Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

So that means I'm free to say your faith is fake? If you knew Luke 6:31 you'd agree that indeed that is EXACTLY what you want me to say.

I said and I'll say what he called believing was assuming.
A true Holy Spirit filled Christian doesn't believe they know
I believe you are correct. So now are we thinking that one of the Prophets of God LIED?

BUT, more importantly, in the story, Saul is later PUNISHED by God (God turned away from Saul) because Saul failed to follow Samuel's command from God. So if Samuel was lying God still punished Saul.

(And please remember I'm talking about what the story says...I am 100% certain that there is no God that would ever command a genocide, but that's not the point...the point is we are discussing the theological issues that the God of the Bible carries with Him as part of his overall definition).

If you don't believe the Bible why are you reading it?
As a socialist, I admit to the tendency to give self-proclaimed socialists the benefit of the doubt.
Stalin is not a factor in our lives now, so it can do no harm.

Democratic socialism is fine.

That's not what Stalin was. He was a totalitarian and a terrorist.

That doesn't take away from the many fine Soviet citizens who stood up to the Nazis. By comparison, the French practically let the Nazis waltz into Paris and take over the country.

When the tsar abdicated, there was a powerful democratic socialist faction (SRPs) who actually ran the provisional government and easily defeated the Bolsheviks in the 1917 elections to the Constituent Assembly. But the Bolsheviks weren't interested in democracy and had the assembly shut down and hade the democratic socialists arrested.

That would be me. I claim that it would be inevitable. Over time, you grow and you learn. You have no control over how your beliefs shift and adjust over time, and it happens because you interact with others.

I think what you meant to write is that nobody is likely to make you pull an immediate 180° on major tenets of your faith. It is plausible, however, that you might eventually become disillusioned by something in your particular church and possibly find that the perspectives of other posters actually resonate with you.

I would point out that your statement above really is little more than virtue signaling to other Christians, projecting the message that your Christian faith is stronger than carbon steel. I don't suppose that there is any harm in that. Congrats.


Nope. My faith is rock solid and will remain so. I have lived thru and seen too much then to ever be swayed.
I'll tell you what, Stoner.

Let's each care about the things that we respectively care about.
It works out best that way.

So you care about some guy who tortured and or killed 40 million people? Thats crazy but hey,...thats on you. Good luck with all that. :palm:

-- while accusing ME of twisting them on zero basis -- to justify the desire to kill other Americans.
Nobody needs to twist anything to see that you delight in the killing of living humans who have committed no crimes. You admit to it freely. You demand that law-abiding citizens be rendered completely defenseless before violent crime, and you hurl the most hateful slurs at those who simply want to be able to defend themselves from violent crime, just as though they are somehow depriving you of your death-fix. You demand that our children be herded into defenselessness zones (where all mass shootings occur) so that there will forever be an eternal string of mass shootings-made-convenient to ensure you get your death-fix. Of course you hurl the most hateful slurs at those who simply want their children to remain alive, as though the threat to your death-fix is totally unacceptable. You add insult to injury by blaming the mass shootings on the law abiding citizens who want their children to remain alive and who want to be able to defend themselves. You demand the right to kill living humans who have not committed any crime, because you don't feel that there is anywhere enough killing already in the world today for you to be sure that you will be able to get your death-fix when you really need one.

You are one sick piece of shit who NEEDS death, death and more death. I totally get it. If only society could flush away your ilk, we'd be experiencing immediate and marked improvement.


Nope. My faith is rock solid and will remain so.
Well, this is obviously more of that virtue-signaling I pointed out. I get it. You chose to virtue-signal rather than read my post. Fine.

I have lived thru and seen too much then to ever be swayed.
Are you stating for the record that you have become too stupid to ever learn anything new?

Yes. Hence the twisting of the words of the Bible -- while accusing ME of twisting them on zero basis -- to justify the desire to kill other Americans.
White Supremacist Trumpsters love to cherry-pick the Bible to justify mass murder and harm to Americans. Sad.

Democratic socialism is fine.
Too funny. How do you claim that Democratic Socialism somehow differs from plain old vanilla Socialism?

That's not what Stalin was.
Stalin was a socialist. He helped create the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

He was a totalitarian and a terrorist.
Exactly, he was a socialist.

That doesn't take away from the many fine Soviet citizens who stood up to the [other fascist socialists].
You like to draw distinctions that do not exist.

By comparison, the French practically let the Nazis waltz into Paris and take over the country.
When invading France, did Germany have to contend with eleven time zones during a paralyzing Russian winter? Jussask'n.

When the tsar abdicated, there was a powerful democratic socialist faction (SRPs) who actually ran the provisional government and easily defeated the Bolsheviks in the 1917 elections to the Constituent Assembly. But the Bolsheviks weren't interested in democracy and had the assembly shut down and hade the democratic socialists arrested.
Apparently you have yet to learn that the term "Democratic" is merely a Marxist euphemism that means "Marxist," used in lieu of the word "Marxist" because they can't use that word and retain the same level of support. Backers of such are typically stupid, undereducated leftists who immediately OBEY and offer full support the moment they learn that the word "Democratic" is associated with their cause. All political parties with the word "Democratic" in the name are either communist or socialist. All countries with the word "Democratic" in their name are socialist, run by totalitarian oligarchies:

Democratic Republic of the Congo
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe



Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism
I like talking about the Mormon (LDS) vision of Heaven.

Argument from ignorance fallacy
Fallacy 36b.
hint: energy and matter are not interchangeable
Wave-Particle duality is classical physics.
There is no such thing as an accelerating reference frame!!
There is no such thing as an 'accelerating frame of reference'.
Darwin's theory of evolution is not science
Axioms are not postulates!
Bulverism fallacy. Bigotry.
Bulverism. Bigotry. False Authority.
bigotry, bulverism

Enlighten me ,how do atheists say we got in this situation?
There are two problems with your question.

1. Nobody is somehow required to know how the universe was formed. You are free to speculate that a Christian "God" exists and created "everything" but no one is required to accept your speculation. Further, no one is required to have any speculation on the formation of the universe lest he be required to accept your speculation.

2. Atheists are not somehow united in a mindless collective that somehow proscribes an officially required speculation on the formation of the universe. Atheists simply have no theism. All you can say about any atheist's speculation about the formation of the universe is that it doesn't involve any theism. To that end, the Big Bang is popular because it is consistent with (our very limited) astronomical observation, it is externally consistent with other science models, ... it gets the job done. However, if tomorrow some discovery blows the Big Bang theory out of the water, no atheist has any sort of religious attachment to it and it will fall by the wayside.

Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?
Have you noticed that Christians assign bogus positions to atheists that atheists don't have but atheists don't assign bogus positions to Christians that Christians don't have.