High Gas Prices? Blame the Tree Huggers!

I based crunched my numbers using the highest estimates I found for the remaining reserves, and based useage on current levels.

The useage is not going to decline, especially worldwide. There is a significant portion of our oil consumption that goes to manufacturing. This portion is the area in which we have made the least progress.

Heating oil is another area that must be addressed sooner rather than later. Although actually, converting to electric would help. Electric energy can be generated without the burning oil as fuel, and electricity is muc more efficient. (and spill proof)

Except that much of that electricity would come from increased coal consumption which has it's own set of problems associated with it.
Except that much of that electricity would come from increased coal consumption which has it's own set of problems associated with it.

Electricity can be generated by nuclear plants, hydroelectric plants, wind farms, solar cells, and a host of other methods. You can even incinerate garbage and generate electricity.
please stop making me laugh on the ground laughing at speculators making the price go up. If the price goes down they get burned, for every guy betting it goes up someone is betting it goes down.
But mottley is righ on the Aisan Demand, the dollar, and thank god for the tree huggers making me rich.
The biggest reasons for the increase in the cost of oil are market speculation, debasement of the US dollar and increased demand in Asia.

Well, again, we have a pinhead who wants to stop and point fingers and cast blame rather than face the problem and solve it. It's more important to mire the topic in this endless philosophical debate over who's at fault, than to actually do something to fix the problem.

Let's be honest here, there are numerous reasons gas is high, including the tree huggers. Who is mostly to blame or who is partly to blame, this is all a matter of mostly speculative opinion. The bottom line is this, gas is higher than it's ever been and it doesn't show any signs of dropping. The fundamental problem when ANY commodity is rising in price, is always "supply and demand" and this applies to ALL commodities across the board. Increase supply and the price goes down, it's just that simple.

We have not built a new refinery in 20 years, and we continue to refuse allowing new oil exploration. We import oil because we do not produce enough domestically. You can argue with this if you like... throw out some stats about how much petroleum products we export or whatever, it doesn't negate the fact that we import foreign oil because we do not produce enough domestically. Logic dictates, if we produce more domestically, we will need to import less. Rather than face this logic, some pinheads want to argue and finger point, cast blame and confuse the issue, anything but drill and refine!
Sorry Mott, but pumping gas at the quickie-mart doesn't qualify you as an "oil expert".

So you know what he does for a living?

Funny, you berate him for his expertise, and yet you claim to know that everyone in the Florida Tourism Bureau is a tree hugger.
So you know what he does for a living?

Funny, you berate him for his expertise, and yet you claim to know that everyone in the Florida Tourism Bureau is a tree hugger.

I know two people personally, who work for the FTB, and they are both devout liberals. I know about a dozen people who work in other similar organizations, and they are all liberals as well. I would be willing to bet, a vast and overwhelming majority of the employees working for FTB or any similar organization, are liberals.

Liberals in the Oil Industry? Not so many... unless they are like Mott and pick up a little spare change from pumping gas at the quickie mart. I may not be an expert on a lot of things, but I know pinheads like the back of my hand.
I know two people personally, who work for the FTB, and they are both devout liberals. I know about a dozen people who work in other similar organizations, and they are all liberals as well. I would be willing to bet, a vast and overwhelming majority of the employees working for FTB or any similar organization, are liberals.

Liberals in the Oil Industry? Not so many... unless they are like Mott and pick up a little spare change from pumping gas at the quickie mart. I may not be an expert on a lot of things, but I know pinheads like the back of my hand.

Suuuure Dixie. The wide range of your expertise is astounding.
I'm as liberal as you can get.
But unlike most liberals I'm educated in business, accounting undergrad and MBA. I'm more pro oil than the rightest republican.
I know two people personally, who work for the FTB, and they are both devout liberals. I know about a dozen people who work in other similar organizations, and they are all liberals as well. I would be willing to bet, a vast and overwhelming majority of the employees working for FTB or any similar organization, are liberals.

