Herman Cain: Communities should be able to ban mosques

I have no qualms with protecting religion, it's when a religion becomes perverted into something that is no longer religion, that I have a problem. Islam has become more of an ideological teaching, much like Nazism or Neo-Fascism. They openly advocate the destruction of western civilization and culture, death to Christians and Jews, and anyone else who doesn't want to subscribe to their 5th century barbaric edicts. Now..... for the past 10 years, I have defended Muslims left and right... I have posted threads on this very board to defend Muslims right to worship.. I have strongly condemned any prejudice based on race or faith... but I have also patiently waited for the moderate voices of Islam to emerge and reel back in their crazies, and that hasn't happened. More and more, we see the 'moderates' adopting the same philosophies and teachings, advocating the same barbaric extremism, and doing NOTHING to rebuke or denounce the radical elements. I can only surmise they don't really want or intend to reject the radicalism, because deep down inside, it's what they really believe! So, I am DONE with Islam, I am DONE defending them as a religious belief, as far as I am concerned, they are NOT a religious belief any longer, they screwed the pooch on that one by becoming radicalized. I believe we have the right to REJECT something that is NOT religion, but rather an ideology, and I believe our communities have the right to reject them as well.

Translation: Being racist is more fun then actually having to distinguish between all those towelheads, I mean they look so alike to me

Still doesn't beat the "Its a religion" argument, doesn't matter if it is barbaric(which its not apart from a few idiots which are well supplied in most religions) doesn't matter if its dogmatic and radical(which most religions are, its one of the qualifications) it doesn't matter if they despise America( alot of the world does that now) STILL A RELIGION and therefore falls under the first amendment which DOES NOT say, "freedom of religion except for the one's we really don't like, then it's ok" its freedom of ALL religion, including Islam, including Wicca even including those wierdoes in Scientology ALL religions
But that's the rub... their religion is to seek implementation of Sharia Law. In other words, their "religious belief" contradicts our Constitutional principles, and there is no way to rectify that. If the Muslim faith didn't subscribe to this belief that Sharia should be adhered to as law of the land, and it was their mission to accomplish the destruction of western civilization, then we could discuss their right to "worship" their religion. As it is, we should question it, we have the right to question it, and denounce it.. .and that's what Cain said.

If the KKK wanted to construct a "church" in your town, would you, as a citizen, have the right to protest that? Can ANY fanatical extremist group form a "religion" or a "church" and advance their agenda in contradiction to the US Constitution? I think Cain makes a brilliant point, and I admire him for having the courage to stand up there and say it, regardless of the idiots who want to make it out to be racist or religious persecution. Radical Islam is NOT a religion as we traditionally understand religion. It's goal and objective are the destruction of western civilization and implementation/adherence to Sharia Law.

Perhaps you could clarify something for me, Dixie. When defining Islam you write, "Radical Islam is NOT a religion as we traditionally understand religion. It's goal and objective are the destruction of western civilization and implementation/adherence to Sharia Law." It sounds like their religion and government (law) are one and the same.

Assuming that is the case how does it differ from "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Creator? That sounds religious-ish to me. Doesn't it, to you? And, of course, it's pretty much the law or what laws are based on, is it not?

My point being when you talk about destruction of western civilization and implementation/adherence to Sharia Law western countries have been going into places like Afghanistan and Iraq and destroying their civilization and implementing Christian laws such as all men being equal and people voting for their leader and women's right to walk around with their head uncovered and teenage girls allowed to go to school instead of learning at home with their mother.

If any "religion" is trying to destroy another civilization perhaps we should take a look at ourselves first.

And talking about women's rights what's the idea of women having to cover their chest in western society? If we wonder why Islam adherents are upset what do you think the reaction would be if the US was invaded and laws passed so women were allowed to go topless? Imagine a foreign, invading power telling people here that their 15 year old daughter could go topless and if anyone interfered they would be arrested or shot.

In Afghanistan young women were guarded by soldiers as they went to school, heads uncovered, freely mingling with boys. It's inevitable the increased fraternizing will lead to incidences of sexual activity, however, the old customs are still in place in many areas. Rather than obtaining an abortion the young girl will simply disappear under the sand, as in grave.

