Health Bill Includes Abortion Coverage

We've got unbeatable majorities in Congress and a progressive president.

With 47 million residents without health insurance at any given time, you'd think that the only debate would be how best to implement the moral imperative of taking care of the less fortunate.

Compassionless conservatives instead weave scare tactics out of thin air and propagandize in a doomed effort to delay the reform that the voters clearly want.

yeah, you do have the majority, so what's the shit trying to blame the conservatives and Republicans??

we know why, and you guys are seeing go right ahead and pass that piece of shit bill....go for it..
We've got unbeatable majorities in Congress and a progressive president.

With 47 million residents without health insurance at any given time, you'd think that the only debate would be how best to implement the moral imperative of taking care of the less fortunate.

Compassionless conservatives instead weave scare tactics out of thin air and propagandize in a doomed effort to delay the reform that the voters clearly want.
What the polls say, is they don't want this pile of excrement and would prefer that the government work on the cost issue rather than attempt to socialize without fixing the main problem.
Healthcare reform will be deficit-neutral. The president said he will not sign a bill that expands the deficit.

Current medical costs account for one-sixth of domestic spending and are headed upward.

High costs caused by runaway greed is crushing families and workers, and strangling federal and state governments.

Reform will mean savings for families and businesses, money that can be pumped into the economy.

Unfortunately, most Republicans seem content to stymie any reform of the failed private for-profit health care system without putting forth any ideas of their own.
Healthcare reform will be deficit-neutral. The president said he will not sign a bill that expands the deficit.

Current medical costs account for one-sixth of domestic spending and are headed upward.

High costs caused by runaway greed is crushing families and workers, and strangling federal and state governments.

Reform will mean savings for families and businesses, money that can be pumped into the economy.

Unfortunately, most Republicans seem content to stymie any reform of the failed private for-profit health care system without putting forth any ideas of their own.

you and your dear leader must really think the American citizens are idiots..
the Hugo and his crooked thugs don't NEED THE REPUBLICANS to pass this bill..

so go on and PASS IT..:clink:
Damocles doesn't even know what he's talking about. Everything he's said on this thread is a lie, plain and simple. It's not even a subtle lie. He's just being a mindless drone for the RNC.

The plan DOES control costs, and it DOES provide healthcare for everyone. Those are the two primary goals; damo may want to let people die so that he can pay a few cents less in taxes, but I'm not as cold blooded as that.
you and your dear leader must really think the American citizens are idiots..
the Hugo and his crooked thugs don't NEED THE REPUBLICANS to pass this bill..

so go on and PASS IT..:clink:
Then we will kick their fat asses out of office. Also, the Independents are furious with this plan.
This may be a good policy, since it is liberals who get abortions. Lets make it even easier for them to kill their own children.
Liberals are the ones hating their children bad enough to suck their brains out of their skulls- and while they are still alive.