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Let's see, here...

Making an assumption means SM is a dumbfuck racist.
I notice USA is mad at me again, as she Negged one of my earlier posts today, while Thanking someone who trash-talked me.
Also, I didn't know that tampons craved attention, so there's something new that I learned today.

I'll let Mr. Green tell it.

Really? I mean really? After you wrote me 2 or 3 private messages, asking me not to thank you, when I hadn't, and you, in full "white privilege" mode, think that you can use me as a platform to diss other forum members with whom you're having disagreements with??????????? But you're not above plagiarizing Ceelo, in order to get your message across to me. Well, if that isn't the height of arrogance, on par with the racist and bigots I have on ignore, then I don't know what is. You're just an "all-around" jerk and attention whore, aren't you? Well, refrain from using my name in your little machinations.
Really? I mean really? After you wrote me 2 or 3 private messages, asking me not to thank you, when I hadn't, and you, in full "white privilege" mode, think that you can use me as a platform to diss other forum members with whom you're having disagreements with??????????? But you're not above plagiarizing Ceelo, in order to get your message across to me. Well, if that isn't the height of arrogance, on par with the racist and bigots I have on ignore, then I don't know what is. You're just an "all-around" jerk and attention whore, aren't you? Well, refrain from using my name in your little machinations.

Perhaps you need the review the forum rules, specifically rule 2.
Really? Is it an attack? What is meant by n___________? Was that supposedly , an "attack on me"? If so, you initiated reap the whirlwind. If I'm an n....your mama is too.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so you want to play the "dozens".
It's just a little game
But the way I fuck your mother
Is a goddamn shame
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