Hillary won't get the nomination

Americans are ready to elect a woman president and are ready to see a black VP. In fact, at this time in history the woman running for president, Clinton, and the black person she's likely to select, Obama, make an almost unbeatable team.

Yes that is very possible.

However I would rather see an Edwards/Obama ticket.
Perhaps a bit less unbeatable.
Now, if he could just have convinced his home state this conversation would have been far different. No way to know exactly how different, but definitely different.

True, but its humerous to hear people put him down for not convencing enough voters, when he convenced more than Bush!
There is no "one" election. He has to win 50 of them. One important one that he should have won would have been his home. I don't think there has ever been a President who didn't win in their home state.

Did Bush win Connecticut? Because I am quite sure Gore won Washington, D.C.!
I gaurantee you Colorado would have voted for Gary Hart. And did Georgia vote for Carter?

You are making no sense. I believe that, historically, there has never been a President that hasn't won their home state. I may be wrong. But I don't think so. Trivia like that I would have grabbed and memorized long ago.

However, those 25 Electoral votes from Tennesee would have given him the election.

Tenneessee is as much Gore's home state as CT is Bush's home state.
He would have won Florida had Jeb let them count all the votes.

Or had he fought to get them counted.

Kerry came back four years later and promised Floridians, especially black Floridians, that he would not abandon them as Gore had done.
Or had he fought to get them counted.

Kerry came back four years later and promised Floridians, especially black Floridians, that he would not abandon them as Gore had done.

He fought to get them counted... Hell they went to the supreme court! Where else is there to go. Remember how the conservatives attacked him for running to the courts?
Did Bush win Connecticut? Because I am quite sure Gore won Washington, D.C.!
I don't know, he was Governor of Texas, he got that surge and won the state he was "from".

Just like a person born in Chicago living in NY, is "from" NY.

Call it the "home" state, the place where they live.
Tenneessee is as much Gore's home state as CT is Bush's home state.
Right, he was Senator there. It is about the same as Bush and Texas.

I've looked through as many as I can, and so far I have not found even one President that didn't win their home state.

And yes, I say "home" as in where they lived when they got into that political spotlight.
Right, he was Senator there. It is about the same as Bush and Texas.

I've looked through as many as I can, and so far I have not found even one President that didn't win their home state.

And yes, I say "home" as in where they lived when they got into that political spotlight.

I think if you look into it Gore lived in Washington, D.C. longer than TN. He even when to High School in D.C.!
I think if you look into it Gore lived in Washington, D.C. longer than TN. He even when to High School in D.C.!
He was elected Senator of where? Jarod, you are being disingenuous here.

Where did he live, where was he "from" when he entered National-level politics, or Executive of a State?
He was elected Senator of where? Jarod, you are being disingenuous here.

Where did he live, where was he "from" when he entered National-level politics, or Executive of a State?

He grew up in D.C. I agree he was elected senator from TN, but he is about as from TN as Senator Clinton is from New York.
He grew up in D.C. I agree he was elected senator from TN, but he is about as from TN as Senator Clinton is from New York.
Yet when she runs, she'll be from NY.

It is her "home" state that matters here, not where they were born, etc. Although sometimes one can actually take both of those.

He was Tennessee's Senator, it was those people who basically took the election from him. Had he been able to carry his "home" state he'd have simply won. No argument on recounts, no silly chads. None of that would have ever mattered.
Yet when she runs, she'll be from NY.

It is her "home" state that matters here, not where they were born, etc. Although sometimes one can actually take both of those.

He was Tennessee's Senator, it was those people who basically took the election from him. Had he been able to carry his "home" state he'd have simply won. No argument on recounts, no silly chads. None of that would have ever mattered.

True, and had Bush won CT, none of it would have mattered !

To me that is trivial, there are thousands of things that, had they happened the other things would not have mattered. As a matter of principal and law, to me at least, I belive all votes should be counted. It does not matter to me much what the people of a backward state where the guy happened to be born think or how they vote!
He fought to get them counted... Hell they went to the supreme court! Where else is there to go. Remember how the conservatives attacked him for running to the courts?

Remeber these "concerned citizens" who fought and pushed their way into the vote counting headquarters ...