Liberals in the Oil Industry? Not so many... unless they are like Mott and pick up a little spare change from pumping gas at the quickie mart. I may not be an expert on a lot of things, but I know pinheads like the back of my hand.

Governer Jeb Bush ensured that they would not drill off the FL coast for some time. Thats a fact jack, I lived there when it happened. A real liberal dude I hear ;)
Electricity can be generated by nuclear plants, hydroelectric plants, wind farms, solar cells, and a host of other methods. You can even incinerate garbage and generate electricity.

Yes you can generate electricity from those sources and I'm involved with Waste to Energy facilities and I agree that we need to move more in that direction. I'm also a proponent of nuclear as it is safer and cleaner than the public is lead to believes. Be that as it may, at the present most of our electricity is generated by burning coal.
Well, again, we have a pinhead who wants to stop and point fingers and cast blame rather than face the problem and solve it. It's more important to mire the topic in this endless philosophical debate over who's at fault, than to actually do something to fix the problem.

Let's be honest here, there are numerous reasons gas is high, including the tree huggers. Who is mostly to blame or who is partly to blame, this is all a matter of mostly speculative opinion. The bottom line is this, gas is higher than it's ever been and it doesn't show any signs of dropping. The fundamental problem when ANY commodity is rising in price, is always "supply and demand" and this applies to ALL commodities across the board. Increase supply and the price goes down, it's just that simple.

We have not built a new refinery in 20 years, and we continue to refuse allowing new oil exploration. We import oil because we do not produce enough domestically. You can argue with this if you like... throw out some stats about how much petroleum products we export or whatever, it doesn't negate the fact that we import foreign oil because we do not produce enough domestically. Logic dictates, if we produce more domestically, we will need to import less. Rather than face this logic, some pinheads want to argue and finger point, cast blame and confuse the issue, anything but drill and refine!

Dixie, you really need to do more homework before you post on a topic that you're not really well informed on. You have these blinders on that the USA exists in an isolated bubble and that oil companies owe some sort of loyalty to this country when most of them are foreign owned.
Sorry Mott, but pumping gas at the quickie-mart doesn't qualify you as an "oil expert".

Who said I was an expert? I said that inside the oil companies this was common knowledge. Dixie, if you read something other than NewsMax or the Drudge report or watched something other than the Nazi News Network (Fox news) you might find these things out.
So you know what he does for a living?

Funny, you berate him for his expertise, and yet you claim to know that everyone in the Florida Tourism Bureau is a tree hugger.

Tecnically, by Dixie's standard I guess I would be a tree hugger. I'm a Certified HazMat Manager (CHMM) and I work in the Environmental Services division of a major oil company. Mostly I work in managing hazardous waste (which probably explains a lot to Dixie;-) but I talk with the guys in the other departments in plastics, oil and chemicals.
I know two people personally, who work for the FTB, and they are both devout liberals. I know about a dozen people who work in other similar organizations, and they are all liberals as well. I would be willing to bet, a vast and overwhelming majority of the employees working for FTB or any similar organization, are liberals.

Liberals in the Oil Industry? Not so many... unless they are like Mott and pick up a little spare change from pumping gas at the quickie mart. I may not be an expert on a lot of things, but I know pinheads like the back of my hand.

Sol, keep in mind that anything to the left of Attilla the Hun, Adolph Hitler and George Wallace are "Liberals" to Dixie. I was a republican for 23 years (1980 to 2003) until they went insane. I switched party affiliations when that moron Bush dropped the ball on the war on terror and invaded Iraq. I'm really right of center in most of my politics. I'm an objectivist philosophically and that is mutually exclusive from being a neocon. However, compared to Dixie I am a pink shirted, bleeding heart, wishy-washy, commie pinko liberal. Keep in mind though that's compared to Dixie and of course that aint saying much.
Governer Jeb Bush ensured that they would not drill off the FL coast for some time. Thats a fact jack, I lived there when it happened. A real liberal dude I hear ;)

Yea, everyones a conservative until they want to drill for oil or build a nuclear reactor or a hazardous waste landfill near where you live. Then everyone becomes a pro-environment NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) Liberal.