Gun Monkey Follies: arming teachers

Irrelevance fallacy. So you would rather get shot by a wacko. Gotit. Guess you hold your own life of little value, then.

As I suspected. You only think you could shoot another person. LOL. You're an NPC in life, IBDaMann, and you would wind up being just another bystander. Your imagination has gotten away with you, useless guy.
Lol, if it’s leftist disinformation then why are they passing laws that allow teachers to carry firearms to school?
The ball is in your court. Cite one such law that has been passed.

The articles you cited are prime examples of the disinformation I mentioned, disinformation that you are complicit in spreading.
Because they work.
Phantasmal hoodwinked you. There aren't any such laws that were passed. Phantasmal read the article titles like any gullible leftist and presumed that the hyped emotion/sentiment of the titles must have been justified in the content, and not merely an empty play on emotion. Phantasmal didn't feel that actually reading the articles was necessary given the certainty generated by the extreme emotional hype.
As I suspected. You only think you could shoot another person. LOL. You're an NPC in life, IBDaMann, and you would wind up being just another bystander. Your imagination has gotten away with you, useless guy.

Irrelevance fallacy. So you would rather get shot by a wacko. Gotit. Guess you hold your own life of little value, then. You can't even keep track of who you're talking to.
Irrelevance fallacy. So you would rather get shot by a wacko. Gotit. Guess you hold your own life of little value, then. You can't even keep track of who you're talking to.

Here's my picture of you:

The ball is in your court. Cite one such law that has been passed.

The articles you cited are prime examples of the disinformation I mentioned, disinformation that you are complicit in spreading.

Utah Title 76, $10, 505.5 and Title 53, $4,704.5.
These two laws allow a teacher to carry in the school.
Phantasmal hoodwinked you.
Arguing like a three year old doesn't hoodwink me.
There aren't any such laws that were passed.
I just quoted one such set of laws to you. Utah is one State that allows teachers to carry on school premises.
Phantasmal read the article titles like any gullible leftist and presumed that the hyped emotion/sentiment of the titles must have been justified in the content, and not merely an empty play on emotion. Phantasmal didn't feel that actually reading the articles was necessary given the certainty generated by the extreme emotional hype.

Phanty just tends to shoot from the emotional hip, like any Democrat. When cornered, he reverts to talking like a three year old.
He IS correct that laws have been passed to allow teachers to carry on school grounds, though.

Several States have laws that allow this, including Utah, Idaho, Alaska, and others.
Here's my picture of you:


I am not a member of the NRA.

I do often carry though. I carry openly at the airport my aircraft is at (all mechanics are part of security there and most open carry).
Elsewhere I conceal carry much of the time.

I don't own a horse. My neighbor does, though (2 of them!).

Your hoplophobia is YOUR problem. You have no idea how many people around you might be carrying a gun and you are scared of them!
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I just quoted one such set of laws to you. Utah is one State that allows teachers to carry on school premises.
I'm guilty myself of allowing pivots to go unchecked. The original sentiment was Walt's mention of having teachers carry, not merely allowing teachers to carry. Phantasmal pivoted to laws permitting teachers to carry and I didn't check it.

The disinformation is still the same, i.e. converting the discussion of armed security at schools to one of teachers specifically being the armed security at schools, for the shock value and derailment of any discussion.

There are no States that have passed laws to have teachers perform the armed security function anywhere.

Allowing teachers to carry should already be legal without question. 2nd Amendment. Guess what, I just discovered that the 2nd Amendment also applies to auto mechanics and construction workers. Who knew? I wonder if the 2nd Amendment applies to anyone else.
I'm guilty myself of allowing pivots to go unchecked. The original sentiment was Walt's mention of having teachers carry, not merely allowing teachers to carry. Phantasmal pivoted to laws permitting teachers to carry and I didn't check it.

The disinformation is still the same, i.e. converting the discussion of armed security at schools to one of teachers specifically being the armed security at schools, for the shock value and derailment of any discussion.

