Happy MLK, Jr. Weekend!

your english comprehension skills sort of came to a halt when you left the vo-tech, didn't they?

Just going by what you said. If "demonstrably colorblind" doesn't infer "devoid of racist views" I don't know what it infers. That was my understanding of the term, but maybe you have a different take on it in Maine? Perhaps it's like everything else seems to be in Maineworld, and "colorblind" means one thing for Maine, and something completely different for the rest of us?

When you stated that Maine was "demonstrably colorblind" perhaps you really meant, Maine doesn't readily discriminate against black people? Well, guess what? With the advent of CRA, the ACLU, NAACP, and AA, not a lot of people get away with discriminating against black people these days! It's certainly not a parameter to measure the level of racism present in a community.

You want to claim that electing two black men as mayor, is some evidence of Maine's colorblindness, but Birmingham is 41% black, yet has a 100% black city council and mayor, and have had this ratio since 1974. Does that mean Birmingham is devoid of racism and demonstrably colorblind?

What is always fun with liberals, is to have these long drawn out philosophical debates on intentionally generalized characterizations that don't actually ever exist. All people in Maine, are not colorblind. All people in Alabama, are not racist. Some people live in Maine, because there are no black people there! Some people live in Alabama, because they hate white people. There are no generalizations you can make with validity regarding racism, it simply doesn't confine itself to a certain geographic area, nor is it only apparent in those from certain regions. The insidious charges you continue to falsely make, and the image you attempt to portray, is just as damaging to racial relations in America, as those guys who wear the sheets and burn the crosses.

Those who want to continue to propagate the race myth, are indeed racists. This is the point made by Tony Brown, and I agree with him. People who want to continue to foment racial division, and draw distinction to individuals based on their mythical 'race', are the problem with 'racial relations' in America. The message from Dr. King was, to dream of moving beyond that. To foster and promote a future where societal judgements are made on basis of character, not pigmentation.
Just going by what you said. If "demonstrably colorblind" doesn't infer "devoid of racist views" I don't know what it infers. That was my understanding of the term, but maybe you have a different take on it in Maine? Perhaps it's like everything else seems to be in Maineworld, and "colorblind" means one thing for Maine, and something completely different for the rest of us?

what you think it infers and what it means are obviously two different things. It means that in some fairly high profile instances, Maine voters proved that they were more interested in the content of a mayoral candidate's character than they were in the color of his skin.

You want to claim that electing two black men as mayor, is some evidence of Maine's colorblindness, but Birmingham is 41% black, yet has a 100% black city council and mayor, and have had this ratio since 1974. Does that mean Birmingham is devoid of racism and demonstrably colorblind?

I don't know...if Birminghan had as few blacks as Lewiston, Auburn or Augusta Maine had and STILL elected a black mayor, that would be saying something.... as it is.... blacks have near parity in Birmingham with whites. If all white candidates from Birmingham were as obtuse and as insulting and as obnoxious and as ignorant as you, I would expect that those 41% black voters would vote en masse to avoid electing someone like YOU...and some percentage of white voters can't be as stupid and as bigoted and ignorant as you, so you would expect some percentage of them to go with the black candidate in lieu of someone like Dixie..... so, I guess...no.... those election statistics do not make Birmingham demonstrably colorblind

The insidious charges you continue to falsely make, and the image you attempt to portray, is just as damaging to racial relations in America, as those guys who wear the sheets and burn the crosses.

not really...they really are only damaging to OUR relationship.... and, from the very day you accused me of being a pedophile and then refused to apologize for it, I really have not given a damn about that relationship whatsoever. There was a time when you and I had a wonderful rapprochement.... and we began to put all this bittereness behind us.... but you saw fit to throw all that away - your call. and because of that, I have no real desire to bring it back any further than where I am today - which is believing and proclaiming your ignorance and your slander and your bigotry - but most of all your ignorance - at every opportunity.
what you think it infers and what it means are obviously two different things. It means that in some fairly high profile instances, Maine voters proved that they were more interested in the content of a mayoral candidate's character than they were in the color of his skin.

This has happened more in Alabama since 1963, than in Maine.

