Hillary Clinton Compares Herself to Wonder Woman

Desh - you really have to watch that whole "racist" thing you do. By calling everyone a racist, you water that word & that charge down to the point where it's meaningless. In effect, you perpetuate real racism.

If I call Reagan, Bill Clinton, GW, Hillary, Obama & Trump arrogant, it's not 'racist.' There is only one minority in that group, in case you didn't notice.
You must believe that this must be what is happening then...Right?

It is clear ( as usual unfortunately) that you really have no idea what Voodoo is. What is practiced. What is not. Do you have a problem with Voodoo and those that might believe it or practice it?
I'm sure I'll get around to it when I'm finished showing how stupid you are to board and internet, buddy.

C'mon Queefy...
We need a good laugh today...

No one knew he was a wild man before they voted for him. It really took them by surprise. He never ran for nor held any political office before being elected? Dang, wait 'til the crowd hears this.

None of this is a response to the excuse that "he's just new to this." We're talking about his ability to learn.
Desh - you really have to watch that whole "racist" thing you do. By calling everyone a racist, you water that word & that charge down to the point where it's meaningless. In effect, you perpetuate real racism.

If I call Reagan, Bill Clinton, GW, Hillary, Obama & Trump arrogant, it's not 'racist.' There is only one minority in that group, in case you didn't notice.

yes you did that AFTER you labeled Hillary arrogant .

she is not

Obama is not

Bill may be

the rest sure were arrogant

GW 41 was not
Plenty. Feel free to travel a bit and experience them yourself. Voodoo is a religion. One that I guarentee you will not fall asleep while attending mass.

I've traveled quite a bit. It's one of the reasons I call bullshit on the Muslim haters here.

But regarding voodoo, is there nothing you can cite to back up the claim about science?