Hello! Here for the test drive

not to go boating, fishing, or biking. Point taken, but I feel I was clear which group I was speaking of. If I had wanted to talk about veterans I would have been specific. I am very direct when it comes to such things. You know what they say about "assumptions"

Would you care to explain why those on a disability shouldn't be allowed to do the things you've mentioned?
Would you care to explain why those on a disability shouldn't be allowed to do the things you've mentioned?

I think of two people in my neighborhood, both on disability. Both fully active at home, on the lake, both have bikes. They are doing things that require physical activity yet the are too disabled to work. I call that out for what it is, the fleecing of working Americans.

Food Stamps and Disability enrollment are up under this President, why do you think that is? Is that the America you want? I don't.
What did you present that allowed any other interpretation?

I was not specific to vets, I was specific to people that most likely could be working if it was nothing but a desk job. I made the assumption (yeah that was on me) that there are other working people here like myself that grow tired of cheaters.
not to go boating, fishing, or biking. Point taken, but I feel I was clear which group I was speaking of. If I had wanted to talk about veterans I would have been specific. I am very direct when it comes to such things. You know what they say about "assumptions"

Don't generalize in the future, and we won't have such an exchange. But point taken.
I think of two people in my neighborhood, both on disability. Both fully active at home, on the lake, both have bikes. They are doing things that require physical activity yet the are too disabled to work. I call that out for what it is, the fleecing of working Americans.

Food Stamps and Disability enrollment are up under this President, why do you think that is? Is that the America you want? I don't.

It appears that you decided to take the incident of two people, that you know of, and then choose to paint everyone else with your conclusion.

I'm not going to get sidetracked with your final inclusion; because we already have one discussion going.
It appears that you decided to take the incident of two people, that you know of, and then choose to paint everyone else with your conclusion.

I'm not going to get sidetracked with your final inclusion; because we already have one discussion going.

No, I made a short and to the point statement that most working people where I live would understand, it was taken here that I was pointing to everyone that is on disability which was not the case. If I had been I would have said "everyone", I did not.
I was not specific to vets, I was specific to people that most likely could be working if it was nothing but a desk job. I made the assumption (yeah that was on me) that there are other working people here like myself that grow tired of cheaters.

Could you pleae show where you were being specific "...to people that most likely could be working..."; in the following exchange?

If you are on disability that means you are disabled, no motorcycles, no boats, no nothing outside being at home.

I don't think you understand what disability is.

I think I do, it is a great excuse for those that can work, not to.
The first and third post are pretty self explantory to the average joe, I did not realize you need to a two page report to get an understanding of something so simple.
No, I made a short and to the point statement that most working people where I live would understand, it was taken here that I was pointing to everyone that is on disability which was not the case. If I had been I would have said "everyone", I did not.

You also did not refer to the two people you are now commenting on. You made an "inclusive" statement and were called on it.
The first and third post are pretty self explantory to the average joe, I did not realize you need to a two page report to get an understanding of something so simple.

Maybe the "average joe" who feels that those on disability should remain home bound; but I'm sure that that particular group is fairly small.
And you two injected people that were not mentioned at all.

And your comment of:

If you are on disability that means you are disabled, no motorcycles, no boats, no nothing outside being at home.

...made no mention of only the two people you are now refering to and you were the one who made a comment that made mention of "...if you are on disability...", which leaves it open to cover all those on disability.
Maybe the "average joe" who feels that those on disability should remain home bound; but I'm sure that that particular group is fairly small.

Not to people seeing others take advantage of the system while the rest of us pay more and more for their short comings.