Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

There's an FBI agent who hoarded classified documents like Trump — and she's going to prison

"A former FBI intelligence analyst from Dodge City, Kansas, who kept hundreds of classified documents at her home, including in her bathroom, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison by a federal judge in Kansas City on Wednesday for violating the same part of the Espionage Act that former President Donald Trump is accused of breaking," reported Jonathan Shorman.

'I cannot fathom why you would jeopardize our nation by leaving these types of documents in your bathtub,' [U.S. District Court Judge Stephen] Bough said," the report continued. "Bough, ordered the former analyst, Kendra Kingsbury, to spend three years and 10 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. He ordered her to surrender to federal authorities to begin her prison sentence on July 21.

According to prosecutors, Kingsbury's home stash of both papers and CDs included national security secrets, including information about al-Qaeda associates in Africa, as well as information about open FBI investigations.

This case is remarkably similar to that against Trump, who is accused of storing highly classified national defense information, including attack plans against Iran, in boxes left in unsecured rooms at his country club, at various points in a ballroom, and a bathroom. Trump is further accused of having his personal valet and body man, Walt Nauta, move the boxes around to conceal them after government subpoenas, and even from his own attorneys. Nauta has also been charged in the case.

The FBI agent had no authorization to view or retain documents. Trump does.
You seem to forget that Trump was President of the United States, while the FBI agent (or anyone else you can name like this) never was.
Why not?

At every stage the law has given Trump more deference and better treatment than any other person on the planet would have got.
Persecution and frivolous indictments is not the law.
You are not refusing to give back government docs for 18 months when asked, and subpoena's all the while being given a pass if yo ujust return them.
Trump doesn't have to give back anything. The DoJ has no authority to subpoena. Trump has all the authorization he needs to retain any document he wishes.
They would march your ass in to holding cell, and do the full mug shot etc, same day, and likely hold you to trial.
Not a crime.
It is the one area i absolutely disagree with Merrick Garland and think he should shut up with the 'law acts without fear and favor' as Trump has got 'fear and favor' all the way thru.
Persecution and frivolous indictments is not the law.
What does 'they never bring their own' mean?
It means what it says. Learn English.
It is normal for an incoming POTUS to fire all the US Attorneys and appoint their own.
No, it isn't.
Biden left Trumps in place who was investigating his son.
By hiding evidence? Sorry dude. It's getting out anyway.
Trump also commits crime after crime and gets deference no one else would get.
Trump has committed no crime.
lots of bullshit you got, but few facts. Trump stole documents, he refused to return them, he tried hiding them and then lying about them and to top it off he showed top secret docs to his friends.

Trump didn't steal anything.
Trump doesn't have to return anything.
Trump didn't hide anything.
Trump didn't show secret anything to friends.

Your hallucinations are getting worse. They come from the Democrat pill you took.
Yes, because he returned them as soon as they were discovered. Trump did not, and that is his downfall.

Retaining documents for YEARS is not returning them as soon as they discovered. Biden got caught.
Biden had NO authorization to retain or view ANY of those documents. Biden broke espionage law.

Trump does not have to return any documents. Not a downfall. Not a crime.
There have been more than a few others who had them accidentally, and returned them right away. No harm, no foul.Its those like trump who refuse to return classified docs, who wind up indicted. Its all Trumps fault.

You have brought up a few others. There is no 'accidentally'. They had no authorization to retain them. That is in violation of Title 18.
Trump does not have to return any documents or even declassify them. He is authorized to retain any document he wishes.

You are STILL trying to equivocate the President with non-Presidents.
It is more common than not, for the obstruction to be charged, even when the underlying offense would not have been.

The 'cover up is worse than the crime' is a long term saying for a reason.

Trump did not get a single charge regarding any of the documents he had and horded that he gave back prior to the FBI search and seizure after the subpoena and sworn out statement lies. Trump made it clear to DoJ with that sworn our affidavit that he was done cooperating and they would not get anything more unless they could take it. And that is what they then did.

So yes, Trump got a pass, Pence got a pass and Biden got a pass all for giving stuff back voluntarily when asked. Perfectly consistent.

Trump did not get a pass when he obstructed and lied under oath and gave the DoJ the middle finger forcing them to take action to get them back. Pence and Biden never did that. So again perfectly consistent.

Trump does not have to return anything.
The DoJ does not have subpoena authority.
Trump committed no crime.

Pence got a pass for an unconstitutional act, which was choosing electors for a State. He had no authority to do that.

Biden did NOT give stuff back voluntarily. He was caught with documents he was never authorized to view or retain. He retained them for YEARS until he was caught.
...and Biden got a pass for it.

Trump has obstructed nothing. He has not lied under oath. He has all the authority he needs to give the DoJ the middle finger. Trump does not have to give any documents back.

