Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

This is pretty tame compared to the self-aggrandizement, self-promoting, pompous, and egotistical statements The Orange Clown makes on almost a weekly basis.

I wonder why you haven't started a thread complaining about Drumpf's appalling and socially unacceptable habits of self-aggrandizement??
I gave you an ironic thanks, for all the PC shit you post on here all the time.

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This is pretty tame compared to the self-aggrandizement, self-promoting, pompous, and egotistical statements The Orange Clown makes on almost a weekly basis.

I wonder why you haven't started a thread complaining about Drumpf's appalling and socially unacceptable habits of self-aggrandizement??

That embarrassing cabinet meeting where the members went around the table praising trump was gag-worthy and a laugh riot to the rest of the world.
Amazing how nearly nine months passing and some on the right still can't shake thier Clinton obsession, then again, if one had to defend or even explain the current President I suppose being stuck with last year's scapegoats makes sense

Anything to deflect from the travesty that is trump.
why aren't you out chasing squirrels on such a nice day?

What an odd question. The answer is it is eight o'clock in the morning here, and I am not done with my first cup of joe.

But I can't help noticing you did not answer my question.

If self-aggrandizement bothers you so much, why haven't you started a thread complaining about Drumpf, who is the King of narcissism. Hillary is not even remotely close to being in his league.
To Hillary? Hell yes lol.

Please. I don't think anyone would dispute Hillary's arrogance, but Trump is on a whole different level. Classic, textbook narcissist - can anyone name anyone else in American history who was as full of him or herself? Anyone who was so self-absorbed? Anyone who so constantly called themselves the smartest, the richest, the best?

Trump wins any ego contest going away.
its called self confidence asshole

Hilary is self confident

Barrack was self confident NOT arrogant

Trump is insane
Please. I don't think anyone would dispute Hillary's arrogance, but Trump is on a whole different level. Classic, textbook narcissist - can anyone name anyone else in American history who was as full of him or herself? Anyone who was so self-absorbed? Anyone who so constantly called themselves the smartest, the richest, the best?

Trump wins any ego contest going away.

Not to mention elections.
Please. I don't think anyone would dispute Hillary's arrogance, but Trump is on a whole different level. Classic, textbook narcissist - can anyone name anyone else in American history who was as full of him or herself? Anyone who was so self-absorbed? Anyone who so constantly called themselves the smartest, the richest, the best?

Trump wins any ego contest going away.

you hate vaginas huh
What an odd question. The answer is it is eight o'clock in the morning here, and I am not done with my first cup of joe.

But I can't help noticing you did not answer my question.

If self-aggrandizement bothers you so much, why haven't you started a thread complaining about Drumpf, who is the King of narcissism. Hillary is not even remotely close to being in his league.
i was talking to daesh..knock yourself out with any thread you want..