Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

WHAT???? Whats ANYONES beef with Stalin? Well besides murdering 40 million of his own people and being a complete tyrant....:palm:

I'll tell you what, Stoner.

Let's each care about the things that we respectively care about.
It works out best that way.
if you believe life existed before cells you are truely a science denier.....

All that is needed for life to exist is for it to reproduce. It doesn't require a cell structure.
Perhaps you are confused about cells vs molecules. The cell structure is a way to protect the molecules that reproduce.

Here is a simple example - Are viruses living?
The Red Army was basically responsible for vanquishing Hitler, and good on them.

Stalin was one of history's greatest criminals against humanity. All thoroughly documented by Solzhenitsyn.

I've been a boxer, an accountant, and a union rep,
but I've never been a historian.

I know the first part.
I'll have to take your word on the second.

As a socialist, I admit to the tendency to give self-proclaimed socialists the benefit of the doubt.
Stalin is not a factor in our lives now, so it can do no harm.

As for the concept of time, I never regard it in any other way
than a reference to one small planet orbiting one particular star.

I accept your premise that there are other ways to look at it,
but to this point, knowledge of them has not been a requisite for anything I do.

I'm not without intellectual curiosity
but I don't really need to make an effort to direct it at this stage of life.

It's ok to just go to where it takes me.
We're wrapping things up at this point.

Can you even imagine anyone being so daft or arrogant to actually believe they could sway my opinions on God and the Bible
That would be me. I claim that it would be inevitable. Over time, you grow and you learn. You have no control over how your beliefs shift and adjust over time, and it happens because you interact with others.

I think what you meant to write is that nobody is likely to make you pull an immediate 180° on major tenets of your faith. It is plausible, however, that you might eventually become disillusioned by something in your particular church and possibly find that the perspectives of other posters actually resonate with you.

I would point out that your statement above really is little more than virtue signaling to other Christians, projecting the message that your Christian faith is stronger than carbon steel. I don't suppose that there is any harm in that. Congrats.

I hate when atheists feel the need to comment on any religion. You claim there is no God,that the universe was just an accident of cells coming together and evolving,without a intelligent designer.
Fine go with that.

The Church of No God is not atheism. It is a religion. The Church of Abiogenesis is not atheism. It is a religion.

IBDaMann is an atheist.
I thought Amalek was targeted primarily because they harried the Hebrews as they came out of Egypt and in the Sinai.

no.....the Amelekites were targeted when the Israelites came into Canaan but Israel disobeyed and permitted them to live......God again ordered the job done later......
Speaking as another atheist I think it is not uncommon to want to talk about theology. I try to be a bit respectful given that it is someone else's firmly held belief. I came from a youth as a believing Christian so I was trained up with the concept of heaven 'n' hell and it didn't sit well with me, even as a believer. It feels like the concept of "hell" is theologically problematic for the type of God we are told in the New Testament loves all people.

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.

You are not an atheist. You believe in the Church of No God.
All that is needed for life to exist is for it to reproduce. It doesn't require a cell structure.
Perhaps you are confused about cells vs molecules. The cell structure is a way to protect the molectules that reproduce.

Here is a simple example - Are viruses living?

no......they do not reproduce......and let's see an example of something without cell structure reproducing.....this should be interesting.......by he way, molecules do not reproduce......they are produced.....by a organic chemical reaction......
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?

No! I have not noticed that!

You so-called Christians accuse people that believe in a Woman's Choice of being murderers!
Eternity is a very long time, Cypress.

How is it possible for even Hitler,

responsible for the ignominious death of literally millions,

to earn ETERNAL damnation is a finite lifetime?

It would be difficult to justify that logically.

Even if his Excellency the Chancellor got a million years of misery
for every single person on whom he visited misery,
and he may have deserved that,
that's a dot relative to eternity.

As for Stalin, what's your beef with him?
He was one of your people to begin with,
and he was on OUR side.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?

my belief is that we all get the perfect peace
that comes with the inevitable transition to non-existence
whether we deserve it or not.

The proverbial dead horse can't feel that you're beating it.
He no longer exists
and you're just beating inert matter.

I don't think you understand what 'damnation' means.

It simply means 'stopped from progressing'.

Hitler damned himself. He will remain so until and if he repents of all of his crimes against humanity.
Samuel wrote it.

AFAIK, God does not speak directly at all in Samuel.
Samuel purports to be speaking on behalf of God.

I believe you are correct. So now are we thinking that one of the Prophets of God LIED?

BUT, more importantly, in the story, Saul is later PUNISHED by God (God turned away from Saul) because Saul failed to follow Samuel's command from God. So if Samuel was lying God still punished Saul.

(And please remember I'm talking about what the story says...I am 100% certain that there is no God that would ever command a genocide, but that's not the point...the point is we are discussing the theological issues that the God of the Bible carries with Him as part of his overall definition).
I believe you are correct. So now are we thinking that one of the Prophets of God LIED?

BUT, more importantly, in the story, Saul is later PUNISHED by God (God turned away from Saul) because Saul failed to follow Samuel's command from God. So if Samuel was lying God still punished Saul.

(And please remember I'm talking about what the story says...I am 100% certain that there is no God that would ever command a genocide, but that's not the point...the point is we are discussing the theological issues that the God of the Bible carries with Him as part of his overall definition).

Samuel is Hebrew prophet who plays almost no role in Christian theology.

I have been to dozens of Russian, Greek, Serbian, and American Orthodox churches and have never seen a single icon of Samuel. All of the icons which are venerated are of Jesus, the virgin Mary, and the plethora of Christian saints.

If you don't like to stories Samuel wrote, try going to a synagogue and complaining to the people there about Samuel.

One thing I agree with Mason about, why does a militant atheist care so much about the writings of the Old Testament? Either don't read Samuel, or go complain to your Jewish neighbors about a Hebrew prophet.