Hillary Sect of State?

well, with the democrats having such a large number of pretty high-profile, accomplished people right now...I think it's only natural to wonder about it. I'm pretty curious to see who goes where. But I think the one I am watching most closely is treasury secretary.

My guess would be Stiglitz
"One of them is on this board because they just can't quit me after all these years."

Aww jeez Darla, you can't toss that little tidbit out and not give us some details!

'Fess up!
Can you image Hillary filling out the seven-page questionnaire that other cabinet appointees are required to fill out. Wouldn't we all like to see how she answered these questions?

“Please provide any other information, including information about other members of your family, that could suggest a conflict of interest or be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the president-elect.”

“Briefly describe the most controversial matters you have been involved with during the course of your career.”

Leaning is just fixated on the bible spice phrase, he doesn't like that. I think that's what it is anyway.

I think it's hysterical, but we know what kind of person I am!
I liked Palintology for a minute, but it got boring with repetition. I think Bible Spice has more legs than even Caribou Barbie.
i wrote a fking 10 pg paper and got it shoved back into my face because the teacher said it was plagarism. i ridculous i've had enough.