Heaven & Hell (Open to Everyone)

My personal feeling about damnation is that it is a sort of game in which God has all the cards and we, weaker, imperfect mortals, have none of them and we are playing for our immortal soul.

It feels theologicallly problematic to say the least.
to be fair, both the cards AND the souls are his.......
What fools, the ignorant, the mentally challenged and evil people don't realize is that there's God and there's mankind's interpretation of God.

God never changes. God is God. Mankind's perception of God does change as shown by the vast difference between the OT and the NT.

So the God who, through his prophet, Samuel, commanded a genocide in which the children and non-combatant women were to be slaughtered in 1Sam15:3 is the same God who loves EVERYONE?
Agree with this. As long as ones principles can be separated from the dogma, I'm fine with all of it, the problem is that generally that separation does not occur, and the dogma becomes the religion.

I've been reading a lot about the Mayan culture. The elites used the knowledge they acquired to keep the masses in line. They even had an absolutely amazing bullshit story to justify human sacrifice. Unfortunately, that's the way religion has almost always been used. For the dogma, not the principles.

Indeed many crimes have been committed in the name of religion, capitalism, science, imperialism, communism, feudalism.
There's also a possibility that the Isaiahan prophecy from which we get the "virgin birth" was a mistranslation of the Hebrew word almah (עַלְמָה) which can mean just a young unmarried woman.

It may be that the authors of the Synoptic Gospels that discuss the "virgin birth" were doing so because of a translation error.
What do Biblical scholars say? This is like the Kill vs. Murder argument; translation errors, context and/or ancient usage versus modern interpretation.

Mary was married to Joseph so I fail to see how that applies. More logical, IMO, is that these stories grew from fact into legend over the course of a few hundred years in primitive societies where written texts were rare.
So the God who, through his prophet, Samuel, commanded a genocide in which the children and non-combatant women were to be slaughtered in 1Sam15:3 is the same God who loves EVERYONE?

No. Again, you confuse the difference between God and man's interpretation of God, Perry. No worries, since I fully understand why you do so. :thup:
Ok. Explain the context

God, through his prophet, Samuel, commands that all the people (including INNOCENT BABIES AND NON-COMBATANTS) be slaughtered. When Saul fails to do so he is punished by God.

The usual apologetics for this is that Amalek, the nation, had harrassed and attacked the Israelites. I would understand if God commanded Saul to fight the soldiers of Amalek. I do NOT understand the need to slaughter the children. That is, technically speaking, murder.

And God is commanding his people (not long after giving the commandment to NOT murder) to murder people.

(Don't bother with excuses like "they had to kill the infants or they would grow up to be evil Amalekites and attack Israel... murder is murder even with an excuse.)
There are exegetes out there who will tell you that what you are doing is treating the faith like a buffet. Which is fine (everyone does it), but it hardly makes any sense theologically. If, as has been established by the Church, the faith REQUIRES both OT and NT together.

But you are in good company. The Dispensationalists try to weasel out of jots and tittles of the law despite Christ's suggestion that not one shall pass from the law until all be fulfilled.

I can read whatever I want Perry, and the fact is that many Christian denominations only consider the OT relevant in the sense it supposedly has prophecies about Jesus, it has a creation story, and it has the Decalogue.

That's a fact, no matter how desperately you want the OT to be on equal par with the NT.

If the OT bothers you that much, why don't you find a Jewish neighbor or coworker to complain about it to? Its a work of Jewish literature.
The King James translated it as “kill”. I haven’t opened a newer version, my version says “kill”.

This is the problem with many terms in the Bible, there’s a lot of errors in translation.

it did.....that's why, nowdays, we don't stick with the 1600s translation based in two or three documents (none in the original Hebrew) and one translator.....
I can read whatever I want Perry, and the fact is that many Christian denominations only consider the OT relevant in the sense it supposedly has prophecies about Jesus, it has a creation story, and it has the Decalogue.

That's a fact, no matter how desperately you want the OT to be on equal par with the NT.

If the OT bothers you that much, why don't you find a Jewish neighbor or coworker to complain about it to? Its a work of Jewish literature.

I don't expect YOU to abide by any particular sect of Christianity...I don't know what your faith is or if you are an atheist. I'm just telling you what the actual FAITH is.

Even believers treat it like a buffet (which is the primary way I know that the faith does NOT contain much in the way of actual "truth".)
fair....they believe it was an accident of atoms coming together.......cells coming together is where they think life came from....

No to both.

Atoms didn't exist before the universe came into being according to the Big Band theory.
Life existed before cells were formed according to current theory on evolution
God, through his prophet, Samuel, commands that all the people (including INNOCENT BABIES AND NON-COMBATANTS) be slaughtered. When Saul fails to do so he is punished by God.

The usual apologetics for this is that Amalek, the nation, had harrassed and attacked the Israelites. I would understand if God commanded Saul to fight the soldiers of Amalek. I do NOT understand the need to slaughter the children. That is, technically speaking, murder.

And God is commanding his people (not long after giving the commandment to NOT murder) to murder people.

(Don't bother with excuses like "they had to kill the infants or they would grow up to be evil Amalekites and attack Israel... murder is murder even with an excuse.)

LOL I dont have to make excuses for the bible because there is no reason to make any excuses for the bible. The context of this is clear just like Noah and flood. Genesis alone is clear about one of mans greatest sins and its consequences.
Has anyone noticed that Christians are ridiculed by the non-believers, yet the non-believers are not ridiculed by Christians?
That is not a true statement.
you'll have to prove that......
Not even Lucifer the Lightbringer and all Satanic cocksuckers can prove a negative, Pmp.

I've noted several times on JPP where self-professed "Christians" attacked others. Here's examples of bigoted antisemitic self-avowed Christians attacking non-Christians:
LOL! This coming from the wannabe inbred mongrel who ain't black. Now fuck off, mongrel.
Says the bigoted racist mongrel.
Why would a fake Jew care?
More troll commentary from the fake Jew.
are you STILL living in the Dark Age?......
I have been scolded by holy rollers here that I am hell bound if I don't conform to their ways of thinking.

to be fair, what we've said is that it's your choice whether you go to hell or not......it has nothing to do with conforming to OUR way of thinking......