Grandpa McCain gets a girlfriend

Any network that trys to pass off that hack Olberman as a journalist is not playing with a full deck. He was an idiot on Sportscenter who has become a Rush-like moron on CNBC.

That said, See B.S. is just about as bad.
Olbermann spent just a bit longer than uscitizen "predicting" a recession.... after 7 years of predicting he's going to be insufferable if this downturn does turn into a recession.
It really is time for people in the US to quit giving a shit about where politicians place their genitals. Granted, I find it humorous that that those on the right that out loud talk about how is it about Character and all that are then later discovered tapping toes in mens bathrooms etc. But as some have pointed out, the real question is what did she get from McCain and was it for anything received. Was there a quid pro quo. Now this morning on MSNBC on Morning Joe they mentioned that McCain voted several times on different issues that went contrary to the views of those people she lobbied for. When exactly that was I would like to know. If he voted that way AFTER any alleged affair or whatever then it plays against this story. If the FCC issue was the last thing he voted on that she was lobbying for then there might be some questions. But as Tim Russert said this morning, the more you look at it the more nothing is there.

I think it was very unprofessional for Russert to say that but, Soc, let's first look at this:

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist’s client, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement.
A champion of deregulation, Mr. McCain wrote letters in 1998 and 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission urging it to uphold marketing agreements allowing a television company to control two stations in the same city, a crucial issue for Glencairn Ltd., one of Ms. Iseman’s clients. He introduced a bill to create tax incentives for minority ownership of stations; Ms. Iseman represented several businesses seeking such a program. And he twice tried to advance legislation that would permit a company to control television stations in overlapping markets, an important issue for Paxson.
In late 1999, Ms. Iseman asked Mr. McCain’s staff to send a letter to the commission to help Paxson, now Ion Media Networks, on another matter. Mr. Paxson was impatient for F.C.C. approval of a television deal, and Ms. Iseman acknowledged in an e-mail message to The Times that she had sent to Mr. McCain’s staff information for drafting a letter urging a swift decision.
Mr. McCain complied. He sent two letters to the commission, drawing a rare rebuke for interference from its chairman. In an embarrassing turn for the campaign, news reports invoked the Keating scandal, once again raising questions about intervening for a patron.
Mr. McCain’s aides released all of his letters to the F.C.C. to dispel accusations of favoritism, and aides said the campaign had properly accounted for four trips on the Paxson plane. But the campaign did not report the flight with Ms. Iseman. Mr. McCain’s advisers say he was not required to disclose the flight, but ethics lawyers dispute that.
Oh Shut the fck up! You don't know Darla one bit. That's a slanderous lie and completely uncalled for. I'm actually glad I see your true colors now. I had no idea what a POS you really are. You have no room to be talking about class.

In case you didn't notice, Darla wasn't the one accusing her, the NYT did.
And which source did SF link to for his story?
worst part about this is the NYT had this info and sat on it waiting for him to secure nomination.

Media manipulation folks.
Oh Shut the fck up! You don't know Darla one bit. That's a slanderous lie and completely uncalled for. I'm actually glad I see your true colors now. I had no idea what a POS you really are. You have no room to be talking about class.

In case you didn't notice, Darla wasn't the one accusing her, the NYT did.


she certainly did call them murderers, but I don't believe she would spit on them. So yes, a bit of an exageration. I wonder why I might have done that. Couldn't have been in response to anything she said about me.... nope.... that couldn't be possible. Darla is a saint.

Tell you what. I will stop just as soon as she stops her baseless attacks on me.

So you can either encourage her to cease or you can continue with your faux outrage when I respond to her idiocy in kind.

she certainly did call them murderers, but I don't believe she would spit on them. So yes, a bit of an exageration. I wonder why I might have done that. Couldn't have been in response to anything she said about me.... nope.... that couldn't be possible. Darla is a saint.

Tell you what. I will stop just as soon as she stops her baseless attacks on me.

So you can either encourage her to cease or you can continue with your faux outrage when I respond to her idiocy in kind.
She outright called me a murderer when she assumed I was voting for McCain.
I think it was very unprofessional for Russert to say that but, Soc, let's first look at this:

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist’s client, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement.
A champion of deregulation, Mr. McCain wrote letters in 1998 and 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission urging it to uphold marketing agreements allowing a television company to control two stations in the same city, a crucial issue for Glencairn Ltd., one of Ms. Iseman’s clients. He introduced a bill to create tax incentives for minority ownership of stations; Ms. Iseman represented several businesses seeking such a program. And he twice tried to advance legislation that would permit a company to control television stations in overlapping markets, an important issue for Paxson.
In late 1999, Ms. Iseman asked Mr. McCain’s staff to send a letter to the commission to help Paxson, now Ion Media Networks, on another matter. Mr. Paxson was impatient for F.C.C. approval of a television deal, and Ms. Iseman acknowledged in an e-mail message to The Times that she had sent to Mr. McCain’s staff information for drafting a letter urging a swift decision.
Mr. McCain complied. He sent two letters to the commission, drawing a rare rebuke for interference from its chairman. In an embarrassing turn for the campaign, news reports invoked the Keating scandal, once again raising questions about intervening for a patron.
Mr. McCain’s aides released all of his letters to the F.C.C. to dispel accusations of favoritism, and aides said the campaign had properly accounted for four trips on the Paxson plane. But the campaign did not report the flight with Ms. Iseman. Mr. McCain’s advisers say he was not required to disclose the flight, but ethics lawyers dispute that.

