Hello from New York!

Being more conservative than not, welcome! We could use more balance.

Whaddya mean more balance? You can't swing a dead cat by the tail here with out hitting some brown shirted, jack-booted, swastika waving storm trooping, reactionary, wingnut, fascist conservative.
Thanks! Conservatives are pretty rare in Brooklyn. Could use a friendly face. :)

Well considering how southerner's have succeeded in making an unholy joke out of the term you might as well just tatoo your forhead with "Ashamed to be a Yankee".

Here in Ohio were considering banashing all conservatives to Alabama (which of course mean we lose the entire city of Cincinnati, last great bastion of the anal retentive conservative.) until they understand what it means to be a Buckeye.
Aww, thank you. Flattery will get you all sorts of places.

But yeah, I am old. I will be 49 next month. And I have no problem being old. One of my favorite sayings is "Getting old is only a problem until you consider the alternative".

If old doesn't suit your tastes, you can just think of me as "experienced". :cool:

Sol....age is a state of mind.....or....as I like to say.....middle age doesn't begin until social security does! :)
Let me take this thread one more step down the Sexual Harrassment Road.

Steppenwolf, what makes you think all of us guys are after bikini pics? I have news for you. You may well be a physically beautiful lady. But the sexiest thing in the world is a woman with a great mind. The most important sex organ is not what is covered by a bikini. It is between your ears.

Fuck that! I want bikini's!!! :cof1:
I'm married with kids too. And my wife often surfs thru here to see what has been said.

Although, since Damo made some changes she had to create a name and join so she could read the posts. She will probably never post, but she is here.

Flirting online has nothing to do with whether you are married or not.

My wife used to do that too Sol. I fixed that by surfing some gay porn sites after that anything I do and say on here is pretty tame by comparison. :)