Hillary won't get the nomination

Unlike Gore, Bush I didn't get a plurality of votes and lose.

People should vote for president, not states. You shouldn't give the majority in a state the ability to cast the votes of the minority in the state.

Yes... in most states, that is EXACTLY what we do. Some states do not do so, but most award all electoral votes to the winner of that state.

But like I said, if you want to start a sweeping change, if you think Dems really want to see a popluar vote because Gore lost, then please.... start with CA and NY... get those two Dem states to switch over to a proportional electoral distribution.
You are 100% correct. The rules of the game have changed. Romney wouldn't win Mass., either if he got the GOP nomination. But, nobody is talking about Rudy or Romney not being able to win their homestates, as being a non-starter as far as getting nominated.

The electoral map, and the polarization of the country is different than 30 years ago, as you pointed out. Gore could have spent money and time trying to win tennessee. But, florida was the prize.

And if all the ballots had been counted in florida, and if Nader weren't in the race, Gore would have, at a minimum, won Florida and new Hamphire. Putting him close to 300 Electoral College votes; Bush would have had around 245 EC votes. Not exactly a blowout, but a comfortable margin of victory for Gore in the EC.

Clinton/Gore won Tennessee in 1992 and 1996. Why should Gore expect that he all of a sudden can't win his home state in 2000? If Gore won Tennessee Florida would not have mattered.

As an aside Rudy has never won anything for the state of New York. He has only been elected by New York City but never in a statewide election.


Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?
Had Jesus came down and used divine intervention Gore would have won.

Gore lost because of Gore .. it's just as simple as that.

You're free to blame Gore. The fact is he WON.

Democratic candidates on a national ticket, automatically start three or four million votes in the hole, behind the republican candidate because of voter caging, voter suppression, and voter registration obstacles. Who bears primary responsibility for that? Dems, or repubs?


Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?

As has been pointed out .. Guillani has never won state election in NY.

Nor has Kucinich.

And if Romney loses a close electioon and doesn't win Mass. .. people will critcize his ass as well because he couldn't win his own state.
Hell, I blame the Republican party for Bush, they are the ones who nominated him!


Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?

Rudy was never elected in a statewide N.Y. race and neither was Kuchinich so that is not apples to apples.

Romney remains to be seen.

After being elected Senator in Tennessee and then winning Tennessee in 1992 and 1996 why do you believe it was unrealistic for Gore to win Tennessee again in 2000?
As has been pointed out .. Guillani has never won state election in NY.

Nor has Kucinich.

Damo did not say it was about haveing previously won a national campaign, he said its about your home state! And Mitt Romney was governor of Mass., of corse his positions were very different then!
Rudy was never elected in a statewide N.Y. race and neither was Kuchinich so that is not apples to apples.

Romney remains to be seen.

After being elected Senator in Tennessee and then winning Tennessee in 1992 and 1996 why do you believe it was unrealistic for Gore to win Tennessee again in 2000?

I never said it was unrealistic, I just dont see how its any more signifigant than any other state. Just because the dude was born there does not make that state "should win" in any national election.
Damo did not say it was about haveing previously won a national campaign, he said its about your home state! And Mitt Romney was governor of Mass., of corse his positions were very different then!

We won't know if Romney will win his home state unless he is the Republican nominee. Not sure what you are arguing about him.
As has been pointed out .. Guillani has never won state election in NY.

Nor has Kucinich.

And if Romney loses a close electioon and doesn't win Mass. .. people will critcize his ass as well because he couldn't win his own state.

Like Darla said, the rules have changed.

No one expects Romney to win Mass. if he's the candidate. At best, the GOP hopes he would cause the Dems to spend more money in new england, than they otherwise would.

The electoral stragegy these days is to hold your base (for the republicans, the South), and to fight over a few key midwestern battleground states.
I never said it was unrealistic, I just dont see how its any more signifigant than any other state. Just because the dude was born there does not make that state "should win" in any national election.

Dude, are trying not to get it? Your being disingenious now.
You're free to blame Gore. The fact is he WON.

No he didn't because he's not the President

Democratic candidates on a national ticket, automatically start three or four million votes in the hole, behind the republican candidate because of voter caging, voter suppression, and voter registration obstacles. Who bears primary responsibility for that? Dems, or repubs?

It is absolutely the fault of DEMOCRATS who are too fucking cowardly to step up and challenge these frauds even when the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces

Republicans would have NEVER allowed democrats to be the sole proprietor of the vote .. NEVER.

The fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven for at least 4 years, yet here we go into another election cycle and democrats have dome little to nothing to prevent it happening again.
Like Darla said, the rules have changed.

No one expects Romney to win Mass. if he's the candidate. At best, the GOP hopes he would cause the Dems to spend more money in new england, than they otherwise would.

The electoral stragegy these days is to hold your base (for the republicans, the South), and to fight over a few key midwestern battleground states.

The rules have changed? So even though Clinton/Gore won Tennessee in 1992 and 1996 he should have just written it off in 2000?


Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?

No to all three. Which is a part of the reason that none of the three will likely win the Presidency.
No he didn't because he's not the President

It is absolutely the fault of DEMOCRATS who are too fucking cowardly to step up and challenge these frauds even when the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces

Republicans would have NEVER allowed democrats to be the sole proprietor of the vote .. NEVER.

The fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven for at least 4 years, yet here we go into another election cycle and democrats have dome little to nothing to prevent it happening again.

TYPICAL Republican blame the victim attitude!


Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?

I'm not even sure Edwards could win north carolina (although, maybe he could). But, I still think he could win a national election, and possbily be the Democrats strongest candidate. The home state thing just isn't as relevant anymore.
Like Darla said, the rules have changed.

No one expects Romney to win Mass. if he's the candidate. At best, the GOP hopes he would cause the Dems to spend more money in new england, than they otherwise would.

The electoral stragegy these days is to hold your base (for the republicans, the South), and to fight over a few key midwestern battleground states.

Irrespective of changing rules, Gore lost his election with a host of miserable failures. It is not intellectually honest to keep blaming democratic failures on republicans, independents, Greens, nader, and martians.

Gore lost because of Gore.
Yes... in most states, that is EXACTLY what we do. Some states do not do so, but most award all electoral votes to the winner of that state.

But like I said, if you want to start a sweeping change, if you think Dems really want to see a popluar vote because Gore lost, then please.... start with CA and NY... get those two Dem states to switch over to a proportional electoral distribution.

I'd rather ammend the constituion.