Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

Muslim-Americans are among our best American citizens.

They supposedly are the most law abiding demographic according to crime statistics, they believe in education, and you don't have to worry about them throwing wild ass parties and getting wasted on booze and crack cocaine if they live next door.

and in other parts of the world, Muslims kill people because they are gay, or women who show their hair.....or school buses full of children because they are Jewish.......
LOL I dont have to make excuses for the bible because there is no reason to make any excuses for the bible. The context of this is clear just like Noah and flood. Genesis alone is clear about one of mans greatest sins and its consequences.

Got it. No need to make explanations.

So do you think God would approve of more genocides?
Quote Originally Posted by christiefan915 View Post
I'm still trying to figure out the "fake Jew" insult. As if those haters have the first idea of Judaism and its teachings. But Minty "knows real Jews" and guno isn't a "real Jew." It's sad and pathetic.

to be fair, Guano is on record saying he does not believe YHWH exists......that is an oddity among Jews.......
Agreed, Perry. Now the hard question: Who wrote that; man or God?

Dude, I'm an atheist. I don't believe any of it is real. Sure there's some "history" in the Bible but it's subsumed by whatever religious or political topics the writers wanted to put across.

We are talking about the THEOLOGY here. As an atheist I fail to believe in God. But I also don't play soccer but I can still discuss the game and rely on the rules of the game to discuss the plays.
Got it. No need to make explanations.

So do you think God would approve of more genocides?

Excuses and explanations arent the same thing. Don't be lazy and switch to the words like leftists always do.

What do you think the point of the bible is?
he's not ridiculing you because you're a non-Christian.....he's ridiculing you because you are an idiot......we do that with everything you say here.....

QED on you attacking non-Christians. Your evil always shines out from behind your mask, Pmp.


Well as far as we know nothing creates itself. A painting suggests a painter and a novel suggests an author. What's your evidence it may have always existed?
Into the Night would be a great person to ask this question. He's a big fan of the idea that the universe has always existed. You should ask him.

I take the Einstein/Hawking view that there was never a point in time when the universe did not exist. This becomes even further refined by whether one is speaking from an internal frame of reference or an external one. To the internal observer, time began with the singularity. To the external observer, time dilates more and more as one extends into the past, approaching the limit of infinite dilation as one approaches the singularity and time virtually stops, i.e. the external observer will never reach the singularity, no matter how much time he runs back the external clock.

and in other parts of the world, Muslims kill people because they are gay, or women who show their hair.....or school buses full of children because they are Jewish.......

That's the problem. ALL religions seem to have a phase where killing people for being not of their sect is "acceptable". Even (especially) Christianity! But we can't lose sight of the GOOD things they have done either. There's a HUGE amount of good done in the name of God. Christians all over the world are doing wonderful work for people. And Islam isn't ALL about killing infidels. There's good stuff that they do. In fact it is arguable that the Muslims saved Western Civilization when during the Dark Ages when Europe was not as keen on the scientific output, the Muslims were preserving ancient knowledge and developing mathematics and science.

Religion, like all things made up by humans, can have good and bad.
Dude, I'm an atheist. I don't believe any of it is real. Sure there's some "history" in the Bible but it's subsumed by whatever religious or political topics the writers wanted to put across.

We are talking about the THEOLOGY here. As an atheist I fail to believe in God. But I also don't play soccer but I can still discuss the game and rely on the rules of the game to discuss the plays.
Then you know you are lying when you claim the Bible is the word of God.

Yet you are seeking to tell experts at soccer how to play the game...no doubt to make yourself look superior. LOL
1Sam15:3 et seq is plain as day. Easy to understand.

No secondary interpretation or special glasses needed to interpret it.

/shrugs......you are employing a secondary interpretation.....why object to us when we do it......at least we don't ignore the other things the Bible says.....
Nope, you killed someone. Full stop. It is our secular law that saves your bacon here, as it allows for self-defense and other legally-justified killing, like capital punishment. You are trying to use the Bible to wiggle out of the commandment against killing.

You are flatly WRONG. The Bible forbids MURDER.
In the modern world, so is the aversion to eat pork.

OTOH, in the ancient world, less sophisticated peoples simply misperceived the event. Not to mention most of those stories grew after Jesus was nailed to a cross.

One of my favorite John Wayne movies is "The Man who shot Liberty Valance" and this astute observation: "This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend".
There was Jesus of Nazareth and his teachings and there's those who came after who turned his teachings into a dogmatic religion. The Bible wasn't canonized until three centuries later; longer than the time between us now and the time of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.

And there is a single, third hand mention of Jesus in one text somewhere outside the Bible. Point being, Christianity is the belief that Jesus is the Son of God, and also is God, and the only way to escape eternal burning hellfire is to believe that. And that dogma becomes a policy. And it then becomes a useful tool for co9mmitting heinous atrocities.