

Verified User
Kobie. Unabashedly liberal, sick of gun-humpers, smarter than any of you, and fuck Donald Trump anyone who supports him. He's a worthless piece of shit and so are his slurpers.

Fuck off, have a nice day.
Kobie. Unabashedly liberal, sick of gun-humpers, smarter than any of you, and fuck Donald Trump anyone who supports him. He's a worthless piece of shit and so are his slurpers.

Fuck off, have a nice day.

Just what this forum needs, another leftist loon. What happened Kobie, did DP finally grow a brain and ban your stupid ass?
Just what this forum needs, another leftist loon. What happened Kobie, did DP finally grow a brain and ban your stupid ass?

Taking a break. Decided to delve into the belly of the beast and kick the shit out of you right wing freakshows for a bit.
Kobie. Unabashedly liberal, sick of gun-humpers, smarter than any of you, and fuck Donald Trump anyone who supports him. He's a worthless piece of shit and so are his slurpers.

Fuck off, have a nice day.

Hey, Kobie.

Still going strong, I see.
You're off the rack ignorable dipshit. You'll like it here, they have quite the left handed circle jerk going.

Many do it here on both sides, but a few rightists here are champions of it. Don't forget that, and only call out the left. Hell one of the mods is quite apt in it as well. Even you call out some of the racist ones doing it. That's one of the main reasons I've defended you to anyone trying to call you racist.
Kobie. Unabashedly liberal, sick of gun-humpers, smarter than any of you, and fuck Donald Trump anyone who supports him. He's a worthless piece of shit and so are his slurpers.

Fuck off, have a nice day.

The gun nuts, and Trump enablers/forgivers have almost pushed me to want to move. The Trumpkins are infesting their drama in everything. Political attack reviews, mouthing off comments on nothing political, like Facebook info on Ozzy's new tour, etc. Trump has enabled these candyass examples, of human troll swine. They can't, and won't shut up, and are ruining everything they can.
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The gun nuts, and Trump enablers/forgivers have almost pushed me to want to move. The Trumpkins are infesting their drama in everything. Political attack reviews, mouthing off comments on nothing political, like Facebook info on Ozzy's new tour, etc. Trump has enabled they candyass examples of human troll swine. They can't, and won't shut up, and are ruining everything they can.

I'm here on a self-imposed vacation from a forum far more civilized than this one is. I kinda wanted to delve into the belly of the beast. I'm already regretting it.
I'm here on a self-imposed vacation from a forum far more civilized than this one is. I kinda wanted to delve into the belly of the beast. I'm already regretting it.

This place can be rough, but you get some good things going. You can look for my discussions that have made quite a few rightist butthurt here, because of the rules on unnecessary drama. They are labeled with my screen name usually. Some can't even handle an off topic recipe discussion without personal drama. One even whined by making discussions, and stalked me, because they got banned from it.
This place can be rough, but you get some good things going. You can look for my discussions that have made quite a few rightist butthurt here, because of the rules on unnecessary drama. They are labeled with my screen name usually. Some can't even handle an off topic recipe discussion without personal drama. One even whined by making discussions, and stalked me, because they got banned from it.

Rough? Nah, I've experienced far worse than this. There's nothing the pukes on this site can throw at me I haven't endured 10 times better. I ain't scurred
Many do it here on both sides, but a few rightists here are champions of it. Don't forget that, and only call out the left. Hell one of the mods is quite apt in it as well. Even you call out some of the racist ones doing it. That's one of the main reasons I've defended you to anyone trying to call you racist.

I cannot get over the fact that seems to be a decent site** allows a moderator to post the kind of disgusting drivel that one guy posts day after day.

True, he doesn't have to respect himself (which he obviously doesn't), but he should be willing to show respect for the site on which he is a "moderator."

Go figure!

**At other sites I have often argued for less moderation...and more liberty to be "out spoken." I can see I was wrong. This place has the freedom I argued for...and I can see that the children are unable to make use of it in a decent way. They do their damnedest to make it as much a sewer as they can.
Rough? Nah, I've experienced far worse than this. There's nothing the pukes on this site can throw at me I haven't endured 10 times better. I ain't scurred

The worst of it is the racist, and sexist douchebags, that have a vocabulary, belonging at a KKK BBQ.
This place can be rough, but you get some good things going. You can look for my discussions that have made quite a few rightist butthurt here, because of the rules on unnecessary drama. They are labeled with my screen name usually. Some can't even handle an off topic recipe discussion without personal drama. One even whined by making discussions, and stalked me, because they got banned from it.

Hypocrisy at it's finest, folks...
The worst of it is the racist, and sexist douchebags, that have a vocabulary, belonging at a KKK BBQ.

Hell, some of the racists here I've encountered before. The Texting Drivers guy is well known around forums (here, DP, USMB). He's a Stormfronter, no doubt.
Hell, some of the racists here I've encountered before. The Texting Drivers guy is well known around forums (here, DP, USMB). He's a Stormfronter, no doubt.

Watch out for Teflon Don, as well. The chickenshit just made a goading discussion, about Bush, and banned everyone that would call him out. Maybe he missed you, and you can tell him to eat a bag of shit, for the rest of us. Normally that was just Legion trolls MO, but a few others get that cowardly, and stupid on occasion.
Kobie. Unabashedly liberal, sick of gun-humpers, smarter than any of you, and fuck Donald Trump anyone who supports him. He's a worthless piece of shit and so are his slurpers.

Fuck off, have a nice day.

Welcome. Think I remember you from DP. I was Telekat.