He was there urging the crowd to march on the Capitol until he fled back to the White House to watch it on TV for three hours.
To.march peacefully and patriotically you mean? And an unarmed woman is murdered in cold blood and you say nothing. Sorry but your feigned outrage isn't impressive.
Trump wasn't there dipshit. Now your just talking to hear yourself say stupid shit
Trump incited a crowd of lunatics to storm the US Capitol.

He knew what he was doing and what they were going to do.

You know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.

Then he waited hours before he did anything to end it.

You really don't have to try so hard to appear so stupid.

You do it naturally.
Dead people voted.
The only dead people voted early and died between their vote and election day. That was another BIG LIE pushed by Trump with 0 evidence. None of Trumps supporters could find any evidence of dead voters and dropped the matter--Mark Meadows, Tucker Carlson....
Trump incited a crowd of lunatics to storm the US Capitol.

He knew what he was doing and what they were going to do.

You know it, I know it and everybody else knows it.

Then he waited hours before he did anything to end it.

You really don't have to try so hard to appear so stupid.

You do it naturally.
Won't it be hilarious if trump wins lol
Like it matters AT ALL. Thanks for raising his poll numbers even more! :laugh:
The people who support trump, no matter what, already supported trump. The people who were trying to see trump as a serious leader, will now never see trump as a serious leader. I just do not see any bump in his poll numbers.

And remember, his poll numbers are not enough to win. trump needed to convince the undecided that he was not that bad. That is gone now.
The people who support trump, no matter what, already supported trump. The people who were trying to see trump as a serious leader, will now never see trump as a serious leader. I just do not see any bump in his poll numbers.

And remember, his poll numbers are not enough to win. trump needed to convince the undecided that he was not that bad. That is gone now.
The vast number of Americans do not want a felon as President.
Nomad said:

Trump incited a crowd of lunatics to storm the US Capitol.
Today Trump was talking in code again and he said we "will keep on fighting". I keep checking the TV but there's no riots. I wonder why.
He knew what he was doing and what they were going to do.
So one minute he's a fucking bafoon and the next he's a genius. Which is it? (I do know which one you are)
Then he waited hours before he did anything to end it.
What was he supposed to do? He had already asked them to march peacefully. I guess you shouldn't underestimate a pissed off patriot. Apparently they don't like to march peacefully. Who knew?
You really don't have to try so hard to appear so stupid.
Ace Ventura would need to lose 50 IQ points to descend to your level.
^^^ Made many predictions of Ukraine victory now rarely if at all even mentions it out of shame and embarrassment.
I will gladly mention them. I did predict your Putin would win in Ukraine in less than two weeks. It did not seem Russia could be so weak, or Ukraine could be so strong, for Ukraine to hold out for two and a half years. I was wrong.
Do you realize how bad that would be? NYC is one of the biggest things America has going for it. It is not just the financial capital of the USA, but also the financial capital of the world.
Right wingers resent the fact that NY is the financial and art capitol of the US. They hate intelligent people.