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As I said, you know they are conservative, don't like them at all, then assume that the only reason somebody might not want to talk to you is because they are sexist or racist.

I'm good with that, however I believe that your body language said "f them" before you spoke. I would see no reason to speak with somebody who makes it clear they don't like me through body language. If you assume gaydar, you must also assume they have some capacity to read your body language to begin with or your premise is flawed.

I'm not saying it is impossible that they may be racist or sexist, but I can see a grip of reasons other than those two why they may not want to speak with somebody.

You are free to believe whatever you want have just shown that you obviously know better than me. Since I'm incapable of assessing, accurately, a situation, and need your input to ascertain, a personal experience. You people never fail to slay me.
You are free to believe whatever you want have just shown that you obviously know better than me. Since I'm incapable of assessing, accurately, a situation, and need your input to ascertain, a personal experience. You people never fail to slay me.

Your signature says it all.
zappa never owned up- he has always justified his vulgarity...just like you, zappa is a hypocrite of the foulest order.

Oh, and I suppose your claim that you "didn't say anything about my daughter before I mentioned yours" ISN'T justification for the sickening things you said about a 4 year old child?

The lies from Two-face Tammi TunaPants just a keep on coming, don't they!
I guess you "missed" the part where one of the posters admitted to their behavior and yet the other one continues to blame their behavior, on someone else "starting it first".

For once USF is right...I've owned up to my comments, MADE ABOUT AN ADULT, while ID continues to use the excuse "well Zappa started it first..."
Jesus. Are you dense? Who said anything about "hanging"? I walked by, and spoke, and they ignored me. And I thought " fuck 'em". You're reading way too much into it. And no, I don't like conservatives at all. I assume sexism or racism, because I know some regular, well-adjusted lesbians and gays, who don't act that way. There is a perception that police culture is racist and sexist. I see the pattern, even if you don't.

You are very judgmental.
Jesus. Are you dense? Who said anything about "hanging"? I walked by, and spoke, and they ignored me. And I thought " fuck 'em". You're reading way too much into it. And no, I don't like conservatives at all. I assume sexism or racism, because I know some regular, well-adjusted lesbians and gays, who don't act that way. There is a perception that police culture is racist and sexist. I see the pattern, even if you don't.

It's too bad you aren't easily excited. Is this a Texas thingy?
You are free to believe whatever you want have just shown that you obviously know better than me. Since I'm incapable of assessing, accurately, a situation, and need your input to ascertain, a personal experience. You people never fail to slay me.

Don't let the door hit'cha where the good lord and who knows who done split'cha!!
Oh, and I suppose your claim that you "didn't say anything about my daughter before I mentioned yours" ISN'T justification for the sickening things you said about a 4 year old child?

The lies from Two-face Tammi TunaPants just a keep on coming, don't they!

And of course it never dawned on you had you kept that fat mouth closed in the first place, NONE of this would have happened, huh $hit for brains?
Damo, zap continues to bring it up-not me. I merely defend myself from his now exaggerated statements of what was said; where it was said; and when I was banned. I was banned for restating what zap said about my daughter to charver, who seemed unaware that zap himself had first attacked my daughter- not during mine and zaps exchanges. If you were having a poster constantly misstating things you had said or done I am sure you'd attempt to set the record straight? Zap started a thread about my daughter that was not removed for like 3 days- What I said to him was done back to him in neg rep. Yes, you removed posts of mine-but not posts that had any content about zaps kid-because there were none on the board.

I can easily never mention it again- but I cannot so easily not defend myself.

Let's be clear were banned for making despicable comments {no}.

You can tell yourself whatever you like if it helps you sleep, but the facts are, you made your sickening comments about a PRESCHOOL AGE CHILD.

If comments about other posters adult kids were enough to get someone banned, I would have been banned right alongside you...curiously, only ONE OF US was banned, and it wasn't me!
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Attacking anybody's children at all is done.

The reality is, this conversation needs to end. One put the remarks in "rep" where only the other poster could read it, one did it over the board.

Either way this needs to end. I know you guys from AOL never seem to give up on even the slightest thing and this one is big. But if you don't want to give it up, you need to talk it out somewhere other than on the public board.

You wanted it to end then you should have either perma-banned her of forced her to apologize for the slimy things she said about a little girl.

Your inability to follow the rules YOU laid down allows this to continue.
Let's be clear were banned for making despicable comments about me [no].

You can tell yourself whatever you like if it helps you sleep, but the facts are, you made your sickening comments about a PRESCHOOL AGE CHILD.

If comments about other posters adult kids were enough to get someone banned, I would have been banned right alongside you...curiously, only ONE OF US was banned, and it wasn't me!

NO. She was banned for cutting and pasting the filth you said on the board and in a private message and neg rep comment about her daughter so Charver could see what transpired, because just as you're hoping to do here, you're misrepresenting the facts. Get it straight sleeze ball.

I would take Damo's advice and take this to PM before you get your fat ass banned as it should have been back when you initiated this shit.
You wanted it to end then you should have either perma-banned her of forced her to apologize for the slimy things she said about a little girl.

Your inability to follow the rules YOU laid down allows this to continue.

Well Lookee here! Old Zapless has got his 5XXXXXXXXXXXL boxers in such a twist it's cutting off the circulation to his brain and he looks like he's suffering from an aneurysm! Either that or he's been undone by his blind hatred-filled rage, he just can't think straight!!!

Zappa duh Big Crybaby


When will I learn to keep my fat mouth shut???!!!!
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It's kinda like an addiction. It's a choice, but you need to stop and then add some therapy.

You've obviously been trying to overcome your urges for some time. How's your therapy working?
Zappa I am sorry I stooped to your level... I never should have cuz it's awful stinky down there~ Now you go ahead and stay down there as it seems to be your comfort zone~

BTW- admitting I stooped to your level is not justification-it's admission that I should not have stooped. Saying that you can be sexually vulgar and sexually descriptive about my child, without any provocation simply because she is over 18, IS an attempt at justification....obviously a failed attempt at justification-but since when has failure ever got in your way of foolish obnoxious behavior?
NO. She was banned for cutting and pasting the filth you said on the board and in a private message and neg rep comment about her daughter so Charver could see what transpired, because just as you're hoping to do here, you're misrepresenting the facts. Get it straight sleeze ball.

I would take Damo's advice and take this to PM before you get your fat ass banned as it should have been back when you initiated this shit.


because it clearly states in the rules that cut and pasting someone ELSE'S comments will get the cut-n-paster BANNED.

Make all the excuses you like, the truth is right there in the rules
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