Hillary won't get the nomination

I gaurantee you Colorado would have voted for Gary Hart. And did Georgia vote for Carter?

You are making no sense. I believe that, historically, there has never been a President that hasn't won their home state. I may be wrong. But I don't think so. Trivia like that I would have grabbed and memorized long ago.

However, those 25 Electoral votes from Tennesee would have given him the election.

The times, they are achanging Damo, try and keep up ok? Or else we will have to diaper you and call you Donny.

Today, we have a far more polarized electorate. Do you think Rudy is going to win his homestate of NY? Think again my friend.
Now, if he could just have convinced his home state this conversation would have been far different. No way to know exactly how different, but definitely different.

Or if the bush thugs hadn't stolen Florida, but oh that's right, that's just illegal and makes bush the non a president president, but let's focus on one of the biggest hick states in the nation and ask why a democrat didn't win it anyway.
I thought we finished this debate in 2000...

Gore won the popular vote. Bush won. We should switch to a purely popular vote for president.
I thought we finished this debate in 2000...

Gore won the popular vote. Bush won. We should switch to a purely popular vote for president.

Anyone who knows anything about what happened in Florida, before, during and after the election knows that bush did not win florida, and you are young enough so that you will be around when the history books reflect that, which they will.
I’m proud of my two votes for George W. Bush. In uncertain times like these, we need rock steady leadership. We need a guy who’s a straight shooter. A guy who is just like us regular folks. A guy who will bomb the hell out of Iran if they even look at us the wrong way.

What’s so special about that Gore guy? His fancy pants talk, filled with facts and statistics, bores me. ("Al Boar", HaHa Stuporfreak, good one!) It’s all fuzzy math. Sure, he sound smarter than Bush. But, brains aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I’d rather have a beer with Bush! Anyway, Gore would have done the same thing as Bush on Iraq. No difference at all. And you can’t PROVE Gore would have done things differently than Bush. Stuporfreak is totally right about that! It’s entirely possible that Bush is more competent, better prepared, and has better judgment than Gore. You can’t prove otherwise!!!!

Anyhoo, Gore was a serial liar. You expect me to vote for a guy who lies about the price of his Aunt’s prescription drugs? Or who lies about inventing the intertubes? Who lies about global climate change? Pfffftttt.

Bottom line: the French moved Saddam’s WMD to Syria (or maybe Bolivia), Gore would have invaded Iraq too, the Bush economy is doing great, and I’ve got no reason to be ashamed of my two votes for George W. Bush. NONE!


Hey, sweetie. Remember me? Still want to be the Prezzy? I can get that for ya doll. Just say the word.
Anyone who knows anything about what happened in Florida, before, during and after the election knows that bush did not win florida, and you are young enough so that you will be around when the history books reflect that, which they will.

So why not avoid such a debacle and switch to a purely popular vote? Gore would have won if the majority's choice had been recognized. All of this single state target campaigning is absurd.
So why not avoid such a debacle and switch to a purely popular vote? Gore would have won if the majority's choice had been recognized. All of this single state target campaigning is absurd.

Oh yeah, that would be great, I wish we would do that.
Yep I am all for the purely populat vote. And no results released until the last precinct that are voting for a particular office has closed.
He definitely wasn't a moderate then either. No matter how hard he pretended to be. His economic policy gave him away. As for Bradley, his proposed changes to the tax code, his proposals to reduce deficit spending, his proposals for campaign finance reform.... ALL of those would have played out well on the national stage. His mistake was that he thought he had to act left of Gore to get the nomination. So the lefty Gore acted like a moderate and the moderate Bradley acted like a lefty. Talk about backfiring on the country. To bad the dems couldn't see the advantages Bradley would have had.

So the lefty Gore acted like a moderate and the moderate Bradley acted like a lefty

Riiiight. This is the exucse you just made up for why you would have supported liberal Bradley over less liberal Gore? That they were each faking their positions? This is the Worst. Spin. Ever.

SF, take some advice from a former prominent Bush voter, on how to apologize or express regret for voting for Bush:

LEE Iacocca is no fan of President Bush:

"I campaigned for him because I knew his mother and dad for 30 years, and I figured he was from pretty good stock," the auto-industry legend tells Details magazine. "But Jeb was being groomed, too. They got the wrong kid. There's something wrong philosophically with how Bush's brain works. I feel sorry for him. I used to think [Al] Gore was nuts in his worrying about global warming, but he was ahead of his time."

You'll sleep better at night, if you follow Mr. Iacocca's lead. :cof1:
The times, they are achanging Damo, try and keep up ok? Or else we will have to diaper you and call you Donny.

