Hello! Here for the test drive

IMO opinion, here is how I came to that description:

I am against abortion except in cases of rape and incest
I am against bailouts of any kind whether it be Wall Street, GM, student loans, or people upside down in their mortgages.
I don't think it should be illegal to sell anything you can give away for free.
I think 26 weeks should be the maximum draw for unemployment period.
If you are on disability that means you are disabled, no motorcycles, no boats, no nothing outside being at home.

I am sure there are more examples.

If you call that moderate, I wonder what you think is extreme?
Conservative Moderate here, yeah go figure. It will all come out as we get to know each other. I was very disappointed in the election but it was not the first time and it won't be the last.

It is great to be here.:)

welcome to the insane asylum, i am a social progressive and a fiscal conservative (try and figure that one out) good luck and celebrate all holidays...welcome
You lumped everyone who gets disability in the same group, which includes vets. Now had you taken an actually moderate position like better fraud protection, you'd have no objections from me. However you took the actual extremist position by stating those who collect disability should effectively be under house arrest.

Not really, he implied that if you can take a motorcycle trip across the country then it is likely that you could also work.
But he also said that they should only stay at home.

I think he was using hyperbole to restate that if you can work you should not be able to receive disability. I would also note that he annoys Billy.

To Rocketman:
I'd like to ask a few questions. What part of your list was Moderate?

Do you think that gays should be "allowed" to marry? What makes you something different than just a Conservative?

I'll tell you one thing that would make me different.

I don't think it is the government's place to define marriage at all, therefore gays should be able to marry. The government's place would be to protect victims, if you commit fraud while marrying (marry two or more women without their informed consent for example) or if you marry without consent (a minor for instance cannot give consent nor an animal) then the government has a place, otherwise stay out of it...