Happy MLK, Jr. Weekend!

Do you think southerners who were against an MLK holiday are going to openly admit it was for racist reasons? Or, will they hide behind other lame reasons?

I've already addressed this question from Idiot #1. No, I don't think Southerners who were against MLK holiday for racist reasons, are going to admit it was for racist reasons. I also don't think people who seek the presidency for power, are going to admit they seek the presidency for power. Bigots don't often admit they are bigoted. There are any number of sentiments and motives that people may keep hidden from public view, for any number of reasons, and we simply have no scientific way of proving their intentions or motives.

This is an invalid way to determine racism, in my opinion. In essence, you are claiming, because people didn't say they are racist, they obviously must be. For this very reason, we have developed many various criteria to judge if a person is truly racist. Do they truly feel blacks are inferior to whites, or whites are superior to blacks? If their statements lead to this conclusion, chances are, they are racist in their views.

Your method is based on bigoted stereotypes you have already established in your bigot mind, and relies on your personal perception, to determine if something is "racist". In other words, someone is "racist" because they opposed a national federal holiday for a black man. When the truth is, the arguments made in opposition to MLK Day, could have been (and were)legitimately articulated regardless of King's race.
Racism didn't have much to do with slavery

that is a sad statement. Sure the entire basis of ownership of people comes from the idea that the people you own are sub standard... When you allow ownership of a race and not other races it is clearly racism.

This is elementry Einstein!

Again, if you just want to take something I said out of context and exploit it, you have that complete freedom and liberty here.

Racism didn't have much to do with slavery, in that, most everyone held a racist viewpoint at the time. The slaves were not freed by people who weren't racist, from owners who were racist. You can prop that myth up in your pinhead mind, all you like, again, you have that freedom. Everyone, down to President Abraham Lincoln, was under the opinion that blacks were socially and intellectually inferior to whites. Slavery was not about "racial equality" that didn't come about until the 1960's. Blacks were freed from slavery, not because we suddenly realized they were being treated unequally compared to whites, it was because of humanitarianism. How could one human own another human? It had nothing to do with race, or racist views, it had to do with the fundamental ethical question of trading in human flesh.

Too many of you wet-behind-the-ears punks, who probably weren't even around during the Civil Rights era, want to connect Civil Rights to the Civil War, and make it all be about "racism". Not only is this inaccurate and ignorant of history, it's detrimental in combating current bigoted views. You seem to want to think, back in the days of Lincoln, there were these bigoted Southern rednecks who just wanted to own their slaves and treat blacks unfairly, and there were these brave and courageous non-racist ACLU type Liberals from the north, lead by Lincoln, who fought the racists and won. Is this how they taught you history in Pinhead School?
the underground railroad did not have many safe houses in the south...but an awful lot in the north.. the house two doors down from mine has a marvelous hidden room in the cellar that still has all sorts of artifacts from that time. There WERE in fact, many "brave and courageous non-racist ACLU type Liberals from the north" who were vehemently opposed to slavery and who walked the walk....
for someone who routinely takes quotes out of context and then suggests purposely inaccurate restatements of them, you should go read that story about the folks in the glass house....

for someone who doesn't like to be called a racist, perhaps you can understand how others might not like being called things that they are not.

in other words, cry me a fuckin' river

Oh, I am not crying at all, I didn't bring it up, someone else did, I am just responding to it... AGAIN! I didn't "suggest" a damn thing, I came right out and said, you took what I said out of context, which you have previously admitted you did.

Instead of worrying your pretty little pinhead about what I might perhaps understand, here is what you should understand about me... you get what you give. I am a mirror of whatever treatment I receive. If you speak to me with respect, avoid personal attacks, and treat me the way you expect to be treated, we will have no problems getting along, because that is how I will reciprocate. If you smear me and lie about me, you will get the same thing back from me, in spades.

You want a scenario where you can bash and trash me all day, call me every name in the book, lob every slanderous charge you can against me, and I am supposed to kiss your ass and pretend you are some big shot. That's the same deal my ex-wife wanted.
how can I respect someone who has slandered me and refuses to retract it? I am sorry, but that's not how I was raised.
the underground railroad did not have many safe houses in the south...but an awful lot in the north.. the house two doors down from mine has a marvelous hidden room in the cellar that still has all sorts of artifacts from that time. There WERE in fact, many "brave and courageous non-racist ACLU type Liberals from the north" who were vehemently opposed to slavery and who walked the walk....

No, there were actually only a handful of these people, the overwhelming and vast majority of America in 1861, North and South, did not subscribe to the belief that blacks and whites were equal. Sorry, I hate it, I wish I could say that things were different, but they simply weren't. Regardless of whether you felt slavery should remain legal or not, it wasn't based on some prevalent thinking that blacks were equal to whites, as that line of thinking didn't exist at the time. Most people were opposed to slavery because it was inhumane to own humans, not because they felt the races should be treated as equals.
how can I respect someone who has slandered me and refuses to retract it? I am sorry, but that's not how I was raised.