Today, we have a far more polarized electorate. Do you think Rudy is going to win his homestate of NY? Think again my friend.
I think if he doesn't, he won't win.
Or if the bush thugs hadn't stolen Florida, but oh that's right, that's just illegal and makes bush the non a president president, but let's focus on one of the biggest hick states in the nation and ask why a democrat didn't win it anyway.
Hmmm... I did, Georgia. It appears as if I was correct, Jimmy took that one...

Anyway, they elected him Senator in TN, then later voted for Clinton... in 1992 AND 1996. It seems that they vote Democrat except when Gore is running. They also voted for Jimmy in 1976.

BTW, here is a great site for finding out electoral results of elections..

The failure of the System to produce a DEMOCRATICALLY POPULARLY ELECTED PRESIDENT.

When, oh when are some of the posters on this site going to learn that this is NOT a DEMOCRACY?

It is a democratic republic constrained by a constitution

It will require an amendment to the constitution to get rid of the Electoral College and institute a popular vote for the president and VP

I wonder how many people on this board could pass the exam proposed for to become a new citizen
do you really think that what we think about who will be the primary winners has anything to do with reality?
Hmmm... I did, Georgia. It appears as if I was correct, Jimmy took that one...

Anyway, they elected him Senator in TN, then later voted for Clinton... in 1992 AND 1996. It seems that they vote Democrat except when Gore is running. They also voted for Jimmy in 1976.

BTW, here is a great site for finding out electoral results of elections..


I really don't think that you understand what happened in the 90's. But in order to understand it, you'd have to face it, and you're not going to do that.

So, let's just keep it to today. Rudy will not win NY, nor will any republican presidential candidate. Home states are no longer relevant. They were in the 70's, 80's, and part of the 90's, but it is in the 90's when that began to change. So I guess you can keep saying carter carter carte carter, but, this is the year 2007.

Rudy will not win his home state if he is nominee. And somehow, I doubt that would make you feel better about the democrats stealing Florida. I don't think we'd see you on here claiming that if only Rudy could have won his home state, it wouldn't matter what the dems did in Florida.
When, oh when are some of the posters on this site going to learn that this is NOT a DEMOCRACY?

It is a democratic republic constrained by a constitution

It will require an amendment to the constitution to get rid of the Electoral College and institute a popular vote for the president and VP

I wonder how many people on this board could pass the exam proposed for to become a new citizen

I didn't know that. When I said that I wish we could have a popular vote winner rather than the current electoral system, you were correct to interpret that to mean that I thought we could just move to one. Like, maybe take a head count? Are you sure we can't? What is a "democratic republic" you never hear anyone saying "we have to fight for a democratic republic" or "democratic republics are on the rise". You hear "we have to fight for democracy!" and "Democracy is on the rise!"

I don't know nothing bout taking no citizenship test neither. I never had to take one, I don't know anybody who has ever had to take one, and they're all citizens. I'd like to see a link please, to prove that these "citizenship tests" exist?
Well, I have some meetings this morning, but I hope all you big, smart men will still be here to school me more later.

You men you. I am writing all of this down! I just hope i can keep it all in my little ole head.

Carter won Georgia and we live in a democratic republic. See, if I type it over and over, that could help me with my learning. Some man told me that that's just how Thomas Jefforson remembered stuff from all his books he read. But of course he wrote it, not typed it...I mean, I'm sure.
"Bush was a disaster, but I think that pushing the blame for the Iraq War to Ralph Nader is the most intensive leap of logic I've seen from Democrats in a while.

But shouldn't it be the President's fault? Well he wouldn't be prez except for that horrible Nader man."

I don't think anyone has suggested that accountability for the invasion doesn't lie largely with Bush. To suggest it this way, as you have, is slightly lobotomized thinking.

This is a fact: if Nader voters in Florida had voted for the VIABLE candidate who most represented their views, instead of trying to "send a message" (which has already died), we wouldn't be in Iraq.

More bullshit that illustrates the weakness and lack of intellectual honesty by democrats.

If Gore had won his own state he would be the president.

If Gore had picked a VIABLE running mate, he would be president.

If Gore has stood as his own man, he would be president.

If democrats had done a better job of working for the people they counted on to elect Gore, he would be president.

NONE of those failures can be blamed on Nader.
Lets be honest. Does any of us think the USA is ready to elect a black President ?
I think there is still just too much rascism for this to happen...
Lets be honest. Does any of us think the USA is ready to elect a black President ?
I think there is still just too much rascism for this to happen...

Americans are ready to elect a woman president and are ready to see a black VP. In fact, at this time in history the woman running for president, Clinton, and the black person she's likely to select, Obama, make an almost unbeatable team.