Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

I'd love it if you could take off the blinders. The man showed us who he is and it ain't pretty.

He's in a job for which he has no experience and no ability/interest in learning. He thinks he can fire people left and right just like on his reality show, because he doesn't understand the system of checks and balances. He's incapable of admitting he makes mistakes. The ridiculous excuse ala Paul Ryan is "The president’s new at this. He’s new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”

How about we let a junior lifeguard, fireman, policeman etc. use that excuse: "A little boy drowned today but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "Three people in the burning building died because I didn't know how to operate the ladder but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "I killed a little girl playing with a Super Soaker because I thought it was a real gun, but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this."

No one knew he was a wild man before they voted for him. It really took them by surprise. He never ran for nor held any political office before being elected? Dang, wait 'til the crowd hears this.
I'd love it if you could take off the blinders. The man showed us who he is and it ain't pretty.

He's in a job for which he has no experience and no ability/interest in learning. He thinks he can fire people left and right just like on his reality show, because he doesn't understand the system of checks and balances. He's incapable of admitting he makes mistakes. The ridiculous excuse ala Paul Ryan is "The president’s new at this. He’s new to government, and so he probably wasn’t steeped in the long-running protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI and White Houses. He’s just new to this.”

How about we let a junior lifeguard, fireman, policeman etc. use that excuse: "A little boy drowned today but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "Three people in the burning building died because I didn't know how to operate the ladder but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this." "I killed a little girl playing with a Super Soaker because I thought it was a real gun, but it wasn't my fault, I'm new to this."
Obama was much the same for the first six months or so, don't forget that.

Sent from my iPhone 25 GT Turbo
You mean your POTUS? lol

No... voodoo Trump...

He has "self destructive Twitter disorder" LMFAO!
Donning some expensive gadgets and hopping in the batmobile to go fight crime is right up my alley...except I can't fight worth a shit any more and I',m not rich. I think we all know how I feel about Mrs. Clinton but come on...this is getting silly.
Donning some expensive gadgets and hopping in the batmobile to go fight crime is right up my alley...except I can't fight worth a shit any more and I',m not rich. I think we all know how I feel about Mrs. Clinton but come on...this is getting silly.

Yes . Yes it is...