Health Bill Includes Abortion Coverage

You don't support abortion in the case of rape?

What kind of woman-hating sicko are you?

you're not going to put words in my don't even try..
you friggen support abortion for birth control for gawds sake, who now is the sick one..
Remember Obama and infanticide?

You mean Obama the dictator? That whole period where he murdered infants with his bare hands, prior to becoming dictator?

If he takes over the world, as the current course is leading to, who will protect the infants? If he has absolute power, he will do nothing but murder them, 24x7....oh, the humanity...
It could be cheap compared to the damage they could do as future liberal voters. *shrug*

One of my favorite, oft-repeated & dense-as-fog connie con arguments: conservative parents only have conservative children, and liberal parents only have liberal children.

you're not going to put words in my don't even try..
you friggen support abortion for birth control for gawds sake, who now is the sick one..

do you, or do you not support abortion in the case of rape or incest?
One of my favorite, oft-repeated & dense-as-fog connie con arguments: conservative parents only have conservative children, and liberal parents only have liberal children.

Not only, but there is definitely a correlation...
One of my favorite, oft-repeated & dense-as-fog connie con arguments: conservative parents only have conservative children, and liberal parents only have liberal children.


Yeah, my mom and dad are huge atheist pot-smoking liberals. They have them all around Mississippi.
I am rubber, you are glue. Conservatives are childish as well as pure evil.

Not particularly. I point out bad policy because I want America to succeed. It's why I pointed out bad policy with Bush too.
maybe people don't want to be forced to pay for someones ABORTION..
who might believe it's the killing of a child..

maybe people didn't want to be forced to pay for someone's WAR...

which we know is the killing of children and other innocents.
Liberals are the ones hating their children bad enough to suck their brains out of their skulls- and while they are still alive.


All but one of the ten states with the LOWEST rates of abortion are considered “LIBERAL” :

Liberal 1 Massachusetts 2.4
Liberal 2 Connecticut 2.8
Liberal 3 New Jersey 3.0
Liberal 4 Rhode Island 3.2
Liberal 5 New York 3.3
Liberal 6 Pennsylvania 3.3
Liberal 7 Wisconsin 3.4
Conservative 8 North Dakota 3.4
Liberal 9 Maryland 3.5
Liberal 10 Minnesota 3.6

All but one of the Sixteen states with the HIGHEST rates of abortion are considered “CONSERVATIVE” :

Conservative 35 Texas 5.4
Conservative 36 Alaska 5.5
Liberal 37 Washington 5.6
Conservative 38 Mississippi 5.7
Conservative 39 Kentucky 5.8
Conservative 40 Arizona 5.8
Conservative 41 Florida 5.9
Conservative 42 New Mexico 6.0
Conservative 43 Idaho 6.2
Conservative 44 Alabama 6.2
Conservative 45 Indiana 6.6
Conservative 46 Wyoming 6.5
Conservative 47 Tennessee 6.6
Conservative 48 Oklahoma 6.7
Conservative 49 Arkansas 7.1
Conservative 50 Nevada 9.0

[Compiled from Center for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics; and Election Results from CNN.]
could you provide a link for that, since it doesn't match this data....

it also doesn't seem to match the most recent data available from the CDC, which is your reputed source....


Massachusetts abortion rate is 17, not 2.4, which means it does NOT have the lowest rate of abortion....
Kentucky's rate is 3, which ranks it the lowest, not #39 as your figures claim.....
New York is the highest at 29, not the 5th lowest.....
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I feel so bad....whenever I ask people questions they seem to stop it my breath?.....or just the fact I'm breathing.....

All but one of the ten states with the LOWEST rates of abortion are considered “LIBERAL” :

Liberal 1 Massachusetts 2.4
Liberal 2 Connecticut 2.8
Liberal 3 New Jersey 3.0
Liberal 4 Rhode Island 3.2
Liberal 5 New York 3.3
Liberal 6 Pennsylvania 3.3
Liberal 7 Wisconsin 3.4
Conservative 8 North Dakota 3.4
Liberal 9 Maryland 3.5
Liberal 10 Minnesota 3.6

All but one of the Sixteen states with the HIGHEST rates of abortion are considered “CONSERVATIVE” :

Conservative 35 Texas 5.4
Conservative 36 Alaska 5.5
Liberal 37 Washington 5.6
Conservative 38 Mississippi 5.7
Conservative 39 Kentucky 5.8
Conservative 40 Arizona 5.8
Conservative 41 Florida 5.9
Conservative 42 New Mexico 6.0
Conservative 43 Idaho 6.2
Conservative 44 Alabama 6.2
Conservative 45 Indiana 6.6
Conservative 46 Wyoming 6.5
Conservative 47 Tennessee 6.6
Conservative 48 Oklahoma 6.7
Conservative 49 Arkansas 7.1
Conservative 50 Nevada 9.0

[Compiled from Center for Disease Control, National Center for Health Statistics; and Election Results from CNN.]

And suddenly, a hush falls among the squawking of the neocon they nervously move down the perch away from the FACTS.