Hello! Here for the test drive

There is a difference between being able to work and being able to work adequately/sufficiently to hold a job. An individual may one day be digging his garden but spending the next two days flat on his back due to pain. There may be individuals who plan an outing of biking or boating by temporarily increasing their pain meds. Of course, that isn't a full time solution as in most cases people already have to beg and plead for pain medication. And then there's the doctors and other greedy assessment people in the pocket of the insurance companies taking money by falsely accusing patients of lying.

Furthermore, if an individual with a disability took a job on a "we'll see/trial basis", they'd either be accused of trying to cheat the insurance company or evaluated as being able to perform such duties even if the individual found out it was too difficult for them. We have to keep in mind, be it insurance company programs or government programs, the "case worker" is NOT the claimant's friend. They are not there to represent the claimant. They do not work for the claimant. As when under arrest anything and everything they say and do WILL be held against them. Everything will be given a negative spin as far as pertaining to their right to receive financial help.

So, while the claimant may not be physically working for the money rest assured they've had to do their psychological homework.
Conservative Moderate here, yeah go figure. It will all come out as we get to know each other. I was very disappointed in the election but it was not the first time and it won't be the last.

It is great to be here.:)

I was disappointed too, but alas, life does go on. ;)
Would you care to explain why those on a disability shouldn't be allowed to do the things you've mentioned?
Well, I think if someone is able to go fishing, operate a boat, motorcycle, etc. they could be holding down a job, wouldn't you think? There are plenty of jobs that require much less physical effort than any of those things do.
I agree; but when confronted, about his blanket statement, he tried to make it look like he was just misunderstood.

I was, you injected your conclusions which were false. I have noted that one must be extremely specific with you otherwise you may not catch on.
Well, I think if someone is able to go fishing, operate a boat, motorcycle, etc. they could be holding down a job, wouldn't you think? There are plenty of jobs that require much less physical effort than any of those things do.

Exactly, some of these people want their cake and yours too.
IMO opinion, here is how I came to that description:

I am against abortion except in cases of rape and incest
I am against bailouts of any kind whether it be Wall Street, GM, student loans, or people upside down in their mortgages.
I don't think it should be illegal to sell anything you can give away for free.
I think 26 weeks should be the maximum draw for unemployment period.
If you are on disability that means you are disabled, no motorcycles, no boats, no nothing outside being at home.

I am sure there are more examples.

Sounds like you want to regulate what certain others get to do. Why do you care so much what others do? Live and let live.
No, I made a short and to the point statement that most working people where I live would understand, it was taken here that I was pointing to everyone that is on disability which was not the case. If I had been I would have said "everyone", I did not.

It was implied.
Sounds like you want to regulate what certain others get to do. Why do you care so much what others do? Live and let live.

I am against the biggest regulation of the last four years, Obamacare. I am against the Definition of a Solid Waste legislation. Me thinks liberals crave legislation or do not understand it to begin with.