
Watch out for Teflon Don, as well. The chickenshit just made a goading discussion, about Bush, and banned everyone that would call him out. Maybe he missed you, and you can tell him to eat a bag of shit, for the rest of us. Normally that was just Legion trolls MO, but a few others get that cowardly, and stupid on occasion.
I was amused when he started his 'Why aren't Democrats discussing this?', and banned everyone but the RWNJs from the group.

Um...how can anyone discuss anything in a thread that doesn't exist?
Tell a joke about a Catholic priest, see what happens.
Well...if the joke entails child molestation, that's about the only rule that gets you tossed immediately. The obvious ones are easy to abide by. No PMs posted in public, no posting of names/addresses, etc. . Not that hard to avoid that.