Happy MLK, Jr. Weekend!

I think you meant he was arguably the greatest American of last century. I certainly don't want to dispute that King was an influential and important person in history, as I stated, he delivered one of the most poignant messages of the century. In regards to "greatness", that is a highly subjective term, and depends largely on what is viewed as "great" by the individual. King might be the "greatest" non-president to you, but what does that mean? Is he greater than Einstein? Is he greater than Oppenheimer? Is he greater than Von Braun? Is he greater than Elvis? Is he greater than Art Linkletter or Billy Graham?

A lot of people have made unsurpassed contributions to America, and could be considered just as "great" as MLK. It was this argument, which was the basis for dissent, regarding the King holiday. It's not a racist view, it's a pragmatic view. Were Kings accomplishments deserving of a national holiday, when so many others have been forgotten or overlooked? Clearly, the issue was voted on and settled, and Congress found that King's contributions indeed warranted a special national holiday.

It's patently unfair and intellectually dishonest, to now categorize this opposition as "racist" because you disagree with it. The record shows, race was not the issue with the King holiday.

I never claimed it was racist. BEing against MLK day, could be for racist or non racist reasons... Id have to hear the reasons.

You are correct, the last century if you are going by the calendar, if you are saying of the last 100 years, then its of this century...
Yeah? Well, I have read every dissenting view on the law establishing the King holiday, and I haven't noted a singe word that was racist. The basis of the dissenting argument, centered around the establishing of a special holiday to honor a single man, something that had been previously established regarding former presidents. There was never an issue of MLK being black, as basis for any dissenting view I have found, perhaps you are privy to something I am not.

We have already determined that your criteria for establishing racism, is your bigoted opinions, and nothing else. As long as Maineman proclaims it racist, it simply IS. I'm sorry you are such a bigot, but in the reality world the rest of us live in, you have to establish proof of these charges, other than "your opinion", for them to be considered valid to anyone other than yourself.

So get busy, bucko... show me how it's laughable to state the facts, that the opposition to the King holiday was not based on race? I expect more than your profound and illustrious opinion on the matter, I want to see factual evidence to support your charge, because your case has not been made.

You're such fucking moron Dixie.

As if, people who fought the holiday would come out and say "I'm against it cause I hate n (fill in the rest of the word yourselves).

This is a good example of why I hate you bastards.

You're so disgustingly disengenious. According to you, you Southern, red-necked prick, racism was not behind miscegenation laws, it wasn't behind opposition to a MLK holiday, it has nothing to do with not wanting to do business with black people.

I suppose racism had nothing to do with slavery? Or lynching? Just come out and say you're a sack of shit racist, and stop expecting anyone with an IQ over 42 to buy your bullshit.

I swear to God, I wish you mothers would fire on Fort Sumter again. I'd be all for a good ole shock and awe campaign in response.
You're such fucking moron Dixie.

As if, people who fought the holiday would come out and say "I'm against it cause I hate n (fill in the rest of the word yourselves).

This is a good example of why I hate you bastards According to you, you Southern, red-necked prick, racism was not behind miscegenation laws, it wasn't behind opposition to a MLK holiday, it has nothing to d.

You're so disgustingly disengenious. o with not wanting to do business with black people.

I suppose racism had nothing to do with slavery? Or lynching? Just come out and say you're a sack of shit racist, and stop expecting anyone with an IQ over 42 to buy your bullshit.

I swear to God, I wish you mothers would fire on Fort Sumter again. I'd be all for a good ole shock and awe campaign in response.

Hello Thirsty.

Do you think the only reason for opposing an MLK holiday is racist?

I don't.
Hello Thirsty.

Do you think the only reason for opposing an MLK holiday is racist?

I don't.
Can't speak for Darla, but I believe that the vast majority of all reasons for opposing such a holiday are racist. There may be a tiny handful of people who oppose it for other reasons but they're negligible . . . and insignificant.
You're such fucking moron Dixie.

It's always best to begin your replies with ad hominem attacks, it helps detract from the lack of substantive debate to follow.

As if, people who fought the holiday would come out and say "I'm against it cause I hate n (fill in the rest of the word yourselves).

