Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman


Really, all you have anymore. I think I said "Obama beat McCain" once, the day after that election. I didn't have to keep repeating it every day.

It's been the cause of Dem's months-long trauma tantrum with no end in sight.

Wonder Woman lol.
True. I forgot how calm & accepting the right was about Obama being Prez.

Here's a graphic reminder:

Please. I don't think anyone would dispute Hillary's arrogance, but Trump is on a whole different level. Classic, textbook narcissist - can anyone name anyone else in American history who was as full of him or herself? Anyone who was so self-absorbed? Anyone who so constantly called themselves the smartest, the richest, the best?

Trump wins any ego contest going away.

self confidence is a crime for a women huh asshole?

I think she gives him too much credit for being smart, he's not smart enough to keep his mouth shut at the risk of incriminating himself.

IMO electing trump as president was like the Minnesota election of Jesse Ventura as governor. He was a celebrity with the same shtick as trump. Ventura was smart enough to realize he was in way over his head and declined to run for reelection, though.

I love when fools say how stupid the POTUS is. If only we could all be so stupid.

I'd love it if you could take off the blinders. The man showed us who he is and it ain't pretty.

He's in a job for which he has no experience and no ability/interest in learning. He thinks he can fire people left and right just like on his reality show, because he doesn't understand the system of checks and balances. He's incapable of admitting he makes mistakes. The ridiculous excuse ala Paul Ryan is "The president’s new at this. He’s new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”

How about we let a junior lifeguard, fireman, policeman etc. use that excuse: "A little boy drowned today but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "Three people in the burning building died because I didn't know how to operate the ladder but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "I killed a little girl playing with a Super Soaker because I thought it was a real gun, but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this."