There are no States that have passed laws to have teachers perform the armed security function anywhere.

Allowing teachers to carry should already be legal without question. 2nd Amendment. Guess what, I just discovered that the 2nd Amendment also applies to auto mechanics and construction workers. Who knew? I wonder if the 2nd Amendment applies to anyone else.

Not a problem! The pivot was subtle.
Conservatives want armed security at our children's schools.

There are about 100,000 schools in the USA. If we figure four armed security guards per school (so we can always have a security guard on duty), $50k salary, and 50% overhead, it would cost about $30 billion. That is a bit much, but affordable.

But the next question is what do we get for that $30 billion. We would not get well trained people. In many red areas of America, the armed school security guards have criminal records. Usually minor violent criminal records, barroom brawls and the like. We are giving guns and children to people who could not sit in a bar without becoming violent. Kids can be obnoxious, so we are seeing more and more of these security guards turning violent.

Who knows some of these criminals with guns might bring a book or two with them also... Why is the alt right worried about the books?

a rent-a-guard, whoever. Said armed security person will protect students and teachers.

Or kill them.
There are about 100,000 schools in the USA. If we figure four armed security guards per school (so we can always have a security guard on duty), $50k salary, and 50% overhead, it would cost about $30 billion. That is a bit much, but affordable.
Argument from randU fallacy, Sybil. You cannot make up numbers and use them as 'data'. Each school district pays for it's own security guards. What is this '50% overhead'?
But the next question is what do we get for that $30 billion. We would not get well trained people. In many red areas of America, the armed school security guards have criminal records. Usually minor violent criminal records, barroom brawls and the like. We are giving guns and children to people who could not sit in a bar without becoming violent. Kids can be obnoxious, so we are seeing more and more of these security guards turning violent.
Making shit up won't work, Sybil.
Who knows some of these criminals with guns might bring a book or two with them also... Why is the alt right worried about the books?
There is no such thing as an 'alt right', Sybil.
Or kill them.
No such instance, Sybil. You are making shit up again.

Your hoplophobia won't save you.
What is this '50% overhead'?

A 50% overhead above salary would be pretty standard. It might be higher, and could be lower, but you cannot go wrong estimating 50%. So if you pay someone $50k, you are going to be spending about $75k.

What is it? Well obviously 6.2% for the employers portion of the Social Security. There are a couple of other taxes, including unemployment. There are various benefits, like health insurance. There is insurance against liabilities. There is uniforms, guns, training, etc. There are expenses in finding people to hire, and expenses in administering and paying those people.

I could go on and on. End of the day, you consider yourself lucky if you only have a 50% overhead.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You've spun so many tales of your various "professions" over the years that no one takes anything you say seriously anymore. That being said, if you believe that teachers don't need to be armed, then you have nothing to complain about here and should be in total agreement with the OP video.

Well, I am a retired teacher and "various professions"...;)
I never felt as though I needed to be armed when I was teaching, but I don't have a problem if that's what the system and staff decides...I would never have believed we'd have operational guns in the house, but the world has changed...I don't believe it hurts to be prepared and be able to defend yourself and others...
At home, at school, or just out and about...
If you have any more questions about my career, I'm happy to answer them. Loved teaching...would do it all over again...but I do hope to much needed changes in our takes a dedicated village though...we need to get those back...

1. Hmm, if it was worth it, I would go back a few years on this site regarding all your posts where you claimed a current or past profession. I'm just working off memory, so it's a subjective. I wonder if others who have been here as long as I who have a similar experience/memory? But for the sake of argument, we'll operate on the premise that you're legit here.

2. FYI: Stop Arming Teachers

3. Being armed in your home or CCW is a HELL of a lot different in going into a grade or high school strapped.

4. If we don't have universal background checks (including gun shows) and treat owning a gun like you own a car, we will "get back" nothing. If we don't stop this idiocy of selling military grade weapons to civilians, then we will "get back" nothing.