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Is Dumb Yankee "envisioning" Poet the way he does Low?

I will forever envision Low IQ as Mary Poppins, with his umbrella floating just above the rooftops, complete with hoop skirt and full length, white, frilly undergarments.

Or is he having a nightmare, like this:


LOL, the n____ fails in his attacks on me, so resorts to attacking my family.

Really? Is it an attack? What is meant by n___________? Was that supposedly , an "attack on me"? If so, you initiated reap the whirlwind. If I'm an n....your mama is too.
I did...and I reserve the right to apply it or remove it, at my discretion. I took you off and put you right back on...because you weren't talking about anything, per usual. It's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, is it? LOL
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