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Shit, I haven't even done anything to antagonize Poet, and I got put on ignore. :cof1:

DY still doesn't get are off limits...but of course ol gutless Damo won't do anything to either him or to disloyal who THANKED DY for his despicable comment!

You need to check with ID, she's the sick cow who originally spread that rumor...

Those were your words...
I live 5 houses down from two lesbians. They are white, and from the Republican placards in their yard, last election, I figure them to be Republicans. Now I know they have gaydar, just like I do, and I'm sure they have pegged me, as I have them...but do you think that they would speak to me? Aren't we kindred spirits? On that basis alone, there should be some acknowledgment. So it's either sexism or racism that prevents them from cordiality. Some lesbians cannot stand gay men...and vice versa, oddly enough.

Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, maybe they've been warned about what a huge racist and idiot you are.
Originally Posted by Hope Solo
Shit, I haven't even done anything to antagonize Poet, and I got put on ignore.

Really? You were the first one I put on ignore. You didn't come correct.
I aologize for repeatedly polluting your thread with the sickening comments ID made about my 4 year old daughter...but it is imperative everyone know what kind of horrible individual lurks behind that sanctimonious "Christian" front she puts forth every day.

Could you please convince zippy to stop makiing comments involving children.
Originally Posted by Hope Solo
Shit, I haven't even done anything to antagonize Poet, and I got put on ignore.

Really? You were the first one I put on ignore. You didn't come correct.

I didn't come correct? Should I have brought a red marker with me?
I'm deleting any further posts regarding the kid argument. That includes to veiled comments about "pimping" and any other mention.

This one is over folks, it will not come back here.
Are you afraid to write it out...supposedly there is no rule against the use of racial pejoratives here. Are you a coward? Who would the real pussy be?

I wrote it out earlier while you had me on ignore. Since you're a gay guy, your bung would be the pussy.
Because your obsession with me is "sexually driven". You want me, and in the worst way. I'm sorry, but I can't accommodate you. I'm married.

Incredible irony here, as you responded to a post directed at another. Sorry, n___, I don't swing your way.
I wrote it out earlier while you had me on ignore. Since you're a gay guy, your bung would be the pussy.

Really? And since I have never written out a racial pejorative, who looks like the racist here? And you don't know me, so any speculation on your part about my sexual habits is mere fantasy, on your part. Again, you show your obsession.

The concept of homophobia was developed in the 1970s to explain societal prejudice against homosexual individuals.[64, 65, 66] According to this paradigm, people feel anxious or uncomfortable dealing with issues regarding homosexuality or when dealing with homosexual people. They manage this discomfort by avoiding contact with issues and with homosexual people. This behavior becomes entrenched because it effectively eliminates the discomfort. This behavior is so prevalent, however, that homosexual individuals are marginalized from society. Homophobia is also used to describe negative feelings and self-loathing among homosexual people, which hold them back from appropriate assertion of nondiscriminatory treatment in society.
Johannes wrote:
"It's makes perfect sense. If you don't want someone to know something about you, you become verbally and publicly against in it order to shift awareness away from you and the topic.

This is classic psychological insecurity. The mistake in this, however, is that by being so vocally against something that shouldn't ordinarily affect you (such as homosexuality to a true heterosexual man) then instead of shifting focus away from you, you're actually drawing attention between you and the topic. You're highlighting your insecurity. This is becoming increasingly obvious within the Christian community ... insecure bisexual/homosexual men turn to Christianity as a cover-up; "No one will suspect that I'm gay if I associate myself with a doctrine that is most against homosexuality" ...

Your obsession with me and my sexual makeup, indicates you have your own issues surrounding homosexuality. Typical.
Incredible irony here, as you responded to a post directed at another. Sorry, n___, I don't swing your way.

You, obviously do, as you are trying desperately to be colloquial and familiar with me. You swing from the rafters. And you still don't get that your use of racial pejoratives signifies you as the racist, and not me. Try reading my signature. I don't subscribe. You're obviously referring to your mother.
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