Well, I ask myself this question every time I respond to your posts. I was raised in a Christian family, who taught me to turn the other cheek and forgive. It's not always easy to do, especially when someone does something so aggregious as to threaten your child, but with the help of God, I somehow manage to do it.
No, there were actually only a handful of these people, the overwhelming and vast majority of America in 1861, North and South, did not subscribe to the belief that blacks and whites were equal. Sorry, I hate it, I wish I could say that things were different, but they simply weren't. Regardless of whether you felt slavery should remain legal or not, it wasn't based on some prevalent thinking that blacks were equal to whites, as that line of thinking didn't exist at the time. Most people were opposed to slavery because it was inhumane to own humans, not because they felt the races should be treated as equals.

Did you travel back in time so that you know the feelings of Americans in New England?

There were way more than a handful on the Colby College campus alone.

I really could give a fuck what you wish you could say.... because it is all flatulent bullshit devoid of factual content.
Well, I ask myself this question every time I respond to your posts. I was raised in a Christian family, who taught me to turn the other cheek and forgive. It's not always easy to do, especially when someone does something so aggregious as to threaten your child, but with the help of God, I somehow manage to do it.

I am sure that I could try to forgive you of your slanderous accusations of me, but such forgiveness or any degree of repentance has never been asked for or displayed.
I am suprised by how many law offices are colsed today. I have done some calling around and it seems very few are working.
There were way more than a handful on the Colby College campus alone.

There were people on the Colby College campus who debated whether Negroids represented a piece of our evolutionary chain, and they debated whether slaves should be shipped back to Africa after emancipation, but few, if any, were debating whether blacks and whites were 'equal'. This was not the prevailing thoughts of the time, and you can't make it that way because you need for it to be that way. The fact that some people cared about the humanitarian issues of slavery, and didn't feel it was right to own humans, doesn't automatically mean they felt all races were equal. Again, you can't just make it be that way because you need it to be. Emancipation had nothing to do with racist viewpoints, it was based and rooted in humanitarian and ethical viewpoints regarding the treatment of human beings. At that time, there was no argument over equality of race, there was no scientific data to support any argument, it was merely left to conventional wisdom, and the conventional wisdom of the time, was not one of equality between dark and light skin humans. I'm not being racist in saying this, it's the truth! I am accepting the truth here, whether it was right or wrong to think that way, it's how people thought at the time. Today, we cast our judgements and form our stereotypes, based on standards of today, and forget that these people lived in a different era. Racism was fairly much universal, as racism is defined today.

And what's up with your black population up there in the northeast? It seems black people would flock to a place so historically devoid of racism and racist beliefs. I mean, your doors are wide open up there, but somehow, only about 2 of every 100 people is black. That's rather odd to me.
How the fuck do YOU know what was debated on the COlby campus, you obnoxious, pretentious prick???

And our small black population has to do with the climate, Dixie..... not a lot of African Americans in Alaska either..... not a lot of emigration to Greenland from Africa.... does THAT seem rather odd to you as well?

But I tell ya what...Somalis came flooding over to Maine - how many of them chose Birmingham, Ala-fucking-bama, I wonder?
How the fuck do YOU know what was debated on the COlby campus, you obnoxious, pretentious prick???

And our small black population has to do with the climate, Dixie..... not a lot of African Americans in Alaska either..... not a lot of emigration to Greenland from Africa.... does THAT seem rather odd to you as well?

But I tell ya what...Somalis came flooding over to Maine - how many of them chose Birmingham, Ala-fucking-bama, I wonder?

Well, I know what was debated on college campuses around the world during that time period, and I know it wasn't a debate over racial equality, because virtually everyone believed dark colored people were less advanced.

It would seem odd for Africans to migrate to Greenland, but it wouldn't seem odd for blacks in America, to make the relatively short journey to Maine, to escape the inherent inbred racism of the South. Especially since Maine is such a beacon of hope and inspiration in the darkness of racist America. It just seems to me, some of the black people would have gone there to live, but I guess all black folks just hate the cold, like you said. Damn the luck of that too! Here you are, so willing to be hospitable to blacks, yet there isn't a black person for miles and miles! Here is this wonderful place where there is no racism and not a thought in the world of discrimination, but it's just too damn cold for black folks to live there. That's such a shame, Maine!
It is amazing how much more this holiday is getting celebrated... Downtown was quiet today!

I called two law offices that were closed. I called a few insurance adjusters who had the day off!
So...as I thought...you have no idea what was being said on the campus of Colby College...you gum flapping gadfly.... you don't know SHIT about Maine.

Like I said many times....with less than a 1% black population, a few years ago, two of Maine's five largest municipalities had black mayors. One of them, Auburn, Maine, is right across the Androscoggin River from another one of them, Lewiston, Maine...and one of those black mayors, John Jenkins of Auburn, having finished his term in the Maine Senate, moved across the river and just this fall was elected as mayor of Lewiston. Yeah.... Maine is a terrible place for black Americans to share in the American dream, isn't it? Maine is an extremely hospitable state, even though it is not a very prosperous state. We don't have a lot of industry other than ship-building and paper, and the paper business has been hit by a world wide downturn.... so we don't have a whole lot of jobs to offer blacks from Birmingham....but for those blacks from Alabama or Somalia who dare to brave the bleak economy of the rural northeast, we offer a welcoming - if not warm - atmosphere.

