "They got rid of the lesson plan, I plan on urging children to watch the President speak."

Or Newt, or Laura Bush, etc.

In seems that Mrs. Bush had no problems with the speech at all.

Laura Bush Praises Obama, Defends Back-To-School Speech

(AP) WASHINGTON Former first lady Laura Bush on Monday expressed support for President Barack Obama's decision to speak to the nation's school children, saying it is "really important for everyone to respect the president of the United States."

In an interview with CNN, Mrs. Bush, a former school teacher, said, "There's a place for the president of the United States to talk to school children and encourage school children" to stay in school. And she said parents and others also need to send that message.

Obama's planned remarks Tuesday to be broadcast by C-SPAN to many schools across the country has drawn protests from conservatives and some parents who said the president is trying to indoctrinate the nation's children. Some parents have said they plan to keep their children home from school because of the Obama speech.

"That's their right," Mrs. Bush said. "That certainly is the right of parents to choose what they want their children to hear in school."

"I also think it's also really important for everyone to respect the president of the United States," she said.

Obama in his speech will urge students to stay in school.

"What you make of your education will decide nothing less than the future of this country," Obama will tell the students, according to a transcript released Monday by the White House. "What you're learning in school today will determine whether we as a nation can meet our greatest challenges in the future."

Mrs. Bush also decried the extreme political partisanship in the nation.

"We're polarized. ... A lot of people on the right, a lot of people on the left. We've seen that for the last eight years. ... We're still seeing it," she said.

Mrs. Bush praised Obama's performance under difficult circumstances. "He's tackled a lot to start with and that's made it difficult," she said.

She said her husband has refused to criticized Obama because he believes the new president "deserves the respect and no second guessing on the part of a former president."

Still, she said Vice President Dick Cheney, who has been sharply critical of Obama, "has every right to speak out. ... It's certainly Vice President Cheney's right to say whatever he wants to say."

Mrs. Bush was interviewed in Paris, where she was helping promote global literacy as part of a United Nations meeting.
it's not just the Republican party who is detached from the mainstream of America...
most people are not liking the direction the Democrat-Progressive have gone either, just look at the Dear Leaders poll numbers..
Well as Ayn Rand said, contradictions do not exist, if you find a contradiction in a statement at least one of it's premises is wrong. There's certainly a contradiction in your statement. That being more people are voting for Democrats, by large margins, then are for conservative Republicans.
If you were voicing your own displaesure with the speech I wouldn't have had anything to say .. but this goes way beyond just your personal sentiments ...

Originally Posted by Damocles
Again, the speech wasn't the part that people had any issues with. Please, quit being pretentiously disingenuous and incapable of understanding the difference between a speech and the "lesson plans" that went along with it. Adding "might" didn't make them any better.

The speech IS what MOST on the right are protesting.

No one is being disingenuous in attacking those who simply protest because they don't like Obama.
I believe that they are very much in the minority. The mainstream party members are clear, with the aggrandizing lesson plan gone they have no objection and urge people to have their kids watch the speech.

Anyway, people still objecting and keeping their kids home are hypocrites, doing exactly what they were objecting to.
If you were voicing your own displaesure with the speech I wouldn't have had anything to say .. but this goes way beyond just your personal sentiments ...

Originally Posted by Damocles
Again, the speech wasn't the part that people had any issues with. Please, quit being pretentiously disingenuous and incapable of understanding the difference between a speech and the "lesson plans" that went along with it. Adding "might" didn't make them any better.

The speech IS what MOST on the right are protesting.

No one is being disingenuous in attacking those who simply protest because they don't like Obama.
I tend to agree with you. I think the lesson plan is just an excuse, it's the actual speech those on the far right really oppose.
Well as Ayn Rand said, contradictions do not exist, if you find a contradiction in a statement at least one of it's premises is wrong. There's certainly a contradiction in your statement. That being more people are voting for Democrats, by large margins, then are for conservative Republicans.
You should make that past tense. I believe that this will change in the next election cycle.
Well as Ayn Rand said, contradictions do not exist, if you find a contradiction in a statement at least one of it's premises is wrong. There's certainly a contradiction in your statement. That being more people are voting for Democrats, by large margins, then are for conservative Republicans.

this Democrat controlled Congress and the Dear Leader are getting ready to turn that one around..and thank goodness before it's too late.
I tend to agree with you. I think the lesson plan is just an excuse, it's the actual speech those on the far right really oppose.
I know for a fact that there are some that still object to the speech. IMO, those people are hypocrites doing exactly what was most objectionable about the lesson plans, except in the opposite direction. People like that are simply wrong, IMO.
I tend to agree with you. I think the lesson plan is just an excuse, it's the actual speech those on the far right really oppose.

I am pretty far right but I don't oppose the speech now that I have read it. Was worried about it before I did though. I think enough is done to indoctrinate our impressionable youth with leftist doctrine without the president wading in. This speech doesn't do that though. Go Obama.
I believe that they are very much in the minority. The mainstream party members are clear, with the aggrandizing lesson plan gone they have no objection and urge people to have their kids watch the speech.

Anyway, people still objecting and keeping their kids home are hypocrites, doing exactly what they were objecting to.
That's just simply not true Damo. Have you listened to talk radio or Fox News yesterday or today? They were still pitching a bitch about the speech even after this made up controversy about the lesson plan was eliminated when the suggested lesson plan was dropped. I have to back BAC on this. The lesson plan was a subterfuge or an excuse it's the speech it's self they oppose.
That's just simply not true Damo. Have you listened to talk radio or Fox News yesterday or today? They were still pitching a bitch about the speech even after this made up controversy about the lesson plan was eliminated when the suggested lesson plan was dropped. I have to back BAC on this. The lesson plan was a subterfuge or an excuse it's the speech it's self they oppose.
And again, I believe that these are people in the minority of the party and they are hypocrites doing exactly what they object to. When even Dick Wadham supports the speech after removal of the lesson plan (big deal actually, this dude absolutely is the hugest anti-Obama nut that I know of) it really is more mainstream in the other direction.
I tend to agree with you. I think the lesson plan is just an excuse, it's the actual speech those on the far right really oppose.

I disagree. They have no problem with the speech. They have no problem with the lesson plan. If it wasn't the speech or the lesson plan it would be something else.

They lost an election and will spend the next four years trying to destroy the president and prevent him from achieving anything because they're bitter, bitter people.
I am pretty far right but I don't oppose the speech now that I have read it. Was worried about it before I did though. I think enough is done to indoctrinate our impressionable youth with leftist doctrine without the president wading in. This speech doesn't do that though. Go Obama.
My feelings tend towards what the Bare Knuckled Pundit said on that. Big Whoop. It's pretty pathetic to think one speech by a politician would have more of an influence on a child then a life time of parental teaching. I have bigger worries that concern me than this.
If I don't want my child listening to a Presidents speech that is my choice to make..

the same that was done when a Republican was in office.

parents have a right to speak up with their schools, in fact they should be there more monitoring what they are doing .