I don't know...if Birminghan had as few blacks as Lewiston, Auburn or Augusta Maine had and STILL elected a black mayor, that would be saying something.... as it is.... blacks have near parity in Birmingham with whites. If all white candidates from Birmingham were as obtuse and as insulting and as obnoxious and as ignorant as you, I would expect that those 41% black voters would vote en masse to avoid electing someone like YOU...and some percentage of white voters can't be as stupid and as bigoted and ignorant as you, so you would expect some percentage of them to go with the black candidate in lieu of someone like Dixie..... so, I guess...no.... those election statistics do not make Birmingham demonstrably colorblind

Especially since we vote by color of skin in Birmingham, and you vote by character in Maine! Yes, it all makes perfect sense now! //sarcasm off

As for the rest of your pity trip, save it, I don't need to hear it, and I'm sure no one else here is interested. I don't give a flying rat's fuck what you call me, or what you think of me. I don't care if your feelings are hurt that I won't apologize to you for something I never did wrong, and I don't give a shit how long you want to carry on about it. You are not going to be allowed to come here and spread lies and propaganda without challenge, and if all you can manage to do is hurl a few off-color insults at me personally, that's fine, it demonstrates what a worthless piece of shit you are, and how little intellect or ethics you actually have.
what you think it infers and what it means are obviously two different things. It means that in some fairly high profile instances, Maine voters proved that they were more interested in the content of a mayoral candidate's character than they were in the color of his skin.

This has happened more in Alabama since 1963, than in Maine.

I don't know...if Birminghan had as few blacks as Lewiston, Auburn or Augusta Maine had and STILL elected a black mayor, that would be saying something.... as it is.... blacks have near parity in Birmingham with whites. If all white candidates from Birmingham were as obtuse and as insulting and as obnoxious and as ignorant as you, I would expect that those 41% black voters would vote en masse to avoid electing someone like YOU...and some percentage of white voters can't be as stupid and as bigoted and ignorant as you, so you would expect some percentage of them to go with the black candidate in lieu of someone like Dixie..... so, I guess...no.... those election statistics do not make Birmingham demonstrably colorblind

Especially since we vote by color of skin in Birmingham, and you vote by character in Maine! Yes, it all makes perfect sense now! //sarcasm off

As for the rest of your pity trip, save it, I don't need to hear it, and I'm sure no one else here is interested. I don't give a flying rat's fuck what you call me, or what you think of me. I don't care if your feelings are hurt that I won't apologize to you for something I never did wrong, and I don't give a shit how long you want to carry on about it. You are not going to be allowed to come here and spread lies and propaganda without challenge, and if all you can manage to do is hurl a few off-color insults at me personally, that's fine, it demonstrates what a worthless piece of shit you are, and how little intellect or ethics you actually have.

no pity trip at all DIxie...you made your bed..and you are obviously comfortable lying in it.... I have never posted a dishonest statement on this site...not once...so if you are going to challenge my lies, I expect I won't see you replying to MY posts very often...but since I am not limiting myself to your lies, but preferring to concentrate on your stupidity and your arrogance, you'll be hearing from ME quite often.
and really....you have a town that is over 40% black that elects a black mayor and you want to hold that up as synonymous with a city in Maine with a black population of less than 1% that elects a black mayor. HELLLO?????
and really....you have a town that is over 40% black that elects a black mayor and you want to hold that up as synonymous with a city in Maine with a black population of less than 1% that elects a black mayor. HELLLO?????

It makes as much sense as any of his other claims Mainman. I don't know how you engage him for so long. I can only take a couple of posts where I tell him how f'd in the head he is, and that's it. He says the same things over and over, each time, using a higher word count.

A complete waste of oxygen.
It really is a guilty pleasure....I shouldn't enjoy chewing him up like I do....but.... I can't help it. He is so easy. If he weren't so incredibly obnoxious on top of his stupidity, I could easily ignore him, but the combination just makes him a guy I can't NOT like bitchslapping at will
It really is a guilty pleasure....I shouldn't enjoy chewing him up like I do....but.... I can't help it. He is so easy. If he weren't so incredibly obnoxious on top of his stupidity, I could easily ignore him, but the combination just makes him a guy I can't NOT like bitchslapping at will

I get that.

Isn't it amazing how the stupidest people you ever meet, all seem to share this deeply held belief that they're the smartest? It never ceases to amaze me; I guess that ignorance really is bliss. I mean, if you can walk around being a total moron who says the things this jackass says, all while believing you're qualified for Mensa membership, you really are a happy idiot.

And maybe there's something to be said for that. He probably has low blood pressure at least.
and given his slanderous little moment with me, it is even sweeter.

I really wouldn't piss on Dixie if he were on fire.
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed my birthday regardless of all of this.

I've always been proud that Colorado created this holiday long before the Feds ever got the gumption to do it. The man is an example to behold and I would be proud of my children if they could express their ideas as well, and as effectively, as he did, to stand up for what they know is right without regard to the views of the majority.
Well, I hope everyone enjoyed my birthday regardless of all of this.

I've always been proud that Colorado created this holiday long before the Feds ever got the gumption to do it. The man is an example to behold and I would be proud of my children if they could express their ideas as well, and as effectively, as he did, to stand up for what they know is right without regard to the views of the majority.

WEll said!