here's the memo of the Democrats plot against the Amercian people.

and lets not forget the Cindy Sheehan's antics...setting up a tent and rolling in a line of porta potty shitters to set up outside Presidents Bush's property..

now that was some real classy respectful PROTESTING..
By the way, here is some video of respectful disagreement, asking tough questions and demanding facts at a Town hall event. By the by, the gentleman depicted with horns on that poster is Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas):

like I said, get ignored enough and people will raise their voices. nothing wrong with that. At least they didn't resort to the rooftops, something I know you libs think unimaginable.
and lets not forget the Cindy Sheehan's antics...setting up a tent and rolling in a line of porta potty shitters to set up outside Presidents Bush's property..

now that was some real classy respectful PROTESTING..

Yeah pick on a poor mother somewhat deranged over the loss of her son due to the lies Bush and Cheney told to get their war.

But Iraq is a democracy now so everything is ok?
this one here show's even more respectful have to wonder how this ass was even allowed to get this close to the Secretary of State...


Let's see what happened to this person:

WASHINGTON, Oct 24 (Reuters) - An anti-war protester waved blood-colored hands in U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's face at a congressional hearing on Wednesday and shouted "war criminal!", but was pushed away and detained by police.

"The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!" yelled the protester, Desiree Anita Ali-Fairooz of the Code Pink organization which often disrupts hearings on Capitol Hill with protests against the Iraq war.

Rice, an architect of President George W. Bush's Iraq policy, appeared unfazed by the incident, which occurred when she entered a House of Representatives meeting room to testify at a hearing on U.S. Middle East policy.

"Out!," shouted the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee, Rep. Tom Lantos, as plain-clothes security men and police hustled the woman away. The California Democrat also ordered the removal of several other Code Pink activists.

Capitol Police said later five people were arrested, including Ali-Fairooz, who was charged with disorderly conduct and assault on a police officer.

She was also charged with defacing government property for smearing the red paint from her hands on the hallway wall outside the hearing room. The other four protesters faced disorderly conduct charges.

Oh. So it was taken care of immediately and the hearing resumed promptly with minimal disruption. Apples and aardvarks.

I'd note also that I'm not claiming that left-wing loonies always engage in respectful disagreement, but that what the right-wing loonies are doing here is not, as stated by several posters, just getting the "message across to their representatives," "demanding facts" or respectful disagreement.
like I said, get ignored enough and people will raise their voices. nothing wrong with that. At least they didn't resort to the rooftops, something I know you libs think unimaginable.

Ignored? There was an election (lots of them actually) and their guys lost. Big time. Now they throw a collective hissy fit. No one was ignored. They just lost.
and lets not forget the Cindy Sheehan's antics...setting up a tent and rolling in a line of porta potty shitters to set up outside Presidents Bush's property..

now that was some real classy respectful PROTESTING..

So sitting in a tent is akin to what is depicted in the video? Here's a test.

This is an apple:


This is an aardvark:


Can any right-winger tell the difference between the two pictures?
Yeah pick on a poor mother somewhat deranged over the loss of her son due to the lies Bush and Cheney told to get their war.

But Iraq is a democracy now so everything is ok?

she put herself in the limelight as speaking for the anti-war..nothing I can do about that...
hahah, just as I figured...the liberal protesting is cool...but let the right protest, and they are extreme, uncouth, DISRUPTERS..

you all crack me up..
So sitting in a tent is akin to what is depicted in the video? Here's a test.

This is an apple:


This is an aardvark:


Can any right-winger tell the difference between the two pictures?
Are you saying that liberals never participate in shouting out the opposition?
Are you saying that liberals never participate in shouting out the opposition?

I have learned in my years to not use the terms "never" and "always." What I am saying is that what these knuckleheads are doing is not what some are claiming they are doing. They are not engaging in debate. They are not simply asking questions. They are not demanding facts. They are not demanding information. They are just disrupting with the purpose of preventing any dialogue at all and shutting down the meetings, nothing more.