Well, no, I don't suppose they would, but that isn't how we define racism. You can't simply say, because people wouldn't come out and say they were racists, it means they must be racists.

This is a good example of why I hate you bastards.

It's also a good example of why you are a bigot.

You're so disgustingly disengenious.(sic)

I've not been a bit disingenuous, those who are suggesting the opposition to the King holiday was racist, are the ones who are being disingenuous.

According to you, you Southern, red-necked prick, racism was not behind miscegenation laws, it wasn't behind opposition to a MLK holiday, it has nothing to do with not wanting to do business with black people.

No, not according to me, sweetheart, according to the facts and the public record, the opposition to the Federal holiday honoring MLK, was not based on race in any regard. I've never made any comment regarding doing business with black people, or 'misogyny law', and that is not being debated here.

I suppose racism had nothing to do with slavery? Or lynching? Just come out and say you're a sack of shit racist, and stop expecting anyone with an IQ over 42 to buy your bullshit.

I don't care what you buy. As I said, and anyone can go look up the dissenting view in the debate over the King holiday, it was not based on race, had nothing to do with race, and made logical and legitimate legal points which were totally unrelated to race in any way.

Racism didn't have much to do with slavery, pretty much everyone in the day of slavery, was racist by today's standard, including the slaves. It wasn't until the early 1900's, that science could 'prove' (and refute the prevailing perception) that people of African origin were not intellectually inferior.

Racism might have plenty to do with lynchings, when was the last lynching? Was someone lynched over the MLK holiday? Why is this being introduced to the discussion?

No, I am not a racist, Darla. I am sorry you have formed your bigoted stereotyping opinion of me that way, but it doesn't bother me, I expect you to react that way to people you hate.

I swear to God, I wish you mothers would fire on Fort Sumter again. I'd be all for a good ole shock and awe campaign in response.

Well, now see? If I was an extreme left-wing pinhead with no life, I would make some big huge deal out of this "death threat" you made on me, and threats of anarchy against the nation in an act of treason...

You really want to have another Civil War? You really want to see what 200,000 dead soldiers looks like... smell, what it smells like? You really want to watch American families ripped apart by war, their homes burned, loved ones dead? I can't believe you would even suggest such a horror show for America again. I have to assume, you really didn't mean that, you just wanted to run your liberal hate-filled and bigoted mouth.
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Can't speak for Darla, but I believe that the vast majority of all reasons for opposing such a holiday are racist. There may be a tiny handful of people who oppose it for other reasons but they're negligible . . . and insignificant.

Exactly. So you could have spoken for me!
blah blah blah blah....bullshit excuses....some lies....blah blah blah blah blah...let me go on a little longer because no man has ever put smaller thoughts into more words...blah blah blah blah blah..oh and "I have to assume, you really didn't mean that, you just wanted to run your liberal hate-filled and bigoted mouth.

Oh no. I mean it.

We'd be so much better off in the long run. When you want to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs, and there's no sense in crying over it.

I learned that from the neocons.
I never claimed it was racist.

Good, then you agree with me, it's unfair to claim it WAS racist. Glad we could settle that dispute! Thank you!

Well Achually, you agree with me.. but Ill let it go this time.

ugh, Dixie agrees with me I should examine my position.
You really want to have another Civil War? You really want to see what 200,000 dead soldiers looks like... smell, what it smells like? You really want to watch American families ripped apart by war, their homes burned, loved ones dead? I can't believe you would even suggest such a horror show for America again. I have to assume, you really didn't mean that, you just wanted to run your liberal hate-filled and bigoted mouth.

Actually, I would be quite pleased if the south just seceded. I think it was a big mistake to not just have let them go when we had the chance.
Now, you may want to abandon your previous arguments, and say that the only objection southerners had, was that MLK would be a Federal holiday. But, it begs the question: why didn’t they ever want MLK - who was a great native son of the south - to even have a southern State holiday, like these other fine southern gentlemen they created holidays for?

MLK wasn't a Confederate Hero. You are talking about deep southern states which have a rich confederate culture, paying tribute to their regional cultural icons. The argument for the MLK Holiday, was not debated in the states, it was a Federal issue, argued in Congress, over a National Holiday.

