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My thread is at 2929! Who would have thought? Maybe we can get to 3000.

I aologize for repeatedly polluting your thread with the sickening comments ID made about my 4 year old daughter...but it is imperative everyone know what kind of horrible individual lurks behind that sanctimonious "Christian" front she puts forth every day.

because it clearly states in the rules that cut and pasting someone ELSE'S comments will get the cut-n-paster BANNED.

Make all the excuses you like, the truth is right there in the rules

It didn't matter that they were your words. Damo had enough. Unlike you who continues to objectify your 4 yr old daughter by bringing this up constantly, he wants it to stop.

I say keep going though! Maybe you should let her peek over your shoulder to show her what a good daddy you are!
I aologize for repeatedly polluting your thread with the sickening comments ID made about my 4 year old daughter...but it is imperative everyone know what kind of horrible individual lurks behind that sanctimonious "Christian" front she puts forth every day.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! Getting a little redundant, boring..... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!
When did you do that? :whoa:

DY still doesn't get are off limits...but of course ol gutless Damo won't do anything to either him or to disloyal who THANKED DY for his despicable comment!

You need to check with ID, she's the sick cow who originally spread that rumor...
I aologize for repeatedly polluting your thread with the sickening comments ID made about my 4 year old daughter...but it is imperative everyone know what kind of horrible individual lurks behind that sanctimonious "Christian" front she puts forth every day.

No prob , Zap. I already know. She tried to come for me. I sent her to the woodshed...along with the rest of the riff raff.
Set it straight in PM.

I have no problem never taking it up again...but you have allowed this asshole to KEEP bringing it up on the board. He was vile and vulgar about my daughter in a sexually explicit manner and I gave it back to he is allowed to keep bringing it up again and again? The only way he is ever going to shut the fuck up about this, is if you make him take it off the board, by reminding him to leave it alone as per your previous instructions.
Ignore List
Alias cawacko Damn Yankee Dixie Hope Solo Ice Dancer LEGION TROLL Liberty Mr. T PostmodernProphet Stallion Superfreak usaloyal2theend USFREEDOM911 Yurt .
Ignore List
Alias cawacko Damn Yankee Dixie Hope Solo Ice Dancer LEGION TROLL Liberty Mr. T PostmodernProphet Stallion Superfreak usaloyal2theend USFREEDOM911 Yurt .

IOW, you're not here to debate, you're here to IGNORE anything that doesn't comport to your world view because you're too afraid to hear opinions that differ from yours

good job hack!
Let's be clear were banned for making despicable comments {no}.

You can tell yourself whatever you like if it helps you sleep, but the facts are, you made your sickening comments about a PRESCHOOL AGE CHILD.

If comments about other posters adult kids were enough to get someone banned, I would have been banned right alongside you...curiously, only ONE OF US was banned, and it wasn't me!

Zappa, ID was banned for resposting what was said after I had made it clear that it was done... This absolutely needs to end now. We get it, you don't like her. This is NOT going to be rehashed here today.

Please pay attention to that, this needs to be over. I don't like acting like a jerk, but I am absolutely not going to let this continue to pollute my board. Even talking about it makes people break the fricking rule, it is NOT ACCEPTABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
You wanted it to end then you should have either perma-banned her of forced her to apologize for the slimy things she said about a little girl.

Your inability to follow the rules YOU laid down allows this to continue.

My ability to follow my own rules will net you a ban if you continue to talk about it, even in the context of "what she said"... It is not okay under any context. This argument needs to go elsewhere. Either gather up your manhood and shut up or continue reposting "what she said" and trying to get others mad at her too and get banned...

I'm not her mommy and I am not here to get her to apologize to you, or you to her. You need to fully understand it doesn't matter what age your daughter is you are always going to care this much when people say this kind of crap about her, and others are no different. Saying the crap you two spewed about people's children is not going to happen here and I don't give a rip if they are older than your daughter. This kind of rubbish creates visceral remarks that bring this board into hell. I am not letting it go back there.

Sexual statements about children are not okay under any context. Period. And sexual comments about another poster's child who isn't a member here are not any different. I don't give a crap about their age.
IOW, you're not here to debate, you're here to IGNORE anything that doesn't comport to your world view because you're too afraid to hear opinions that differ from yours

good job hack!

He can't debate. What he is about is arrogance and anger...He loves the sound of his own voice so much he has put anyone who disagrees with him, or points out his hypocritical arrogance, on IA. Everyone on his IA should do the same with him...I did and as I see, when others respond to him, I have missed nothing by doing so~
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