I will also say you will be hard-pressed to find any examples of liberals engaging in this type of behavior at town hall meetings which prevented the meeting from even being conducted. I'm open to being proven wrong on this but so far we have Cindy Sheehan camping at Crawford, code pinkers holding signs and code pinkers being arrested after minimal disruption at a congressional hearing.
Hold the insurance companies accountable.

Remove them from between you and your doctor.

No discrimination for pre-existing conditions. No dropping your coverage because you get sick.

No more job or life decisions made based on loss of coverage. No need to change doctors or plans.

No co-pays for preventive care.

No excessive out-of-pocket expenses,deductibles, or co-pays.

No yearly or lifetime cost caps on what insurance companies cover

it's all here..

This sounds HORRIBLE!!! :eek:
I have learned in my years to not use the terms "never" and "always." What I am saying is that what these knuckleheads are doing is not what some are claiming they are doing. They are not engaging in debate. They are not simply asking questions. They are not demanding facts. They are not demanding information. They are just disrupting with the purpose of preventing any dialogue at all and shutting down the meetings, nothing more.

I will also say you will be hard-pressed to find any examples of liberals engaging in this type of behavior at town hall meetings which prevented the meeting from even being conducted. I'm open to being proven wrong on this but so far we have Cindy Sheehan camping at Crawford, code pinkers holding signs and code pinkers being arrested after minimal disruption at a congressional hearing.
Well, right now I have no access to any video pages, but I think it is likely people can find many times where liberals used the "shouting out" strategy during "protest".
This sounds HORRIBLE!!! :eek:

and having THE GOVERNMENT running your health care, telling you what treatments you can have and if the cost isn't too a certain age they just tell you to go off and die, you are not productive anymore, anyway..

that sounds LOVELY cause my Government cares for me...
and having THE GOVERNMENT running your health care, telling you what treatments you can have and if the cost isn't too a certain age they just tell you to go off and die, you are not productive anymore, anyway..

that sounds LOVELY cause my Government cares for me...

Do you plan to ever stop lying?

Try to at least get a handle on it. It's pathological.
My number 1 objection is having a government database with my private information, the assumption that it will never be misused or abused in any way is preposterous.

Are you talking about the moving of paper information over to an electronic database, which will save 20 billion a year?

My number 2 objection is the reality that the US is down some on mortality of infants and in some other categories because we are often willing to push for risky strategies to attempt to save people that may not have had that chance in other places. Such risks tend to be avoided by government programs, shoot some of them consistently speak of lower technology because of the programs (see France).

It isn't government run. And people in France tend to live longer than people in America anyway.
Do you plan to ever stop lying?

Try to at least get a handle on it. It's pathological.

it is you progressives who are lying..that is why you commies hide behind a name, instead of coming right out and call yourselves what you are..

so don't go calling me a liar, we can see through the progressive Democrats and their Dear Leader commie..
how the hell do you know what I was doing for the last eight years..??
or is this back to this imaginary friend you have living up in that warped head of yours you can't seem to get rid of...
that's why I never take anything you say are cuckoo

She is INSANE.
Are you talking about the moving of paper information over to an electronic database, which will save 20 billion a year?

It isn't government run. And people in France tend to live longer than people in America anyway.
I am talking about that database being held and controlled by the government. The same government we hold a right to privacy against... It is stupid to give up one of our most important freedoms so we can have another step towards cradle to grave care. I'm sure we can find a reasonable way to get it done without giving our most private information to the government to keep care of.

And again, we need to stop being fatties if we want that .5 years to be ALL OURS! Mwahahaha! Otherwise we can enjoy our lives accept we'll live a bit less long than France and still have the technologies that will save lives.
and having THE GOVERNMENT running your health care, telling you what treatments you can have and if the cost isn't too a certain age they just tell you to go off and die, you are not productive anymore, anyway..

that sounds LOVELY cause my Government cares for me...

A number of posters shared their stories of the insurance companies saying what treatments or medications they can have, but I guess you had the blinders on.

You're remarkably naive if you think there are no restrictions with private insurance.