We'd even offer redneck racists like you a job - there is a one hour photo place in the mall that is looking for part-time help.
So...as I thought...you have no idea what was being said on the campus of Colby College...you gum flapping gadfly.... you don't know SHIT about Maine.

Like I said many times....with less than a 1% black population, a few years ago, two of Maine's five largest municipalities had black mayors. One of them, Auburn, Maine, is right across the Androscoggin River from another one of them, Lewiston, Maine...and one of those black mayors, John Jenkins of Auburn, having finished his term in the Maine Senate, moved across the river and just this fall was elected as mayor of Lewiston. Yeah.... Maine is a terrible place for black Americans to share in the American dream, isn't it? Maine is an extremely hospitable state, even though it is not a very prosperous state. We don't have a lot of industry other than ship-building and paper, and the paper business has been hit by a world wide downturn.... so we don't have a whole lot of jobs to offer blacks from Birmingham....but for those blacks from Alabama or Somalia who dare to brave the bleak economy of the rural northeast, we offer a welcoming - if not warm - atmosphere.

We'd even offer redneck racists like you a job - there is a one hour photo place in the mall that is looking for part-time help.

No, I stated that I DID know, and they weren't debating racial equality at ANY college, unless it was a college of the retarded, because during that day, this topic was not debated by most intellectual people. We are talking about a time before Darwin's theory was known, before the genetic research of the last century, before the WWI standardized testing of IQ's of the races, when the vast and overwhelming majority of people, thought there was indeed, a connection between pigment and intellect.

I don't care to hear about Maine's humble existence, or how you managed to elect the only black people in your state to office. I'm surprised you didn't play the "I've got black friends" card, that's usually what bigots throw out first. As I said, it seems like black people would be flocking to Maine, the Mecca of Non-Racist Views! Imagine, living in a place where no one ever judges you by your skin, and discrimination is a thing of the past? Hey... ten-thousand Somalis can't be wrong!

Jobs aren't really an issue, you Mainenites can just give them your jobs! We have AA now, and it's really easy to just kick out some white folks and give their jobs to the blacks. The state economy doesn't really matter either, look at Mississippi. And I am sure life in Maine is much less tumultuous than life in the racist and bigoted Mississippi Delta. In fact, from now on, when someone starts complaining about racism, I am going to recommend they move to Maine! I think that is the ultimate solution to the racial problems in America!
There were plenty of enlightened people who knew better Dixie...

Its like when the people of Columbus's time thought the Earth was flat, the enlightened educated knew better.
No, I stated that I DID know, and they weren't debating racial equality at ANY college, unless it was a college of the retarded, because during that day, this topic was not debated by most intellectual people. We are talking about a time before Darwin's theory was known, before the genetic research of the last century, before the WWI standardized testing of IQ's of the races, when the vast and overwhelming majority of people, thought there was indeed, a connection between pigment and intellect.

I don't care to hear about Maine's humble existence, or how you managed to elect the only black people in your state to office. I'm surprised you didn't play the "I've got black friends" card, that's usually what bigots throw out first. As I said, it seems like black people would be flocking to Maine, the Mecca of Non-Racist Views! Imagine, living in a place where no one ever judges you by your skin, and discrimination is a thing of the past? Hey... ten-thousand Somalis can't be wrong!

Jobs aren't really an issue, you Mainenites can just give them your jobs! We have AA now, and it's really easy to just kick out some white folks and give their jobs to the blacks. The state economy doesn't really matter either, look at Mississippi. And I am sure life in Maine is much less tumultuous than life in the racist and bigoted Mississippi Delta. In fact, from now on, when someone starts complaining about racism, I am going to recommend they move to Maine! I think that is the ultimate solution to the racial problems in America!

you may have stated that you, somehow KNEW what the students and faculty of Colby College were debating in the years prior to the civil war, but, we both know that is a flatulent lie like so so many others that you love to tell. The story of Colby College is pretty amazing. The students and their vehement anti-slavery agenda were successful in causing the resignation of the college president - thirty years before the civil war.... William Lloyd Garrison was a frequent speaker. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about... but that has NEVER stopped you before - from the geneva convention to fractions, you open your mouth and insert your foot with surprising regularity. I would never go broke betting on your buffoonery or betting against your predictions.

Dixie...you are a racist, bigoted slanderous gadfly.... everyone knows it. They really do.
Well, I think I've demonstrated that I am not a racist or bigot, particularly on this issue. I am the only one willing to accept the truth, and intellectually honest enough to admit the facts. I'm certainly not racist because I won't allow you to proclaim abolitionists to be devoid of racism, or establish racism as the reason for the Civil War.

I'm also not the one making stereotypical generalizations about black people, like how they don't live in Maine because blacks don't like the cold. I'm surprised you didn't say it was because Maine doesn't have fried chicken and watermelon. And the bit about every black man in Maine being a mayor of somewhere... that was too patronizingly cute!

For me to be such a blowhard gadfly, you certainly spend enough time talking to me and debating with me... must be that "vanilla" lifestyle up there in Maine, just makes life too boring.