
Well...if the joke entails child molestation, that's about the only rule that gets you tossed immediately. The obvious ones are easy to abide by. No PMs posted in public, no posting of names/addresses, etc. . Not that hard to avoid that.
It did not. It was clearly about adults. To most rational folks anyway.
It did not. It was clearly about adults. To most rational folks anyway.
Crazy huh? With all the disgusting comments about women, racist/antisemitic rants, and general vulgarity, you would think virtually anything goes.
Well...if the joke entails child molestation, that's about the only rule that gets you tossed immediately. The obvious ones are easy to abide by. No PMs posted in public, no posting of names/addresses, etc. . Not that hard to avoid that.

Actually, the posting of personal info will get you tossed just as quickly. The only difference is that it happens far less frequently (I know of two posters who were permabanned for it a number of years ago, now), and it may not be immediately apparent to the mods as to whether the personal info came from the public domain (if you post your own personal info on the open forums or on your personal profile on this site, it becomes de facto public record) or was obtained and posted in a manner where it is a definite violation.
You're off the rack ignorable dipshit. You'll like it here, they have quite the left handed circle jerk going.

Are you shitting me? This place is a right-wing sewer. If this forum is too liberal for you, you've fallen off the edge of the earth.
Are you shitting me? This place is a right-wing sewer. If this forum is too liberal for you, you've fallen off the edge of the earth.

It's true. Over half the liberals claim to have nearly every rightie on ignore and then they thread ban over half the board.
I cannot get over the fact that seems to be a decent site** allows a moderator to post the kind of disgusting drivel that one guy posts day after day.

True, he doesn't have to respect himself (which he obviously doesn't), but he should be willing to show respect for the site on which he is a "moderator."

Go figure!

**At other sites I have often argued for less moderation...and more liberty to be "out spoken." I can see I was wrong. This place has the freedom I argued for...and I can see that the children are unable to make use of it in a decent way. They do their damnedest to make it as much a sewer as they can.

you are free to choose to post at other sites.......
It's true. Over half the liberals claim to have nearly every rightie on ignore and then they thread ban over half the board.

I've been here just a few days and already got banned from a thread already, by Teflon. Boo fucking hoo.
I've been here just a few days and already got banned from a thread already, by Teflon. Boo fucking hoo.

That has nothing to to do with the fact I proved you wrong. Boo boo for you.

It's true. Over half the liberals claim to have nearly every rightie on ignore and then they thread ban over half the board.

But you cry about one poster.
