Gun prices going down

Yes it is just your opinion and this argument has shown that it isn't to be swayed by facts. You continue to paint this as somehow an American thing and yet America doesn't even have the highest gun ownership rates, that would be Switzerland. We Americans are just more prone to fighting for our rights as opposed to many other nations peoples that roll over and take in the ass.

The situation in Switzerland is unique. It doesn't have a standing army and males are required by law to keep a gun.
Research has shown (and no I will not spend time googling that for you), that macho behaviour, the ownership of ridiculously big cars, guns and the like, tend to suggest that the purchasers are less than fully confident about their sexuality. That is why, or one reason why, sex sells.
it also is reason to show that their idiot research is bullshit because it doesn't explain why WOMEN buy and carry guns.
My own safety has never been in doubt and I lead a much freer life than you.
no, you don't. you live being subject to any and all kinds of force upon you, whether perpetrated by a criminal or the government. That is not freedom, that is submission.
I have never seriously handled a gun, I have never had to resort to any kind of violence to protect myself, I have never been under threat. I have never been attacked.
you lie, as indicated by your confession to being kidnapped.
I have been kidnapped and I have travelled to some rather unpleasant places but never, not once, in my reasonably long life, have I ever thought my situation would be improved with the ownership of a gun.
then YOU, sir, are a bonafide idiot. You were kidnapped against your will and COULD have been subject to all kinds of criminal misconduct, including rape and murder, and you still see no reason to protect yourself. You're a fool. plain and simple.

But, please be my guest. Own your guns if you need their safety. My god where the hell do you live???
I live in the real world. A world where there are violent two legged predators that don't give an ounce of care about you, your family, or your lives. These predators would have no problem with beating you within an inch of your life, then raping your wife and daughter multiple times in front of you, and after they are done, slowly choking the life out of them while you watch. How do you answer your loved ones pleas for help when you're guilty of failing to protect them because of your own cowardice?
we do have some dumbass gun nuts here. Most of those arguing with you have never seen the inside of a college.
and yet we're worlds ahead of you in intelligence and wisdom. how much did you waste going to college to be such a dumbass?

I doubt you'd have even been excepted to an average college. NASCAR rednecks like you who ignore the fact that France and England have 3x less murders per capita , who intilect limits them to a come back with a retarded NRA talking point are exactly the problem the Hong Kond dude is talking about.
I doubt you'd have even been excepted to an average college. NASCAR rednecks like you who ignore the fact that France and England have 3x less murders per capita , who intilect limits them to a come back with a retarded NRA talking point are exactly the problem the Hong Kond dude is talking about.

blah blah blah england kills less people, blah blah blah, but NRA this and NRA that.....

and you have a lot of nerve talking about intellect, hoplophobe.
I believe we are as smart as them, over coming nimrods like you is the biggest impediment. Like I said, and I was correct. Most of those arguing for guns are not highly educated. Not in the least.
I believe we are as smart as them, over coming nimrods like you is the biggest impediment. Like I said, and I was correct. Most of those arguing for guns are not highly educated. Not in the least.

you won't overcome anyone because you'll be a victim before we will. the rest of your statement.....well it's pure bullshit. you know this, but refuse to admit it. It's the equivalent of using a penis remark or resorting to blaming NRA talking points. it shows the fallibility of your entire position. baseless and flawed. kind of like you and your college degree.
you won't overcome anyone because you'll be a victim before we will. the rest of your statement.....well it's pure bullshit. you know this, but refuse to admit it. It's the equivalent of using a penis remark or resorting to blaming NRA talking points. it shows the fallibility of your entire position. baseless and flawed. kind of like you and your college degree.

ahh that's 2 degrees, and I have no doubt Zero. That those two degrees have me wealthier an more open mineded than your GED has you.
ahh that's 2 degrees, and I have no doubt Zero. That those two degrees have me wealthier an more open mineded than your GED has you.

two degrees to my none may have gotten you a better paying salary, but it's certainly not opened your mind any. I'd almost be willing to bet that it's actually closed it more.
and yet we're worlds ahead of you in intelligence and wisdom. how much did you waste going to college to be such a dumbass?

With his necessity of continuing to throw out the "college" thing, it's making me beleive that not only has he never been to college; but probably never even finished High School. :palm:
I doubt you'd have even been excepted to an average college. NASCAR rednecks like you who ignore the fact that France and England have 3x less murders per capita , who intilect limits them to a come back with a retarded NRA talking point are exactly the problem the Hong Kond dude is talking about.

"...who intilect..." :palm:
The situation in Switzerland is unique. It doesn't have a standing army and males are required by law to keep a gun.

And after their term of service is over they are afforded the option to purchase their rifle. Many take this option. So the point still stands.