Last I checked, we don't have a Jefferson Davis Federal Holiday, and never have. The issue has never even come before Congress, to establish such a holiday. We also don't have a Benjamin Franklin Day... I think it should be on Feb 29th, and celebrated every four years... We don't have a George Mason Day! Without George Mason, none of what we presently know as the Bill of Rights, would likely exist. What about George Washington Carver Day? ...Oh... forgot... he's black, so we must not have that day because we're all a bunch of racist bigots.

Now..... Did SOME 'southerners' object to the MLK holiday because the man was black? Absolutely! I don't doubt that it helped increase membership in the Klan, and create more 'terr'ists' ...but the legal and legislative arguments against the holiday, were not based on race in any way, shape, or form. If you have something to the contrary, please present it, or retract the "racist" remarks, as that was not the case here.

Do you think southerners who were against an MLK holiday are going to openly admit it was for racist reasons? Or, will they hide behind other lame reasons?

This is very similar to the excuses you gave for why being against interacial marriage wasn't racist - that, instead, it was based simply on a genuine and principled reading of biblical law:

-DIXIE: In the teachings of Southern Baptist faith, (interacial marriage) is interpreted in the Scripture as being against God's will for races to intermingle, it was forbidden after the Tower of Babel, and mankind was cast to the four corners of the Earth. So the idea of interracial marriage goes against the religious teachings of the Southern Baptist, not because they think whites are superior to blacks, or that blacks are not equal to whites, rather it violates a sacred teaching of their religious beliefs. That isn't racist…..Believing that God created us all equally, and that he didn't intend or want the races to inter-mix, is not "racist" at all… I am merely pointing out, there IS another reason for people voting against interracial marriage, and it's deeply rooted in their religious teachings from the Bible,

” (full politics.com)
Do you think southerners who were against an MLK holiday are going to openly admit it was for racist reasons? Or, will they hide behind other lame reasons?

This is very similar to the excuses you gave for why being against interacial marriage wasn't racist - that, instead, it was based simply on a genuine and principled reading of biblical law:

-DIXIE: In the teachings of Southern Baptist faith, (interacial marriage) is interpreted in the Scripture as being against God's will for races to intermingle, it was forbidden after the Tower of Babel, and mankind was cast to the four corners of the Earth. So the idea of interracial marriage goes against the religious teachings of the Southern Baptist, not because they think whites are superior to blacks, or that blacks are not equal to whites, rather it violates a sacred teaching of their religious beliefs. That isn't racist…..Believing that God created us all equally, and that he didn't intend or want the races to inter-mix, is not "racist" at all… I am merely pointing out, there IS another reason for people voting against interracial marriage, and it's deeply rooted in their religious teachings from the Bible,

” (full politics.com)

And also, don't forget, he had an explanation for why Southerners who don't want to "do business with blacks" aren't racist.

Does this BS even pass the laugh test? No.
And also, don't forget, he had an explanation for why Southerners who don't want to "do business with blacks" aren't racist.

This is just plain not true. I made a sarcastic remark to Beefy, when he claimed it didn't mean he was anti-Semitic because he didn't want to do business with Israel. Of course it is racist to not want to do business with people because they are black, idiot! That was the point of the sarcastic remark! Mainetwerp, being the fine upstanding and ethical man of honor he is, decided it would be cute to post my sarcastic remark in his sig line, as if I had made a serious comment. You, along with the other hard head bigots here, refuse to accept the truth of what went down, because it's just easier for you to believe I made such a remark in complete seriousness.

What I posted about interracial marriage, is a fact of the matter. I can't help it, it's what Southern Baptists believe! It's not MY opinion, it's the opinion of people who are Southern Baptists! You just don't want people to know the truth here, because it refutes your false accusations of racism.
for someone who routinely takes quotes out of context and then suggests purposely inaccurate restatements of them, you should go read that story about the folks in the glass house....

for someone who doesn't like to be called a racist, perhaps you can understand how others might not like being called things that they are not.

in other words, cry me a fuckin' river
Racism didn't have much to do with slavery

that is a sad statement. Sure the entire basis of ownership of people comes from the idea that the people you own are sub standard... When you allow ownership of a race and not other races it is clearly racism.

This is elementry Einstein!