Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

You mean the 13 million who got back their jobs they lost during the pandemic Hoax finally. Sad that this is where we are at.

Floridafan is making up numbers again...an argument from randU fallacy.

Many businesses were DESTROYED during the pandemic Hoax. They are NOT coming back. Many people went on permanent welfare. Business are opening, but they can't get any workers because they would rather be on welfare.

The POTUS has the power as part of a PROCESS.

Meaning no one but him can use the PROCESS to unilaterally decide to classify or declassify but it only happens WITHIN the process. In this case a 2 Step process.

You do understand that you can be given a power that requires you act within a process right?

Trump and his WH lawyers and Mark Meadows went to court to make clear what that process was when Trump prior used his Step 1 power and either stated on the News (verbal) or wrote in Twitter (official gov't writing) that certain documents were declassified.

By your standard that is done. Trump has that power and he said it or wrote it so it is done. That is what the media argued too in court when they then filed FOIA requests to get the declassified doc's.

But Trump and his WH lawyers and Mark Meadows went in to court 3 times and said, NOPE. Sorry, media but Trump just doing Part 1 and stating or writing they are declassified is not enough. They argued HE MUST ALSO follow thru with Step 2 and demand the relevant committees take the steps to actually declassify them. They argued in none of these 3 instances did Trump follow with Step 2 and thus NOTHING got declassified.

The Judge agree and the Trump team won in all 3 cases.

- James Madison Project v. U.S. Dep't of Justice
- LEOPOLD et al v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE et al, No. 1:2019cv01278 - Document 86 (D.D.C. 2020)
- The New York Times, et al., v. Central Intelligence Agency

So your position is not arguing with me, and is arguing with the rare Trump court case wins.

Trump PROVED in court, when it had not been tested prior, that the declassification process DOES NOT happen unless Step 2 is ordered and completed.

No 'process' needed. Trump has all the authority he needs to retain any document he wishes, including classified ones.
And re the above.

Under the Espionage Act the documents do not have to be classified to be illegal to have. They just need to be gov't documents. You know what classified documents become once declassified. They simply become gov't doc's.

It is still illegal for Trump, an ex gov't official (POTUS) to have them.

The Espionage Act does not apply here. It is legal for Trump to have them.