Hillary won't get the nomination



Do you belive Rudy Gulianni would win NY if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Mitt Romney would win Mass if he is the Republican nominee?
Do you belive Dennis Kuchennich would win Ohio were he the Democratic nominee?
I believe that if they didn't they would lose the election.

I already answered this before.
Irrespective of changing rules, Gore lost his election with a host of miserable failures. It is not intellectually honest to keep blaming democratic failures on republicans, independents, Greens, nader, and martians.

Gore lost because of Gore.

And even worse, the Republicans won in 2000, because of the Republicans!
The rules have changed? So even though Clinton/Gore won Tennessee in 1992 and 1996 he should have just written it off in 2000?

Um, cawacko: things have changed in the last ten years.

its called the "fuck the south" strategy. The south became so deep red, that Dems like Gore wrote it off - except for flordia.

Same for repubs: they have a "fuck the northeast and west coast" stragegy.

Were you aware that republican candidates used to routinely win in states like New Jersey, New Hampshire, Maine and California? They practically don't even bother with those states anymore.
Typical democratic cowardice.

I'm a long ass way from being a republican. I'm to the left of you.

I did not say you were, I merely said you are displaying a typical Republican attitude.

Its the rape victims fault because she did not go to the police afterward?
Does that make them all bad campaigners?
If they were running against somebody that couldn't speak clearly or come up with a strong argument on the fly, whose only success was winning the Governorship of their state.

Yes, I would say they were running a pretty crappy election in order to lose. That and that they weren't strong candidates to begin with.
Americans are ready to elect a woman president and are ready to see a black VP. In fact, at this time in history the woman running for president, Clinton, and the black person she's likely to select, Obama, make an almost unbeatable team.

I disagree. One good terror scare, and there will be plenty of them, and Americans are going run to the polls to vote for daddy, no matter what they tell the pollsters. And the republicans are going to put up a daddy.
If they were running against somebody that couldn't speak clearly or come up with a strong argument on the fly, whose only success was winning the Governorship of their state.

Yes, I would say they were running a pretty crappy election in order to lose. That and that they weren't strong candidates to begin with.

Pittafull, you are turning a blind eye to the fact that Gulianni could not win NY if he were running against a turnip!
TYPICAL Republican blame the victim attitude!

LOL!!!!!!!! Someone calling Blackascoal a Republican!?!?!? Oh man, that might be the funniest thing I have ever read on this board.

I think he is pretty clear on where he stands politically and a Republican he is not.
I disagree. One good terror scare, and there will be plenty of them, and Americans are going run to the polls to vote for daddy, no matter what they tell the pollsters. And the republicans are going to put up a daddy.

I agree that Americans are the scariest people on the planet, but I do not agree that a terropr scare will send them running to "daddy" this election.
LOL!!!!!!!! Someone calling Blackascoal a Republican!?!?!? Oh man, that might be the funniest thing I have ever read on this board.

I think he is pretty clear on where he stands politically and a Republican he is not.

Not unless republicans are courting socialists now. :)
Gore won a seat to the Senate, a statewide race in Tennessee. Why would it be unexpected of him to win in the same state that elected him to the Senate?

There was an impeachment in 98. The republican attack machine all throughout the 90's that lead up to it.

Those events polarized this country bac, and it has remained so since. That is why Gore could not win Tennesse, nor could have Clinton were he running again. NOw, I don't expect Damo to admit this, because to do so he would have to admit what the Republican party became in the 90's (really in the 80's) and he's not going to do that, but can you tell me that you dismiss this?
No he didn't because he's not the President

It is absolutely the fault of DEMOCRATS who are too fucking cowardly to step up and challenge these frauds even when the evidence is right in front of their fucking faces

Republicans would have NEVER allowed democrats to be the sole proprietor of the vote .. NEVER.

The fraud of electronic voting has been conclusively proven for at least 4 years, yet here we go into another election cycle and democrats have dome little to nothing to prevent it happening again.

What you're doing is blaming the democrats for being wimps. Which I tend to agree with.

Hopefully, you aren't blaming them for doing most of the actual dirty deeds: voter caging, voter suppression, and dirty tricks. In my view, its the republicans mostly doing that.
So who do we blame for this, I belive it should be the Republicans!

Forget blame .. what lessons were learned from 2000?

One should have been weakness doesn't work

Another SHOULD have been protect the integrity of the vote

Democrats haven't learned either lesson and you cannot continue to blame republicans for democratic weakness.
I intend no disrespect, but you are in denial.

Gore lost because of Gore, no one else. He didn't fight and his strategy was stupid. He choose the worst possible running mate in the entire Senate. He ran away from the success of Clinton, which Damo correctly pointed out, voters from Tennessee voted for twice.

Joe Lieberman was not an issue in 2000 to anyone other than a handful of leftist activists.

Gore did make a big mistake in caving into the noise and running away from Bill Clinton. And yet, he still won the election.

The election was stolen. You know who I blame for that? The people who stole it. Oh, and also, the idiots, some right here on this board, who still deny it was stolen. But that is retroactive blame.