Perhaps you should take a closer look at the destruction of civilizations.
Oddly, Dixie has spoken out in favor of a constitutional amendment to make marriage between a man and a woman only. Is this not taking religious beliefs and making them into law?

Should we ban churches now?

No, we should maintain the separation between politics and religion. And we should keep the 1st amendment as it was intended.
Oddly, Dixie has spoken out in favor of a constitutional amendment to make marriage between a man and a woman only. Is this not taking religious beliefs and making them into law?


???.....no, that's a defensive move intended to prevent YOU from making YOUR beliefs the law.....

Its a pretty big distinction. Christ is the term for the messiah (well, a term, there are many). So the difference between acting like Jesus who could be a rather violent and intolerant sort at times (such as in Thomas) cand be radically different if from acting Christ like.
Its a pretty big distinction. Christ is the term for the messiah (well, a term, there are many). So the difference between acting like Jesus who could be a rather violent and intolerant sort at times (such as in Thomas) cand be radically different if from acting Christ like.

When most people conjure up the reference of "Christ-like" , it usually means a specific way of being....compassionate, gentle spirit, generous, humble, unselfish, spotless, blameless.
I didn't mention Jesus, which, in my mind, conjures up similar qualities and traits. Other than Jesus' encountering the moneychangers in the temple, I don't know of another instance in which he lost his cool...so I really have no idea why you were trying to complicate matters. Unless that's your makeup.
???.....no, that's a defensive move intended to prevent YOU from making YOUR beliefs the law.....

But my beliefs are not based on any religious views. In fact, my beliefs are that we should not have any laws based on religious views.
When most people conjure up the reference of "Christ-like" , it usually means a specific way of being....compassionate, gentle spirit, generous, humble, unselfish, spotless, blameless.
I didn't mention Jesus, which, in my mind, conjures up similar qualities and traits. Other than Jesus' encountering the moneychangers in the temple, I don't know of another instance in which he lost his cool...so I really have no idea why you were trying to complicate matters. Unless that's your makeup.
Well it's significant since Christians believe Jesus is the messiah, thus they should try and emulate him. And his nature wasn't always that of what you describe. Of course it could be said I'm arguing semantics. In the common vernacular it's the same thing. But I'd say you are entirely unable to cluster together the intents and lifetimes of literal billions based on your entirely anecdotal life.
No it doesn't. And non sequitur. Why are you here?

yes it does. your blindness is no excuse for ignorance. it was germane...you claim to be a poet, yet you don't act like one. your question is a complete non sequitur and a lame attempt to divert from your incorrect and illogical statement.
But my beliefs are not based on any religious views. In fact, my beliefs are that we should not have any laws based on religious views.

my belief is that we should not impose a new definition of "marriage" upon society simply because a tiny minority group demands it.......I don't think that's a religious belief, either.....
my belief is that we should not impose a new definition of "marriage" upon society simply because a tiny minority group demands it.......I don't think that's a religious belief, either.....

There is not a new definition of marriage being imposed. In peoples' recalcitrant minds does the view of marriage remain so "narrow" and so limited. Do you really care if two people spend their lives together and "call it marriage", or are you against two people reaping the same benefits found in "traditional marriage". If you do , that defines a bigot. How much will the "marriage" of two individuals affect you personally? Not in the slightest....so, you're just walking around with a chip on your shoulder for no reason other than to be a jerk.
yes it does. your blindness is no excuse for ignorance. it was germane...you claim to be a poet, yet you don't act like one. your question is a complete non sequitur and a lame attempt to divert from your incorrect and illogical statement.

And you can argue with yourself and claim the victory. You have the honor of being the second person I'm placing on ignore. I refuse to deal with dishonest posters.
When most people conjure up the reference of "Christ-like" , it usually means a specific way of being....compassionate, gentle spirit, generous, humble, unselfish, spotless, blameless.
I didn't mention Jesus, which, in my mind, conjures up similar qualities and traits. Other than Jesus' encountering the moneychangers in the temple, I don't know of another instance in which he lost his cool...so I really have no idea why you were trying to complicate matters. Unless that's your makeup.

If we're going for Jesus-like behavior it could just as easily include pithy responses to hard questions, jamming his version of the truth down other's throats, and continuously reminding people that he's better than they are, as well as of course being nice and healy and all that, but still

As for complicating things that's the job of all argument seeking, I'm sorry, truth seeking individuals