This is who they were ..

1. Tom Pyle, policy analyst, office of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).

2. Garry Malphrus, majority chief counsel and staff director, House Judiciary subcommittee on criminal justice.

3. Rory Cooper, political division staff member at the National Republican Congressional Committee.

4. Kevin Smith, former House Republican conference analyst and more recently of Voter.com.

5. Steven Brophy, former aide to Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-Tenn.), now working at the consulting firm KPMG.

6. Matt Schlapp, former chief of staff for Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), now on the Bush campaign staff in Austin.

7. Roger Morse, aide to Rep. Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.).

8. Duane Gibson, aide to Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska) of the House Resources Committee.

9. Chuck Royal, legislative assistant to Rep. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).

10. Layna McConkey, former legislative assistant to former Rep. Jim Ross Lightfoot (R-Iowa), now at Steelman Health Strategies.

They bullied their way in and democrats did nothing about it. Had they been black, SWAT would have been called in. They criminally interfered with a federal election, but Gore stood mute as they shut down the recount.

All the independant evidence has since shown that had that recount went forward it would have shown that Gore won Florida .. AND, Gore's failure to ask for and demand a manual recount was another huge pussyfied mistake.

Judge N. Sanders Sauls of Leon County Circuit Court, who, in dismissing Mr. Gore's lawsuit contesting Florida's certified results, faulted Mr. Gore's lawyers for not seeking a statewide manual recount. To properly contest a statewide election, he ruled, Mr. Gore was obligated to ask for ''a review and recount of all ballots in all the counties in this state.''
http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpa...ce/Times Topics/Organizations/S/Supreme Court

Additionally, black voters came out and voted for him in record numbers, even higher that the numbers for Clinton, yet Gore did not even mention the irregularities and outright suppression of the black vote in Florida until December 5 in response to a question. Since the day after the election, black voters were furious over serious allegations in black precincts: intimidating police roadblocks; voters denied ballots; voters wrongfully purged from voting rolls; Haitian immigrants denied translators and voters wrongly told polls were closed. But for nearly a month, the Gore campaign offered not even a token word of concern.

After losing and Bush being decalred the winner, Gore offered this pitiful response, ""I do have one regret .. that I didn't get the chance to stay and fight ... especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removed, especially those who feel their voices have not been heard,"

During the lead up to the election Gore ignored blacks and labor on advice to his handlers. They targeted the swing voters and didn't want to be seen as too close to either.

Additionally, Gore ran away from Clinton, which was another in a long line of monumental mistakes.

During the election Gore became a suburban metrosexual devoid of courage and fight. He even needed handlers to tell him what to wear.
True, and had Bush won CT, none of it would have mattered !

To me that is trivial, there are thousands of things that, had they happened the other things would not have mattered. As a matter of principal and law, to me at least, I belive all votes should be counted. It does not matter to me much what the people of a backward state where the guy happened to be born think or how they vote!
However, Bush's home state, where he gained political prominence was where?

You keep missing the point. Had he been able to convince the people who voted him in as Senator and then twice again as VP to vote for him, there would have been no argument about who won. It is telling that the people who voted for him again and again refused to again vote for him. Those who knew him best.

Pretending that it is not significant to talk about his home state not voting for him, is pretense only. No President that I have found has ever won without gaining the vote of their home state. None of them.
However, Bush's home state, where he gained political prominence was where?

You keep missing the point. Had he been able to convince the people who voted him in as Senator and then twice again as VP to vote for him, there would have been no argument about who won. It is telling that the people who voted for him again and again refused to again vote for him. Those who knew him best.

Pretending that it is not significant to talk about his home state not voting for him, is pretense only. No President that I have found has ever won without gaining the vote of their home state. None of them.

I dont care about home state voters voting for or not voting for a canidate, to me its about as signifigant as if you would like to have a beer with the person. In todays age, I do not belive those in his home state know a national figure such as Gore any better or worse than the rest of us. Especally because he had spent the last 8 years in one of the only two nationally elected offices in the Country!

Tenneessee is a conservative southern state... Gore is a liberal national polititian, to me loosing TN should be expected, dispite what history tells us. Conservative people should not vote for a liberal just because he was born close to where they live and visa versa.
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