Biden and Pence broke the law and were never prosecuted for it.
Trump did NOT break any law and he is being persecuted for it time and time again by Democrats filing frivolous indictments. They have been persecuting Trump for EIGHT YEARS and you twits have NOTHING to show for it.
(1) An FBI agent is not a President. Authority over Executive Branch documents is vested in a President, not an FBI agent or an agency beneath the President. She illegally possessed classified documents; Trump legally possessed declassified documents.
Trump legally possessed classified documents as well. He doesn't have to declassify any document he retains.
(2) Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence all illegally possessed classified documents... buuuuuut NONE of them are going to prison...... hmmmmmmmm....... Two tiers of justice, much?
Exactly. Floridafan is desperately trying to equivocate the President with a non-President.
Hollywood lawyer paid off over $2M of Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes

A prominent Hollywood lawyer helped Hunter Biden pay off his $2 million tax bill, the NYT reports

Wealthy entertainment attorney Kevin Morris — who once negotiated a reported $550 million landmark licensing deal for the creators of the hit animated show "South Park" — has been financially supporting Biden, according to the Times.

Morris loaned Hunter Biden more than $2 million, which the president's son used to support his family and pay back delinquent taxes amid a federal investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the newspaper reported, citing four anonymous people familiar with the matter.


Dismissal from military service is the officer equivalent of NJP (Non-Judicial Punishment, a misdemeanor in the military) and getting an other than honorable discharge for enlisted. Bagman was dismissed for using illegal drugs, a crime in the military. I never said it was a felony, only that he had a prior criminal conviction for drug use and that is dismissal from military service. And, yes, that was a criminal act he committed to be tossed out of the military.

These guys are real models of honor, eh? :rolleyes:
Didn't i tell you to get someone with at least a Grade 3 education ...
Great. So your king is tipped. Game over.


Let me know when you want to play again. As a side note, if the topic is "classified information" or "how the government operates," you can always ask me before you post. I'll save you a lot of embarrassment and wasted time.
You complain about uneducated lefties while proving you are an uneducated righty who only understands part 1 of the law.
There is no 'part 1 of the law'. You are AGAIN ignoring the PRA and the Constitution of the United States.
While yes the POTUS is the ultimate classification and declassification authority when it comes to Executive branch documents, that still exists within a NECESSARY process.
No 'process' required. Trump does not even need to declassify documents to retain them. He has all the authority he needs to retain classified documents and DOESN'T NEED TO DECLASSIFY THEM.
What that means is NO ONE can stop the POTUS from doing:

- Step 1 - choosing a doc to declassify
- Step 2 - then ordering the process to be completed so that the doc will IN FACT become declassified
No 'process' required. Indeed, no declassification required.
That is the POTUS full right and no one can stop him doing that. it is a power no one can contest.
Straw man fallacy.
But as Trump's own WH lawyers and Mark Meadows himself argued on behalf of Trump, who sent them in to court in the only 3 precedent cases, if Step 2 is not done, then nothing is declassified.
Straw man fallacy. Trump does not need to declassify any document he retains.
In all three cases below Trump used his Step 1 power and gave verbal announcement (on Tv news) or written announcement (Twitter official POTUS writing) that certain doc's were declassified. POTUS flexed his Step 1 power and no one could counter that. But then when the Media said 'awesome, here is a FOIA request... we want those documents', and Trump and his WH Counsel and Mark Meadows did not want to hand them over they went to court and argued successfully that since Step 2 was not followed thru on and done, then Step 1 is meaningless. Nothing was in FACT declassified.
So what? Trump doesn't need to declassify documents to retain them.
So ya, before lecturing others about being uneducated you should seriously educate yourself.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself. It is YOU ignoring the PRA and the Constitution of the United States.
the problem you have is your are wrong.
The Constitution of the United States, which you ignore, is not wrong. The PRA, which you ignore, is not wrong (for all portions that conform to the Constitution).
Trump DID NOT legally possess declassified documents as they were not declassified.
Trump legally possesses both classified and unclassified documents. It is lawful for him to do so.
He also did not legally possess the gov't doc's which do not require any classification for them to be illegal for him to have and keep.
Trump does not have to declassify a document to retain that document. He is authorized to retain any document he wishes.
So apply the proper facts and see if you can still find a double standard and you will see you cannot.
You are IGNORING certain facts. The Constitution of the United States authorizes Trump to retain any document he wishes, even classified ones. He does NOT have to declassify them.
Trump did not receive any charges for the dozens of boxes he gave back when asked, just as Pence and Biden did not. Had that have been all the documents it would have been case closed with the same outcome for all three.
Trump does not have to return anything.
Pence and Biden NEVER had authorization to retain any classified documents. Trump does.
Trump went on to a unique step Pence and Biden did not.
Yes. Trump was President of the United States.
He lied under oath,
He never did. Hallucination.
obstructed justice
He never did. Hallucination.
and tried to steal documents.
He never stole anything. Hallucination.
That is what drew charges.
A frivolous indictment is not only illegal, it has consequences for bringing them.
it would make no sense to charge Pence and Biden with that as they did not do that.
They DID.
... and the rule of law (Constitution) says that the President is the top executive. Not the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NARA, or any other alphabet soup.

He may be the chief executive, but Congress has passed laws that we all must live by, even Trump.Those laws deal with how classified documents are handled, and they are not allowed to be taken home and shown off to friends.
The FBI agent had no authorization to view or retain documents. Trump does.
You seem to forget that Trump was President of the United States, while the FBI agent (or anyone else you can name like this) never was.

Trump has zero right to retain docs, and that's why he has been indicted.