Hillary won't get the nomination

I doubt you will ever convince the country to amend the constitution if you cannot even get a few of the larger states on board with the concept.

The reason we should not give the majority in a state the ability to cast the minorities vote is because once one state starts doing it, every state must or else their vote will be diluted. That's why it's all or none. We can get those big democratic states on board, superfreak. For a constitutional ammendment, that is.

The electoral college has NEVER made America a better place.

Jarod, that is an excellent point!

Actually, it was a very piss poor point.

Gore was elected Senator in Tennessee. As was his father. They represented Tennessee, NOT DC. Clinton/Gore carried the state in 92 and 96.... yet Gore could not carry it.

Bush was elected by the people of Texas to be their governor... not CT.
Forget blame .. what lessons were learned from 2000?

One should have been weakness doesn't work

Another SHOULD have been protect the integrity of the vote

Democrats haven't learned either lesson and you cannot continue to blame republicans for democratic weakness.

But you can blame Republicans for what they have done with that weakness. You can blame them for supporting Bush. You can blame them for allowing Bush to run ramshakle over the constitution and our military history.
I disagree. One good terror scare, and there will be plenty of them, and Americans are going run to the polls to vote for daddy, no matter what they tell the pollsters. And the republicans are going to put up a daddy.
Do you really think it would work this way?
No he didn't because he's not the President

It is absolutely the fault of DEMOCRATS who are too fucking cowardly to step up and challenge these frauds even when the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces

Republicans would have NEVER allowed democrats to be the sole proprietor of the vote .. NEVER.

The fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven for at least 4 years, yet here we go into another election cycle and democrats have dome little to nothing to prevent it happening again.

Republicans had no intention, and this is on record, of allowing Al gore the presidency were he to lose the popular vote and win the electoral vote, which they had polling showing as a possible outcome.

What republicans would do is not always the best standards.
What you're doing is blaming the democrats for being wimps. Which I tend to agree with.

Hopefully, you aren't blaming them for doing most of the actual dirty deeds: voter caging, voter suppression, and dirty tricks. In my view, its the republicans mostly doing that.

I agree with you brother .. however I am most certainly, most emphatically, blaming the democrats for doing little to nothing about it.

I fought the Democratic Party in Georgia on the issue of electronic voting. They didn't want to do anything about it because it was a democratic Secretary of State who brought this fraud into the state and she was going to run for goivernor the next election cycle. .. She lost and she lost because voters remembered her capitulation to evil.

I had to get a REPUBLICAN to back my legislation to ensure integrity in the vote which was harming DEMOCRATS.

Five minutes after electronic voting was introduced in Georgia, a republican governor was "elected" for the first time in 136 years and two republicans Senators were "elected" which has never happened in Georgia history.

Stupid is just plain stupid.
Actually, it was a very piss poor point.

Gore was elected Senator in Tennessee. As was his father. They represented Tennessee, NOT DC. Clinton/Gore carried the state in 92 and 96.... yet Gore could not carry it.

Bush was elected by the people of Texas to be their governor... not CT.

SF, traveling back in history to try to draw analogies to today is foolish. The country is different than 20, or even ten years ago.

Ronald Reagan won four statewide elections, at a minimum, in california going into the 1980s. He would get totally blown out today, by barbara boxer or any other competent Dem.

So, pointing to Gore's senate victories in tennesse, is just poppycock. As Darla said, it a republican talking point to avoid the topic of the theft of the election, and the absolute and unmitigated harm caused to the country by a guy you voted for twice.
The reason we should not give the majority in a state the ability to cast the minorities vote is because once one state starts doing it, every state must or else their vote will be diluted. That's why it's all or none. We can get those big democratic states on board, superfreak. For a constitutional ammendment, that is.

The electoral college has NEVER made America a better place.

Then tell me Water... why do some states do it already?
Do you really think it would work this way?

I belive for a certian element it does work this way, my sisters both admit they voted for Bush twice because they felt he was more able to protect us. When asked why they felt he was better able to protect us they said he appeared tough and strong. They said he engendered in them a sence of comfort and safety.
Irrespective of changing rules, Gore lost his election with a host of miserable failures. It is not intellectually honest to keep blaming democratic failures on republicans, independents, Greens, nader, and martians.

Gore lost because of Gore.

I've never denied that Democrats have made plenty of mistakes including Gore.

But when someone breaks the law and steals something? Hey, call me old-fashioned, but you better believe they are getting their share of the blame.
Would Bill win Tennesee today?


Yes, I think Bill could win damn near every state right now. People look at the 90's and say "I want that again"... they would vote for him in a heartbeat. I don't like the guy and I would vote for him over any of the frontrunners in either party.
Republicans had no intention, and this is on record, of allowing Al gore the presidency were he to lose the popular vote and win the electoral vote, which they had polling showing as a possible outcome.

What republicans would do is not always the best standards.

Hundreds of thousands of innocent people are dead

Tens of thousands of our own soldiers are dead or wounded

America has lost it's image, stature, respect, influence, and power all over the world

Cowardice is never the answer. If democrats do not have the courage to lead, which they continue to prove over and over again, why are you voting for them?
LOL!!!!!!!! Someone calling Blackascoal a Republican!?!?!? Oh man, that might be the funniest thing I have ever read on this board.

I think he is pretty clear on where he stands politically and a Republican he is not.

I'll tell you what's funnier - yourself, superfreak and Damo hiding behind bac's skirts, because he is blaming gore which is who you want to blame.

without any of you ever daring to squeak a word when he mentions that the 2000 election was stolen.

Cause it was. Now here is the split:

I know it was stolen, and I put 3/4 of the blame on the actual thieves.
Bac knows it was stolen and puts the entire blame on the person who was robbed
You, SF and Damo, desperately try to blame Gore because you would rather die than admit george w bush was never a legitimate president and will go down in history that way.
I've never denied that Democrats have made plenty of mistakes including Gore.

But when someone breaks the law and steals something? Hey, call me old-fashioned, but you better believe they are getting their share of the blame.

If the same person keeps coming back and stealing your purse over and over again, you better believe that you deserve part of the blame for not doing something about it.
I've never denied that Democrats have made plenty of mistakes including Gore.

But when someone breaks the law and steals something? Hey, call me old-fashioned, but you better believe they are getting their share of the blame.

I don't think anyone would argue that there is blame to go around. But the original premise that it the Nader voters wasted their votes was idiotic. They voted for whom they thought was the best candidate... and that is their right.
I agree that Americans are the scariest people on the planet, but I do not agree that a terropr scare will send them running to "daddy" this election.

What about an actual attack?

Because if we bomb Iran, and we're going to, the machine might not even have to invent an attack. There might be a real one.
If the same person keeps coming back and stealing your purse over and over again, you better believe that you deserve part of the blame for not doing something about it.

I agree. Gore does share some of the blame.

I have never said he didn't, but I don't put the whole blame on him.

I hope you don't mind my arguing with you! I love to argue with a leftist, while having two or three conservatives on me at the same time, it's the most exhilarating debating I've ever done. :)

And we do disagree here.