He garnered a “rare rebuke” from the chairman for his actions. That’s important, regardless of what his close social friend Tim Russert says.

We also need to understand that the right wing does not like McCain because they are more aware of the Keating five scandal, and how many it destroyed. How did McCain escape? By making campaign finance reform his “cause”. The right wing does not like that reform, and they believe him to be a sanctimonious phony, who sold out one of their main beliefs, in order to save his ass. Frankly, I have always seen McCain in that light. So I am not jumping on any bandwagons here, I have rather, wondered how he has pulled it off for so long.

The apparent serial philandering, well we can all cry about it, but it’s in politics now since Bill Clinton. Period. That genie isn’t going back into the bottle, and I guess the right wing should have thought about that before they tried to bring down a Democratic president with it. Sexual hijinks will never be off of the table again. That’s how it’s going to be.

But the real meat of this is McCain’s continued coziness with lobbyists. They are currently working on his campaign with no pay. There is a lot here that appears to fly in the face of the image McCain has carefully cultivated for himself. That’s the part that will hurt him with the independents, not the sex.
Oh Shut the fck up! You don't know Darla one bit. That's a slanderous lie and completely uncalled for. I'm actually glad I see your true colors now. I had no idea what a POS you really are. You have no room to be talking about class.

In case you didn't notice, Darla wasn't the one accusing her, the NYT did.

Oh, is the board idiot still stalking me after he knows I have him on IA? I suppose you and Beefy are going to quote all of his posts for me to see?
He garnered a “rare rebuke” from the chairman for his actions. That’s important, regardless of what his close social friend Tim Russert says.

We also need to understand that the right wing does not like McCain because they are more aware of the Keating five scandal, and how many it destroyed. How did McCain escape? By making campaign finance reform his “cause”. The right wing does not like that reform, and they believe him to be a sanctimonious phony, who sold out one of their main beliefs, in order to save his ass. Frankly, I have always seen McCain in that light. So I am not jumping on any bandwagons here, I have rather, wondered how he has pulled it off for so long.

The apparent serial philandering, well we can all cry about it, but it’s in politics now since Bill Clinton. Period. That genie isn’t going back into the bottle, and I guess the right wing should have thought about that before they tried to bring down a Democratic president with it. Sexual hijinks will never be off of the table again. That’s how it’s going to be.

But the real meat of this is McCain’s continued coziness with lobbyists. They are currently working on his campaign with no pay. There is a lot here that appears to fly in the face of the image McCain has carefully cultivated for himself. That’s the part that will hurt him with the independents, not the sex.

I was going to post my thoughts about this .. but you've already done it for me.


Knock it off. Stop blabbing about stuff that happened outside the public domain, and control your rage.

The story about McCain is about corruption, or the perception of it. Sex is only a small part of it, and frankly one that doesn't concern me that much. Although I always find it hilarious when it relates to the party of Family Values.

This story has been corroborated by numerous sources from within McCain's own campaign. Whether its 100% true or not, remains to be seen.

So you can cruise youtube all you want, or cruise obscure tidbits you find on Obama via google. It's just more of your lame attempt to always distract from republican alleged scandals, and your pathetic attempts to always proclaim "Democrats did it too!"

she certainly did call them murderers, but I don't believe she would spit on them. So yes, a bit of an exageration. I wonder why I might have done that. Couldn't have been in response to anything she said about me.... nope.... that couldn't be possible. Darla is a saint.

Tell you what. I will stop just as soon as she stops her baseless attacks on me.

So you can either encourage her to cease or you can continue with your faux outrage when I respond to her idiocy in kind.

Actually SF, I'm not going to reveal any of my personal life on this board, but suffice to say that I know for a fact that Darla goes out of her way to take the time to really help our troops rather than simply sitting by the sidelines like a chickenhawk cheering them on. She puts her money where her mouth is. Having said that what you said about her was categorically false and nothing but outright slander. I don't care what she called them, I know for a fact that won't hesitate to put her money where her mouth is.
Knock it off. Stop blabbing about stuff that happened outside the public domain, and control your rage.

The story about McCain is about corruption, or the perception of it. Sex is only a small part of it, and frankly one that doesn't concern me that much. Although I always find it hilarious when it relates to the party of Family Values.

This story has been corroborated by numerous sources from within McCain's own campaign. Whether its 100% true or not, remains to be seen.

So you can cruise youtube all you want, or cruise obscure tidbits you find on Obama via google. It's just more of your lame attempt to always distract from republican alleged scandals, and your pathetic attempts to always proclaim "Democrats did it too!"

1) you are off IA

2) What the fuck are you talking about. Darla came on the board and stated what she had said. Thus, it IS part of the public domain you idiot.

3) If the story was so much about the corruption... then why is it that so many veered off into the "he has a mistress" bullshit? Why is the title of the thread.... "McCain has a girlfriend"????

4) McCains campaign has stated that yes, she was around a lot until they convinced McCain that it looked bad. To my knowledge, no one, including the Times has produced any evidence to show that McCain did something wrong or illegal.