Hello! Here for the test drive

Well, I think if someone is able to go fishing, operate a boat, motorcycle, etc. they could be holding down a job, wouldn't you think? There are plenty of jobs that require much less physical effort than any of those things do.

Would you care to show a job that take less physical effort then fishing?
I was, you injected your conclusions which were false. I have noted that one must be extremely specific with you otherwise you may not catch on.

Then your contention is that a person can post a blanket statement, regarding an issue, and it's the readers fault if they come to a different conclusion then the poster intended?
BTW - Taking a motorcycle trip across the nation is not evidence that you don't have a disability. Many disabilities are not physical. My Nephew is a disabled vet (Air Force), it isn't a physical disability.
Nobody said anything about vets, separate issue, I was talking about people taking advantage of our system to get out of supporting themselves, damn this isn't rocket science.
Then your contention is that a person can post a blanket statement, regarding an issue, and it's the readers fault if they come to a different conclusion then the poster intended?

It is my contention that I can't be held accountable for your contributions deflecting the original statement.
Common sense.

Sitting at a desk taking phone calls takes little to no physical effort. Fishing requires loading up tackle, casting a line, pulling in the fish.

This is a no-brainer.

Not to mention loading and loading the boat if on a trailer.
Apparently you are completely unaware of non physical disabilities.

Or unapparent disabilities. Is this a call for more oversight? If so you have to fund the agencies doing this work. Is the only answer they'd be 'happy' (they'll never be happy) with is no agency due to no programs? I'm thinking this reductionist thinking is what most of their 'beliefs' are built on...the myth of 'rugged individualism' that they've swallowed hook, line and sinker.