Greatest sporting events

I would have loved to go to a baseball game with my dad. I’m not even sure whether the Seattle Pilots were formed yet.

I sure loved the Cincinnati Reds in my youth. One of the most talented teams ever

You don't know who he is. Neither does your mother.
You sad, pitiful little cunt. Students never took cameras to games.

It looks like you’re the new forum tardboy.


The sad, pitiful cunt is the one that claims to have done what you claim yet won't, because you can't, provide proof.
The sad, pitiful cunt is the one that claims to have done what you claim yet won't, because you can't, provide proof.


What you HS grads can’t get your heads around is that a world class university of 7 to 8 thousand students would bring a guy from Idaho to ND

Then, with a career with putting the the worst motherfuckers in jail. Ever stepped into a meth lab, pusst?

What you HS grads can’t get your heads around is that a world class university of 7 to 8 thousand students would bring a guy from Idaho to ND

Then, with a career with putting the the worst motherfuckers in jail. Ever stepped into a meth lab, pusst?

What you can't get your head around is that claiming you've done something is the same as having done it.

Still claiming you've done things yet an unwillingness to provide proof. There's a reason you can't provide proof. There isn't any to provide. The real story is that you've used meth for so long you believe what you say.
The sad, pitiful cunt is the one that claims to have done what you claim yet won't, because you can't, provide proof.

The game was in 1974. There were no cell phones with cameras. And he is right, students very rarely took cameras to games.
What you can't get your head around is that claiming you've done something is the same as having done it.

Still claiming you've done things yet an unwillingness to provide proof. There's a reason you can't provide proof. There isn't any to provide. The real story is that you've used meth for so long you believe what you say.

This, coming from you, is a level of hypocrisy that is hilarious to behold!!!
You not accepting proof isn't the same as proof not being provided.

Proof??? LMAO!! You made a claim (repeatedly) and offered absolutely no proof. I mean, other than insisting it happened. Sounds exactly like what domer has done. But the point of his post is greatest sporting events he attended. Yours was, well, a bit different. For him, even if you could locate someone working the gate, they saw hundreds, if not thousands, of people. In your case, you claimed to talk to someone (you cannot describe) and asked for a specific name, on a night when he saw 20 or 30 people.

Yeah, this is hilarious coming from you.
Proof??? LMAO!! You made a claim (repeatedly) and offered absolutely no proof. I mean, other than insisting it happened. Sounds exactly like what domer has done. But the point of his post is greatest sporting events he attended. Yours was, well, a bit different. For him, even if you could locate someone working the gate, they saw hundreds, if not thousands, of people. In your case, you claimed to talk to someone (you cannot describe) and asked for a specific name, on a night when he saw 20 or 30 people.

Yeah, this is hilarious coming from you.

There you go equating not believing the proof with proof not being provided.

How's cycling going these days?
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I suppose it's difficult for persons of this kind to understand that decent people don't care to have to do with them.
You sad, pitiful little cunt. Students never took cameras to games.

It looks like you’re the new forum tardboy.


Hmmmm, interesting comment. I went back and looked at your original post. I highlighted the relevant parts. I asked you if you had pictures of you at ANY of these iconic sporting events you claimed to have attended. Granted maybe when you were in college you wouldn't be expected to have a camera with you. That is fair. But, I would suspect that in 1988 or 2007 you would? There were disposable cameras in 1988 and in 2007. I mean the first camera phone was available in 2002 and the first iPhone was in 2007. I know if I had ever attended a Bowl game, I would probably have a digital camera at the very least with me. But, hey if you didn't, that's cool man. No need to burst your colostomy bag over it.

The greatest sporting events I ever attended..

Probably when ND ended UCLA’s 88 game win streak. In the house that Carr built.

Shumate, Brokaw. Dice (the Iceman) Clay. I still have the program

I can’t recall if it was the same year, my sophomore, where we beat Alabama for the national championship.

I do recall the worst. My freshman year at the Orange Bowl. I think Johnny Rodgers scored every way possible other than actually kicking a point. Ran for a touchdown. Caught a pass for a touchdown. Ran back a kickoff. Ran back a punt. 40-3. But I did get a free trip to Miami!

Then the Fiesta Bowl when my hometown BSU Broncos beat Oklahoma in one of the best bowl games ever played.
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I suppose it's difficult for persons of this kind to understand that decent people don't care to have to do with them.

It's not a matter of having to do with anyone. It's a matter of your kind being cowards.