Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

Thanks to our founding fathers for freedom of speech. Freedom of speech includes unpopular speech or as the left says "hate speech". That's the new term for speech that they "hate".
I think its funny that Dixie is defending religion in another thread, and judging millions of muslims based on the actions of a few here.
Exactly what I said to PiMP, that for every link to some nut job act in the US by a Muslim nut job, I could post 5 links of the same from a Christian nut job. Considering our nation is about 98% Christian....that's not hard to do.

But that is not what most of your links showed- Only one act was done by a person claiming to be a Christian. The others were from nut jobs wanting to kill Christian's. Muslim Terrorist's kill non-Muslim's in the name of their God, because their faith, instructs them that this is a glorious act.

(disclaimer) not all Muslim's do this. Approximately only 1% of Muslim's believe this way-of course that's about 1,000,000.
I think its funny that Dixie is defending religion in another thread, and judging millions of muslims based on the actions of a few here.

This is the standard excuse. It's always "just a few". It's always "just a few" who lead, while the rest follow.
Thanks to our founding fathers for freedom of speech. Freedom of speech includes unpopular speech or as the left says "hate speech". That's the new term for speech that they "hate".

Do you think the Westboro Baptist Church practices hate speech?

As one of those "e-e-e-vil lefties", I do, yet I believe they have the right to their opinions no matter how dumb and stupid I think those opinions are.
This is the standard excuse. It's always "just a few". It's always "just a few" who lead, while the rest follow.
So you can discern the objectives of a religion in the literal billions based on the actions of less than 1,000?
Why aren't you picking lotto numbers for a living if you are so precogizant?
But that is not what most of your links showed- Only one act was done by a person claiming to be a Christian. The others were from nut jobs wanting to kill Christian's. Muslim Terrorist's kill non-Muslim's in the name of their God, because their faith, instructs them that this is a glorious act.

(disclaimer) not all Muslim's do this. Approximately only 1% of Muslim's believe this way-of course that's about 1,000,000.

If they can't show an overwhelming ratio of christian violence to muslim violence, do you believe that communities should be able to ban mosques?
If they can't show an overwhelming ratio of christian violence to muslim violence, do you believe that communities should be able to ban mosques?

That was not my argument-mine was with the premise, based on Motts links, that Christian's as a group, are coalescing globally as Muslim's are, to commit acts of terror in the name of their God. When posters try to compare the 2 on this level it's not only disingenuous, it's preposterous.

I think that as a government we should not be objecting to Mosque building on the basis of them not being a religion- but on the grounds that Muslim's have called their brethren to rise up against us and kill us. Until that edict is thoroughly denounced within the Muslim community, their movement ought to be limited. Our Constitution instructs our government to protect it's citizens, both domestic and foreign. Some of these Mosques have been shown to be used to launder money to terror orgs. that have trained killers that have killed us or have wanted to kill us. They also promote anti Constitutional attacks on our laws etc.
All Muslims that I've ever known, support Sharia Law. Let's be clear, no one is denying anyone the right to practice their religion. Communities DO have the right to reject things masquerading as religion, which contradict the basic principles of western democracy. One thing is not the other thing! You are attempting to use religion as a shield of protection for viewpoints which directly contradict our way of government and way of life, and this was never the intent of the Founding Fathers or the Freedom of Religion found in our Constitution.

All two of them?
Okay hot shot... go find ONE EXAMPLE of a Muslim denouncing Sharia Law! Just ONE! Let's go! Put up or shut up!

Okay, here's your "just one".

PHOENIX (March 1, 2011) - Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and the president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) issued the following statement regarding the March 3, 2011 rally - Shariah for America: A call for revolution.

"Shariah for America's march on Washington is an affront to very idea of America and in no way represents the core of American Muslims. American Muslims need to denounce this rally and to unequivocally state that Sharia for America's movement to bring shariah into government is unconstitutional and unconscionable for liberty loving Muslims in America.

Okay, here's your "just one".

PHOENIX (March 1, 2011) - Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, a devout Muslim and the president and founder of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) issued the following statement regarding the March 3, 2011 rally - Shariah for America: A call for revolution.

"Shariah for America's march on Washington is an affront to very idea of America and in no way represents the core of American Muslims. American Muslims need to denounce this rally and to unequivocally state that Sharia for America's movement to bring shariah into government is unconstitutional and unconscionable for liberty loving Muslims in America.


LOVE IT! You post the comments of the guy who most liberals call a fake Muslim :)

You know we have several Mosque here on Columbus and have had for quite some time. I aint exactly seen any women running around in burkas, being stoned for adultery. I don't see masses of people bowing to Mecca 5 times a day and last I knew polygomy was still illegal.

Same here in Pittsburgh. And, they have interfaith collaborations with local Christian and Jewish organizations.